Stephon Clark’s Law


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Mar 11, 2015
More needs to be done, but this is a start. Hopefully other states begin doing the same.

Newsom signs ‘Stephon Clark’s Law,’ setting new rules on police use of force
By Anita Chabria Staff Writer
Aug. 19, 2019

3:38 PM

After an emotional fight that laid bare the chasm between California’s communities of color and police, Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed Assembly Bill 392, creating what some have described as one of the toughest standards in the nation for when law enforcement officers can kill.

Intense private negotiations and public outcry influenced the final language of the legislation, which will take effect on Jan. 1. Recent fatal police shootings of unarmed black men, in particular, prompted activists to seek changes in rules that in some cases were more than a century old. Though the final bill doesn’t go as far as some wanted, supporters say it’s a first step in changing the culture of policing in California.

“The bill is watered down, everybody knows that,” said Stevante Clark, brother of Stephon Clark, who was shot by Sacramento police in March 2018. “But at least we are getting something done. At least we are having the conversation now.”

Newsom signs 'Stephon Clark's Law,' setting new rules on police use of force
If I were a cop in Cali I would be sending out my resume to 49 other states.
If I were a cop in Cali I would be sending out my resume to 49 other states.
If you are a cop in Cali and oppose this law, you don't need to work anywhere.
Considering more whites get killed by cops, why is your racist ass posting about this?
You fucking uncle tom
Cops have a right to life. Considering they deal with complete fucking scum day in and day out, this is bullshit.
And I am totally against cops abusing their power.
it will not be long before cops pull out of the inner cities completely ... i dont know why anyone would want to be a cop today with amount of ridicule they receive because of a few bad actors .... more reason to stand up for the second amendment the racist communist anarchist like IM2 are disarming the police one lie and law at a time ! there may come a day when we have a severe shortage of cops in this country .
So far 73 brave Law Enforcement personnel gave their lives in 2019 so that a left wing governor, surrounded by a little army of Officers for his personal safety, can make a lame political statement designed to get votes while his state is falling apart. No surprises here.
Republicans seem to support police killing on a whim. Very statist.

got a link???
You want me to link to 6 or 7 year's worth of rhetoric coming from the right? Just look at the comments, maybe.

just one would be nice for starters,,
Look how many comments just in this thread outraged over changing when police can kill from when it's "reasonable," to when it's "necessary." It's not hard to interpret.
So when cops are less willingly to use deadly force because some political person might decide it was not necessary and use them to score political,points I wonder what the result will be? My guess is cops will be less willingly to put themselevs in harms way and it will be the public that will suffer the consquences.
California just became a whole lot more dangerous and one of our resident Trolls thinks is great!

This is what IM2 believes is a great thing. How can anybody, in good conscience think this is a good thing?

Just when you think Progressives cannot stoop any lower, IM2 goes out of the way to prove us wrong!

Three NYPD Officers Hurt by Roving Mobs at Brooklyn Project (Video)
by Jim Hoft August 18, 2019 285 Comments

Three police officers were hurt in Brooklyn on Saturday night after cop-hating mobs erupted in violence.

One police officer had to be transported to the hospital.

Three NYPD Officers Hurt by Roving Mobs at Brooklyn Project (Video)
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Republicans seem to support police killing on a whim. Very statist.

Look how many comments just in this thread outraged over changing when police can kill from when it's "reasonable," to when it's "necessary." It's not hard to interpret.

Hypothetically, you're a cop, being assaulted by an enraged, much bigger guy. He has tried to get your gun away from you and beat you. Specifically, when does it go from "reasonable" to "necessary" to use lethal force to defend yourself. How long do you have to make that determination in the heat of a fight?

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