Still No Evidence Against Trump...But There Is Against Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

"To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable".

Zero evidence, and the Indictnents against Manafort equate to a tax fraud xase, nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump Collusion...

Billary Clinton and the case that can be made against her, however, is something different altogether:

"Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidenceappears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."


Your repeated NaziCon lies are hilarious!
Mueller's whole special counsel is 'illegal'.
By law, Special counsels xan investigate CRIMES - ONLY crimes...and in regards to Trump and collusion NO CRIME HAS EVER BEEN PROVEN:

"Robert Mueller

The indictments of Manafort and Gates now present a unique opportunity to challenge the authority of the special counsel.

Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue in court that the appointment of Mueller was illegal. The criminal charges change all that.

The two defendants will be able to argue before a judge that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein violated the special counsel law.

As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law."
Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

"To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable".

Zero evidence, and the Indictnents against Manafort equate to a tax fraud xase, nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump Collusion...

Billary Clinton and the case that can be made against her, however, is something different altogether:

"Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidenceappears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
Gregg Jarrett: Still no evidence of Trump-Russia 'collusion' - but Hillary is a different matter

"To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable".

Zero evidence, and the Indictnents against Manafort equate to a tax fraud xase, nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump Collusion...

Billary Clinton and the case that can be made against her, however, is something different altogether:

"Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidenceappears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

Why do you flood the board with ignorance, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories? Don't you care anything about honor and truth?
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Why do you flood the board with ignorance, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories? Don't you care anything about honor and truth?
It is really easy, troll - provide evidence to prove these facts are false ... or just be known as the dumbass who has nothing to offer but lies and opinion.

Much like with Trump, you have no evidence. Your partisan opinion disproves nothing, troll. Go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk.
Why do you flood the board with ignorance, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories? Don't you care anything about honor and truth?
It is really easy, troll - provide evidence to prove these facts are false ... or just be known as the dumbass who has nothing to offer but lies and opinion.

Much like with Trump, you have no evidence. Your partisan opinion disproves nothing, troll. Go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk.

Hilarious! Are you looking in a mirror when you type that projectionist garbage? You just defined yourself.
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Why do you flood the board with ignorance, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories? Don't you care anything about honor and truth?
It is really easy, troll - provide evidence to prove these facts are false ... or just be known as the dumbass who has nothing to offer but lies and opinion.

Much like with Trump, you have no evidence. Your partisan opinion disproves nothing, troll. Go back to the kids' table and let the grown-ups talk.

Hilarious! Are you looking in a mirror when you type that projectionist garbage? You just defined yourself.
Still no evidence, troll....back to the kids-table, little pissant. You just proved yourself a liar.
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Your opinion and lies mean nothing.

The indictments handed down boil down to TAX FRAUD CASES, absolutely nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.
The FACT is Mueller and libs still have NO EVIDENCE of Collusion against Trump. They can't orove a crime was ever committed, which arguably makes Muelkwr's Special Council ILLEGAL because Special Concils are tasked with investigating CRIMES. Democrats, again, never proved one existed.

The same xan mot be said about Hillary - there is actual evidence against her. The former Director of the FBI even stated she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them (a lie on Comey's part).
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Your opinion and lies mean nothing.

The indictments handed down boil down to TAX FRAUD CASES, absolutely nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.
The FACT is Mueller and libs still have NO EVIDENCE of Collusion against Trump. They can't orove a crime was ever committed, which arguably makes Muelkwr's Special Council ILLEGAL because Special Concils are tasked with investigating CRIMES. Democrats, again, never proved one existed.

The same xan mot be said about Hillary - there is actual evidence against her. The former Director of the FBI even stated she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them (a lie on Comey's part).
Go to bed. Your keyboard is obviously exhausted.
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Your opinion and lies mean nothing.

The indictments handed down boil down to TAX FRAUD CASES, absolutely nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.
The FACT is Mueller and libs still have NO EVIDENCE of Collusion against Trump. They can't orove a crime was ever committed, which arguably makes Muelkwr's Special Council ILLEGAL because Special Concils are tasked with investigating CRIMES. Democrats, again, never proved one existed.

The same xan mot be said about Hillary - there is actual evidence against her. The former Director of the FBI even stated she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them (a lie on Comey's part).
Go to bed. Your keyboard is obviously exhausted.
Again, you offer nothing of value to the discussion and can not refute the facts presented in this thread. If you could you would have by now instead of continuing to flap your triggered pie hole.
Having Trump minions around is a bit like when your plumber installed the garbage disposal upside down. Whatever you had for dinner the night before keeps backing up into the sink no matter what you do. Not only does it defy logic, it defies gravity.

Is there Fox News Firefox add-on that automatically changes Trump advisors indicted and plead not guilt to Hillary Did It!?
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Your opinion and lies mean nothing.

The indictments handed down boil down to TAX FRAUD CASES, absolutely nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.
The FACT is Mueller and libs still have NO EVIDENCE of Collusion against Trump. They can't orove a crime was ever committed, which arguably makes Muelkwr's Special Council ILLEGAL because Special Concils are tasked with investigating CRIMES. Democrats, again, never proved one existed.

The same xan mot be said about Hillary - there is actual evidence against her. The former Director of the FBI even stated she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them (a lie on Comey's part).
Go to bed. Your keyboard is obviously exhausted.
Again, you offer nothing of value to the discussion and can not refute the facts presented in this thread. If you could you would have by now instead of continuing to flap your triggered pie hole.
On a day when three Trump people have just met the FBI in the very worst way, and two had to surrender to the authorities, exactly how do you think you are doing any good pointing the the finger at Hillary Clinton and saying look, look, that's the real story? If there is a real story it will come out over time but it's not the headline today now is it? That's Trump's former campaign manager and partner plead not guilty to 12 charges from a Grand Jury. Serious shit and it has not a damn thing to do with Clinton.
THIS is called 'Evidence', something Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes know nothing about and STILL have none of against Trump.

THIS evidence is partial evidence against Hillary, evidence snowflakes have yet to ve able to dispute or disprove:

""Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidenceappears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

Actual laws Hillary has broken. Now comes more insults, attacks, and opinions because, again, that is all they have as snowflakes can not disprove any of this.
In other words you had nothing intelligent or factual to respond with so you went with that.... got it. :p
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Your opinion and lies mean nothing.

The indictments handed down boil down to TAX FRAUD CASES, absolutely nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.
The FACT is Mueller and libs still have NO EVIDENCE of Collusion against Trump. They can't orove a crime was ever committed, which arguably makes Muelkwr's Special Council ILLEGAL because Special Concils are tasked with investigating CRIMES. Democrats, again, never proved one existed.

The same xan mot be said about Hillary - there is actual evidence against her. The former Director of the FBI even stated she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them (a lie on Comey's part).
Go to bed. Your keyboard is obviously exhausted.
Again, you offer nothing of value to the discussion and can not refute the facts presented in this thread. If you could you would have by now instead of continuing to flap your triggered pie hole.
On a day when three Trump people have just met the FBI in the very worst way, and two had to surrender to the authorities, exactly how do you think you are doing any good pointing the the finger at Hillary Clinton and saying look, look, that's the real story? If there is a real story it will come out over time but it's not the headline today now is it? That's Trump's former campaign manager and partner plead not guilty to 12 charges from a Grand Jury. Serious shit and it has not a damn thing to do with Clinton.
...and not a damn thing to do with Trump either.

Indictment does not equal guilt, dear.

Also, Mueller just proved he has nothing in Trump. These indictments were his 'Scooter Libby'.
THIS is called 'Evidence', something Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes know nothing about and STILL have none of against Trump.

THIS evidence is partial evidence against Hillary, evidence snowflakes have yet to ve able to dispute or disprove:

""Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidenceappears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

Actual laws Hillary has broken. Niw comes more insults, attacks, and opinions because, again, that is all they have as snowflakes can not disprove any of this.
Since the Trump Dossier was started by right-wingers you had best start there. Everyone and his dog paid those guys for dirt on Trump. And none of them had to surrender to the authorities and face a judge today but some Trump people did. That is the news of the day. There's no changing that.
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Your opinion and lies mean nothing.

The indictments handed down boil down to TAX FRAUD CASES, absolutely nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Trump collusion.
The FACT is Mueller and libs still have NO EVIDENCE of Collusion against Trump. They can't orove a crime was ever committed, which arguably makes Muelkwr's Special Council ILLEGAL because Special Concils are tasked with investigating CRIMES. Democrats, again, never proved one existed.

The same xan mot be said about Hillary - there is actual evidence against her. The former Director of the FBI even stated she broke laws but was too stupid to know she was breaking them (a lie on Comey's part).
Go to bed. Your keyboard is obviously exhausted.
Again, you offer nothing of value to the discussion and can not refute the facts presented in this thread. If you could you would have by now instead of continuing to flap your triggered pie hole.
On a day when three Trump people have just met the FBI in the very worst way, and two had to surrender to the authorities, exactly how do you think you are doing any good pointing the the finger at Hillary Clinton and saying look, look, that's the real story? If there is a real story it will come out over time but it's not the headline today now is it? That's Trump's former campaign manager and partner plead not guilty to 12 charges from a Grand Jury. Serious shit and it has not a damn thing to do with Clinton.
...and not a damn thing to do with Trump either.

Indictment does not equal guilt, dear.

Also, Mueller just proved he has nothing in Trump. These indictments were his 'Scooter Libby'.
You work from outside in, and you follow the money. This is only the beginning. Hang tight, it's going to be a bumpy ride, it always is.

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