Steyn notes Democrats’ ‘extraordinary’ double standard on Allah, Christian God

Since god is imaginary everyone who whorships god worships their own immagination.
All monotheists worship the same God.

Do they?? How do you make that out then?? :lol:

Let's see now....I've heard muslims saying that we all worship the same God...BUT....for some strange reason, non muslims are infidels / non believers :confused:
How can this be if we all worship the "same" God?? :eusa_whistle:
Basing one's opinions about Muslims on the actions of a few maniacs is the same as basing one's opinions about Christians after observing Klan rallies or priests molesting little boys.

Underpinning every bigoted opinion is a profound ignorance of the culture under consideration.

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Yeah conservatives made them murder an Ambassador and three others. Kool Aid?

Nobody made them do anything but fanning the flames of religious animosity after the fact as many did was exactly the wrong tone to take and it just boggles my mind when people such as yourself see attempts defuse the violence as weakness. Do you like seeing mobs of people in the streets and the middle east in flames? It certainly seems so when faced with such strife people such as yourself cannot even see the very christian act of peacemaking for what it is.

Yes, I do like to see that. I hope they burn down every building in the Middle East.

Quit trying to be shocking, we already know you are a despicable heartless individual, there is no need to continually remind us.
Imagine a world where a message denouncing religious hatred and intolerance is spun into a message of hate and intolerance, this is the world of the conservative propaganda machine where up is down and fairness is an abomination.

Conservatives are totally clueless about global politics

In case they missed it, the Muslim world is going through a revolution. While always unstable, these countries are extremely volatile and US policies at this time can determine our relations for generations

As it is, the US is viewed as a necessary evil to stabilize their economies and maintain the peace. They also look at us as hostile to Islam and a threat to their beliefs.

Standing up against hate speech against Islam is not a threat to Christianity
Basing one's opinions about Muslims on the actions of a few maniacs is the same as basing one's opinions about Christians after observing Klan rallies or priests molesting little boys.

Underpinning every bigoted opinion is a profound ignorance of the culture under consideration.


The 99% of Muslims who are fanatics give the rest a bad name....
Nobody made them do anything but fanning the flames of religious animosity after the fact as many did was exactly the wrong tone to take and it just boggles my mind when people such as yourself see attempts defuse the violence as weakness. Do you like seeing mobs of people in the streets and the middle east in flames? It certainly seems so when faced with such strife people such as yourself cannot even see the very christian act of peacemaking for what it is.

Yes, I do like to see that. I hope they burn down every building in the Middle East.

Quit trying to be shocking, we already know you are a despicable heartless individual, there is no need to continually remind us.

Why should any American give a hoot whether the muzzie beasts destroy their own towns and cities? That's to our advantage since it will only impoverish them further and keep from spreading their vile culture to other parts of the world.
Conservatives are totally clueless about global politics

In case they missed it, the Muslim world is going through a revolution. While always unstable, these countries are extremely volatile and US policies at this time can determine our relations for generations

As it is, the US is viewed as a necessary evil to stabilize their economies and maintain the peace. They also look at us as hostile to Islam and a threat to their beliefs.

Standing up against hate speech against Islam is not a threat to Christianity

I am hostile towards Islam, and reality is a threat to their beliefs. Islam is a threat to Western civilization. The muzzies have made their hatred of the West quite plain.

Liberal Dictionary:
Hate speech against Islam - the truth about Islam.
Conservatives are totally clueless about global politics

In case they missed it, the Muslim world is going through a revolution. While always unstable, these countries are extremely volatile and US policies at this time can determine our relations for generations

As it is, the US is viewed as a necessary evil to stabilize their economies and maintain the peace. They also look at us as hostile to Islam and a threat to their beliefs.

Standing up against hate speech against Islam is not a threat to Christianity

They're going through a revolution all right, turning into a bunch of Iran's.

Obama, the gift that just fucking keeps giving.

Yes, I do like to see that. I hope they burn down every building in the Middle East.

Quit trying to be shocking, we already know you are a despicable heartless individual, there is no need to continually remind us.

Why should any American give a hoot whether the muzzie beasts destroy their own towns and cities? That's to our advantage since it will only impoverish them further and keep from spreading their vile culture to other parts of the world.

Still not shocking me, heard this same racist isolationist crap from you already.
Quit trying to be shocking, we already know you are a despicable heartless individual, there is no need to continually remind us.

Why should any American give a hoot whether the muzzie beasts destroy their own towns and cities? That's to our advantage since it will only impoverish them further and keep from spreading their vile culture to other parts of the world.

Still not shocking me, heard this same racist isolationist crap from you already.

I can't help it if you're too stupid to get the point. I know it's not shocking. How can such obvious facts be shocking?

BTW, moron, Islam isn't a race.
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet" is the same as saying 'The future must not belong to those who exercise free speech'

I'd say it's the same as saying," The future must not belong to those who tell the truth".....Dickwipe Obama needs to look up the meaning of "slander".......

Stating facts about a make believe prophet of a murderous moon cult IS NOT SLANDER :clap2: If only these political blow jockeys could talk about something and NOT defend something they know sweet FA about......



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Why should any American give a hoot whether the muzzie beasts destroy their own towns and cities? That's to our advantage since it will only impoverish them further and keep from spreading their vile culture to other parts of the world.

Still not shocking me, heard this same racist isolationist crap from you already.

I can't help it if you're too stupid to get the point. I know it's not shocking. How can such obvious facts be shocking?

BTW, moron, Islam isn't a race.

Why don't you up to ante and suggest nuclear genocide, maybe then you can get me act suitably outraged over your sociopathy, probably not but it's worth a try.
“He also said, I believe, that the future belongs to those who empower women,” Steyn said of Obama, ”and the power belongs to those who invest in education.”

“It doesn’t quite add up to me, all this. It sounds like as if he’s saying the future belongs to gay, feminist Muslims."

Let's see if Steyn needs to go back to elementary school to learn how to add again.

Indra Nooyi

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi is an Indian-American business executive and the current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, the second largest food and beverage business in the world by net revenue. According to Forbes, she is consistently ranked among World's 100 Most Powerful Women.

It does not get more empowered than that!

Alma mater:
Madras Christian College
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Yale School of Management

Very highly educated!

So let's do the math, Steyn!

Is she gay?

Nooyi is married to Raj K. Nooyi. They have two daughters and reside in Greenwich, Connecticut. Forbes ranked her at the 3rd spot among 'World's Powerful Moms' list.

Not gay! DAMMIT!!!

Is she a Muslim?

Religious CEOs: PepsiCo's Indra Nooyi

Her Hindu faith may be the source of this powerful woman's extreme humility.

About as opposite a Muslim as it gets!


Sorry, Steyn, looks like it's back to second grade for you, you dumb biased idiot ass. Thanks for making conservatives sound like they believe smart powerful women must be homos and Muslims. I guess that means a good Christian woman is an uneducated powerless twit, right?

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Still not shocking me, heard this same racist isolationist crap from you already.

I can't help it if you're too stupid to get the point. I know it's not shocking. How can such obvious facts be shocking?

BTW, moron, Islam isn't a race.

Why don't you up to ante and suggest nuclear genocide, maybe then you can get me act suitably outraged over your sociopathy, probably not but it's worth a try.

I wouldn't ever suggest raising a hand against anyone who has done me no harm. The question is, why should I give a crap if Muslims want to kill each other?

On the other hand, if they kill our diplomats, they should be hunted down and killed.

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