Still can't find any Tariffs on the shelves.....been looking...can't find em...


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius.
Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius. silence from the TDS'rs ..... Not even a comment from the white guy posing as a minority about racism or anything.....hmmm....they must also be enjoying this incredible economy.

Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius. silence from the TDS'rs ..... Not even a comment from the white guy posing as a minority about racism or anything.....hmmm....they must also be enjoying this incredible economy.


Why make an made it for us. Chinese products are tariffed and still sell much cheaper than American made products. Our imbalance with China comes from people like the blob wanting max profit for their stuff and Americans wanting the lower price.

And it was like this 5, 10, 15 years ago. The trade war has done nothing except cost us money...or do you deny the “free shit” for the farmers was due to your blob’s misguided trade policies?
Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius. silence from the TDS'rs ..... Not even a comment from the white guy posing as a minority about racism or anything.....hmmm....they must also be enjoying this incredible economy.


Why make an made it for us. Chinese products are tariffed and still sell much cheaper than American made products. Our imbalance with China comes from people like the blob wanting max profit for their stuff and Americans wanting the lower price.

And it was like this 5, 10, 15 years ago. The trade war has done nothing except cost us money...or do you deny the “free shit” for the farmers was due to your blob’s misguided trade policies?

I make the argument because you love pollution, slave labor and unsafe working conditions. I make the argument because the Tariffs absolutely have not made through to the shelves but are being absorbed as predicted by the middleman. I'm not talking about China's decision to diss our farmers I'm talking about the absolute bullshit lie that costs would rise because of them...

Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius. silence from the TDS'rs ..... Not even a comment from the white guy posing as a minority about racism or anything.....hmmm....they must also be enjoying this incredible economy.


Why make an made it for us. Chinese products are tariffed and still sell much cheaper than American made products. Our imbalance with China comes from people like the blob wanting max profit for their stuff and Americans wanting the lower price.

And it was like this 5, 10, 15 years ago. The trade war has done nothing except cost us money...or do you deny the “free shit” for the farmers was due to your blob’s misguided trade policies?

I make the argument because you love pollution, slave labor and unsafe working conditions. I make the argument because the Tariffs absolutely have not made through to the shelves but are being absorbed as predicted by the middleman. I'm not talking about China's decision to diss our farmers I'm talking about the absolute bullshit lie that costs would rise because of them...



Prices have risen. Shortages have followed. One of the reasons Burger King is selling their meatless hamburgers.

The tariffs are a disaster. No denying it.
Stopped off at Harbor freight today to get some stuff for the house....mostly just filling in my casual tool box that I keep in the house for small repairs because it bleeds borrowed stuff that never comes professional grade tools are all behind locks and never do get lent out for any reason but I digress.

When I pulled up to the store it was freaking mobbed.....I guess it must be a President's day sale. There isn't a single item anywhere on their shelves that doesn't come from China btw...nada, nyet, nein, NUTHIN.....all Chink Made Chit. I went in and got what I was looking for...some steel cutting wheels for my angle grinder and needed a good set of screwdrivers for the house... Man the place was on fire with lines at the registers ten deep no exaggerating here. I almost thought about coming back another day because I really didn't fell like waiting in the register me an Amazon brat. While I was in line I struck up a conversation with the man and wife in front of me who had a rather large haul of goods from tools to fasteners that were on sale. One of them had a Bernie pin on .....heh heh heh. I said... " man this place is mobbed today huh ? " ....the both chuckled and agreed...... " No sign of any trade war I do know all this stuff comes from China right ? " .....suddenly After an awkward pause the wife finally spoke up and said...well that's a good thing isn't it? I said ... " Yeah....for most household needs you can't beat this place but I go with American made when I doing heavy duty or commercial stuff....." Another paused ensued.....I could see the Berni Bro getting a little uneasy with the conversation even though I never once mentioned politics unless Trade War counts as politics. I think he just wanted his wife to shut up .... you know STIFLE YOURSELF EDITH! So I went on to say how hiring out for home repairs was some expensive lately that I found myself learning all kinds of things that I never knew before like putting in my own water heaters and so forth. The conversation ended pleasantly and I watched then leave and go out to a rather expensive looking chevy Truck....hmmm....not exactly a Bernie Bro vehicle I guess.

I will say that while I was there I took the time to look closely at prices of things that I can remember from a couple of years ago....the Hercules angle grinder 7 amp model that I
bought for 49 bucks is now......get ready for it.....49 bucks. An 8 pack of 40 grit steel cutting blades that I bought for $9.99 a few years ago$8.49 today. Hmmm

Am I missing something here? Tariffs? What Tariffs? Anyone seen any Tariffs?
The American consumer is paying the Tariffs? Really? Where and on What exactly?
The Middleman vendors have absorbed the Tariffs and don't freaking dare pass them along to the consumer. Should have been done twenty years ago!

Oh then I stopped by Price rite Markets where smithfield farms ( owned by china ) pork loins were selling today for $1.39.00/lb......Freaking amazing..... The prices just keep dropping.....

Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius. silence from the TDS'rs ..... Not even a comment from the white guy posing as a minority about racism or anything.....hmmm....they must also be enjoying this incredible economy.


Why make an made it for us. Chinese products are tariffed and still sell much cheaper than American made products. Our imbalance with China comes from people like the blob wanting max profit for their stuff and Americans wanting the lower price.

And it was like this 5, 10, 15 years ago. The trade war has done nothing except cost us money...or do you deny the “free shit” for the farmers was due to your blob’s misguided trade policies?

I make the argument because you love pollution, slave labor and unsafe working conditions. I make the argument because the Tariffs absolutely have not made through to the shelves but are being absorbed as predicted by the middleman. I'm not talking about China's decision to diss our farmers I'm talking about the absolute bullshit lie that costs would rise because of them...


View attachment 307302 View attachment 307303 View attachment 307304 View attachment 307305 View attachment 307306

Prices have risen. Shortages have followed. One of the reasons Burger King is selling their meatless hamburgers.

The tariffs are a disaster. No denying it.
Earth to candycornhole - Tariffs have NOTHING to do with home sales, NOTHING.
Just ANOTHER reminder that our president is a genius. silence from the TDS'rs ..... Not even a comment from the white guy posing as a minority about racism or anything.....hmmm....they must also be enjoying this incredible economy.


Why make an made it for us. Chinese products are tariffed and still sell much cheaper than American made products. Our imbalance with China comes from people like the blob wanting max profit for their stuff and Americans wanting the lower price.

And it was like this 5, 10, 15 years ago. The trade war has done nothing except cost us money...or do you deny the “free shit” for the farmers was due to your blob’s misguided trade policies?

I make the argument because you love pollution, slave labor and unsafe working conditions. I make the argument because the Tariffs absolutely have not made through to the shelves but are being absorbed as predicted by the middleman. I'm not talking about China's decision to diss our farmers I'm talking about the absolute bullshit lie that costs would rise because of them...


View attachment 307302 View attachment 307303 View attachment 307304 View attachment 307305 View attachment 307306

Prices have risen. Shortages have followed. One of the reasons Burger King is selling their meatless hamburgers.

The tariffs are a disaster. No denying it.
Earth to candycornhole - Tariffs have NOTHING to do with home sales, NOTHING.

Except for their driving up the price of materials used to make homes and the resulting prices being too much for many buyers, you’re right

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