Steven Schmidt - Palin was "Manifestly Ill Prepared" To Be President

Palin is a failure.

She left the town of Wasila Broke.

As Mayor, she signed a bill that required women who had been raped, to pay for their own rape kit.

She QUIT as Governor with 2-Years left to her term.

Her "Reality" T.V. Program (Reality and T.V. do not belong in the same sentence) was cancelled.

The talk about Palin running for Senate is just that, talk. She will never again run for public office, at least in Alaska where she is very unpopular.

Palin is sick, pathetic joke who struts and frets for her ongoing 15-minutes of fame.

how long did you live in Alaska and what town did you live in?

you want to see a sick joke look in a mirror, your hateful spew about palin is astounding
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Palin is a failure.

She left the town of Wasila Broke.

As Mayor, she signed a bill that required women who had been raped, to pay for their own rape kit.

She QUIT as Governor with 2-Years left to her term.

Her "Reality" T.V. Program (Reality and T.V. do not belong in the same sentence) was cancelled.

The talk about Palin running for Senate is just that, talk. She will never again run for public office, at least in Alaska where she is very unpopular.

Palin is sick, pathetic joke who struts and frets for her ongoing 15-minutes of fame.

Palin put Wasilla on the map. The improvements made to that small town during her two terms as Mayor were impressive enough that she was chosen to head the Alaskan Council of Mayors and was reelected to a second term as Mayor by a 3-1 margin.

She quit as Governor because vindictive progressives took it upon themselves to file multiple ethics violation law suits against Palin...each one of which was eventually dismissed before going to trial...and then suing her to prevent Palin from using donated funds to defend herself. Ask yourself what type of person it is that after winning an election attempts to bankrupt the loser through frivolous law suits? Why would anyone DO that?

What fries liberals' asses to no end is that despite their efforts to ruin Palin...she ended up with a lucrative book deal, lucrative deals with TV and emerged as a national spokesperson for the various Tea Party groups...working full time in 2010 to defeat liberals in the House and Senate.
Palin is a failure.

She left the town of Wasila Broke.

As Mayor, she signed a bill that required women who had been raped, to pay for their own rape kit.

She QUIT as Governor with 2-Years left to her term.

Her "Reality" T.V. Program (Reality and T.V. do not belong in the same sentence) was cancelled.

The talk about Palin running for Senate is just that, talk. She will never again run for public office, at least in Alaska where she is very unpopular.

Palin is sick, pathetic joke who struts and frets for her ongoing 15-minutes of fame.

Palin put Wasilla on the map. The improvements made to that small town during her two terms as Mayor were impressive enough that she was chosen to head the Alaskan Council of Mayors and was reelected to a second term as Mayor by a 3-1 margin.

She quit as Governor because vindictive progressives took it upon themselves to file multiple ethics violation law suits against Palin...each one of which was eventually dismissed before going to trial...and then suing her to prevent Palin from using donated funds to defend herself. Ask yourself what type of person it is that after winning an election attempts to bankrupt the loser through frivolous law suits? Why would anyone DO that?

What fries liberals' asses to no end is that despite their efforts to ruin Palin...she ended up with a lucrative book deal, lucrative deals with TV and emerged as a national spokesperson for the various Tea Party groups...working full time in 2010 to defeat liberals in the House and Senate.

what get their lame asses also is Palin did more for Alaska in the time she was there than Obama has done for our country in five years... She stepped down because she said she did all she wanted (and there was a lot of good things she did) so to stop the vindictive lawsuits that was taking her time away from the People and costing them money, they call her a quitter...If more politicians did what was BEST for the people we would be better off...but Democrats never STEP DOWN, take Billy boy Clinton as an example...Spitzer, Weenie, etc they had to BE FORCED OUT
Palin was more qualified to be president than Obama, and would have done a better job. If only she was half black, the libs would love her.

you libs need to admit to yourselves that you support obama and his failures because you do not want to let yourselves admit that the first black president was a total failure.

you libs are racists of the worst kind.
Reading posts of conservatives defending Palins's creditials for high public office is almost as much fun as listening to Mormons explaining that Native Americans are actually the lost tribes of Isreal who came across the Atlantic in boats...
What kills me is that Republicans look down their noses at single mothers as immoral and yet when Palins own daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, Republicans applauded her as being brave and courageous for handling it on her own.
What kills me is that Republicans look down their noses at single mothers as immoral and yet when Palins own daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, Republicans applauded her as being brave and courageous for handling it on her own.

that's just a's all you people have...You libs were the one looking down your nose at a single mother, Bristol...and it was vicious what you said about her

you Democrats/liberals kill me with how hateful and vicious you are and are some the biggest TWO FACED hypocrites in this country
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What kills me is that Republicans look down their noses at single mothers as immoral and yet when Palins own daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, Republicans applauded her as being brave and courageous for handling it on her own.

Immoral my ass. I look at single mothers as stupid beyond belief.

You can practically get birth control for free. You can also demand your partner wear a condom.

Stupid doesn't begins to describe single mothers. Its just to bad we taxpayers end up supporting them.
What kills me is that Republicans look down their noses at single mothers as immoral and yet when Palins own daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, Republicans applauded her as being brave and courageous for handling it on her own.

Immoral my ass. I look at single mothers as stupid beyond belief.

You can practically get birth control for free. You can also demand your partner wear a condom.

Stupid doesn't begins to describe single mothers. Its just to bad we taxpayers end up supporting them.

liberalism is a mental disorder for sure....but they stand up for those single mothers to be able to kill their child through ABORTION

some warped people in the Democrat party, no honor or principles
Again with this guy? Desperate to get his name out there, this loser in so incompetent, he should be in the Obama Administration.

they have no loyalty or honor....because he put a women down (Palin) for his reason for LOSING a Presidential campaign to a community orginizer and now dumping on republicans, he is their new hero
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What kills me is that Republicans look down their noses at single mothers as immoral and yet when Palins own daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, Republicans applauded her as being brave and courageous for handling it on her own.

that's just a's all you people have...You libs were the one looking down your nose at a single mother, Bristol...and it was vicious what you said about her

you Democrats/liberals kill me with how hateful and vicious you are and are some the biggest TWO FACED hypocrites in this country

Not a lie. If Briostol Palin was criticized, it was because of the hypocrisy, not because she was a single mother.
What kills me is that Republicans look down their noses at single mothers as immoral and yet when Palins own daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, Republicans applauded her as being brave and courageous for handling it on her own.

that's just a's all you people have...You libs were the one looking down your nose at a single mother, Bristol...and it was vicious what you said about her

you Democrats/liberals kill me with how hateful and vicious you are and are some the biggest TWO FACED hypocrites in this country

Not a lie. If Briostol Palin was criticized, it was because of the hypocrisy, not because she was a single mother.

ummhumm, that is always you hateful people excuse

she was the CHILD of a Politician, not the one preaching to any of you haters

there was a time when Democrat/liberals abided by the old standard to LEAVE THE FAMILY OUT OF IT...that has went out your all's asses with this new breed of lefties in the party

it's shameful and ugly
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Just to keep the record straight, Sarah, Track and Bristol have all gotten pregnant outside the boundaries of marriage.

Vegas odds have Willow and Piper at 4 to 1 for. know.
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