STFU Obama. We're Tired of Your Photo Op Presidency.

Is there anything funnier than when idiots try to use words that are new to them.

USMB nutters think it has real impact if they say "unmitigated" before the term "disaster".......and the result absolves them of having to support their dopey claim.

"He's been an UNMITIGATED DISASTER!......I heard it on the radio. UNMITIGATED, I say!"

All while studiously ignoring the facts of the Obama presidency.
President Obama is standing there in a press conference lecturing the American people - with as much condescension as possible - about their fear of Ebola.

He's dripping with condescension and finger waving.

What a class act. (roll eyes)
All Presidents have their own official photographers and have their pictures taken on all occasions. Why is it that you have a problem now?
Because the sight of this filthy kenyan muslim makes me feel like I need to VOMIT.
President Obama is standing there in a press conference lecturing the American people - with as much condescension as possible - about their fear of Ebola.

He's dripping with condescension and finger waving.

What a class act. (roll eyes)
All Presidents have their own official photographers and have their pictures taken on all occasions. Why is it that you have a problem now?
Because the sight of this filthy kenyan muslim makes me feel like I need to VOMIT.
Spoken like a true conservative...thanks for sharing
President Obama is standing there in a press conference lecturing the American people - with as much condescension as possible - about their fear of Ebola.

He's dripping with condescension and finger waving.

What a class act. (roll eyes)
All Presidents have their own official photographers and have their pictures taken on all occasions. Why is it that you have a problem now?
Because the sight of this filthy kenyan muslim makes me feel like I need to VOMIT.

Photo-op Presidency

Was there ever anyone as blatant as Bush?


Most objectionable was his habit of putting on uniforms he had no right to wear but that one ^^ always cracks me up. Look at the others - none of them have their spare socks stuffed down their front.
EC 10070903 regarding Ro 10070372, LL10069090, Ro 10069070, MC 10069030, Ro 10068978
You're right. Obama IS an unmitigated disaster. His worshippers know it too. They just can't admit it. It's a psychological thing.
I realize this is your safe haven EconChick, but to follow up on your non-specific commentary that includes defining Obama as being an unmitigated disaster, I have a few questions for you.

How do you mean disaster? Has Obama caused a disaster? If so what is it? Who was affected by the 'disaster'? I have not seen any disasters in recent years comparable to the attack on 9/11, the deaths of 4484 US soldiers in Iraq, the billions and billions squandered on Iraq, or the economic recession that started in 2007 and culminated in the global economic crash of 2008. I need to find out what your current definition of a 'disaster' is?
Photo Op Presidency means SHALLOW, dum dums.

You can accuse Bush of a lot of things....but shallow isn't one of them.

But I have a news flash: OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! NOT BUSH!

The deflection from your hero is HILARIOUS.
EC 10079530 QUOTE="EconChick, post: 10079530, member: 47383"]oto Op Presidency means SHALLOW, dum dums[/QUOTE]

There is no disaster then. Why don't you use the words that with the meaning that you are intending to convey. There is no disaster culminating from the Obama White House. If there were you could perhaps have thought one up by down.

What do you think of General John Allen? Do you know more about Iraq and Syria than he does?

U.S. Gen. Allen: Kobane unlikely to fall to ISIS

About JW Player 6.6.3896 (Premium edition)
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
The man appointed to coordinate the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) says Kurdish Peshmerga fighters will thwart the militant group’s attempts to seize control of the Syrian city of Kobane.

“We don’t think Kobane is about to fall in the hands of ISIS, the entrance of Peshmerga fighters will prevent that,” John Allen, the retired U.S. general tasked by President Barack Obama with overseeing the anti-ISIS campaign, told Al Arabiya News Channel's Rima Maktabi in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi said American, British and Iranian advisors were helping his country’s security forces against the militant group. Despite the rivalry between the United States and Iran, Gen. Allen did not reject Iran playing a role in Iraq to counter the ISIS threat in that country. “Iran has a role to play in Iraq and we welcome any positive steps taken by it,” he said.

Gen. Allen noted that the Iraqis would be coordinating the arming of Iraqi tribes with U.S. support.
Asked if the United States would be arming the Iraqi tribes, Gen. Allen said: “Well it is up to the Iraqi Security Forces to do that. But we will train them and we will work closely with Iraqi supervisors, material and weapons and ammunition.
Last Update: Thursday, 30 October 2014 KSA 12:22 - GMT 09:22

Baghdad is not going to fall and no one in official government circles in Baghdad or DC are talking about US combat forces needing to take up the fight on the ground any time in the near or distant future. That's coming from the Brigades of arm chair generals of which you must be their leader. And a shallow leader at that.


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Wow, I forgot about this thread, but thanks for resurrecting and reminding everyone how much Americans distrust Obama.

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