Stephen Hawking Defends Care in the UK

In a two-tier system, of course a monied individual can afford better treatment.

But the fellow in the government tier is not seeing a "trashman" but a real (gasp!) doctor in this speciality.

Almost 50 million Americans don't have the second option other than the emergency room, and that is not what emergency rooms are supposed to be used for.

This is so easy to understand but the nutters keep refusing. They truly don't have a legitimate opposition because the health industry has condemned itself through its own obvious greed and lack of demonstrated caring for their customers. They know it, that is why the are (1) saying their are for some form of reform, while (2) they oppose it.

Good point.

Key word there is greed.

The healthcare corporations spent $3.4 BILLION DOLLARS to lobby Congress in the last decade.

That is why we don't have a good healthcare system.

Those of you who have sucked up the talking points of the left, and the class warfare of the Democrats, I wonder if you would entertain a hypothetical questions:

What benefits should accrue to those who have worked hard and long, and attained the success that you whiners only dream of?

How do we perpetuate a society, imbue ambition, institute a work ethic in our children when all they hear from the left, the media, the schools, is that we must give to those who are either helpless, or in your case, clueless.

It happens we have an excellent healthcare system, as varified by the fact that the vast majority are happy with their healthcare, and most telling, those who have sustained serious healthcare setbacks are over 90% in favor of it.

As for greed, that is the characteristic of those of you who wag your tails and vote for the party that promises to wipe your nose, and fill your paw. You see someone with a bit more, and all you can see is the "rich," the ones who your masters tell you to attack.

You should celebrate success, set your sights on the path of hard work and look to the day when you have achieved what you envy in others.

It is so tiresome to constantly hear the same one note from you lazy covetous slackers.

Wake up. Wise up.

Hypothetical questions are for slackers. :lol:
Chris said:
The healthcare corporations spent $3.4 BILLION DOLLARS to lobby Congress in the last decade.

That is why we don't have a good healthcare system.

Is this correct? How many say so?
Stephen Hawking Defends Care in the UK

Why should I listen to a person who represents a people who have yet to dicover modern dentistry?

Why am I responding to a post from an uninformed wanker, who probably can't even point to Britain on a map!

Got nothing interesting to say, then leave the thread, numbnuts! did this dentistry thing begin?....i saw a guy telling jokes(maybe you) to people on the street in London ....and they all seemed to have as good a set of choppers as anyone Brits get a bad rap on their Dentistry?.....
This is a bit naughty but it's probably reminiscent of the myth here in Australia that Brits don't bathe enough. I'm sure that's crap, in fact I know it is, every time I stay with my rels I have to line up for the shower, but then travelling on the tube I'm sometimes not so sure......:redface:
Chris said:
The healthcare corporations spent $3.4 BILLION DOLLARS to lobby Congress in the last decade.

That is why we don't have a good healthcare system.

Is this correct? How many say so?

47 million.

theres that number many of those people Chris are illegals? many are people who just dont want ins.?.......what you have left is the real number....and it is much less then that contrived number you guys throw around.........
Is this correct? How many say so?

47 million.

theres that number many of those people Chris are illegals? many are people who just dont want ins.?.......what you have left is the real number....and it is much less then that contrived number you guys throw around.........

chris is a mental midget shitstain who enjoys twisting facts to promote a stalinist agenda he knows nothing about.
47 million.

theres that number many of those people Chris are illegals? many are people who just dont want ins.?.......what you have left is the real number....and it is much less then that contrived number you guys throw around.........

The brutal truth about America’s healthcare - Americas, World - The Independent

you know Chris in at least every fucking thread that you started on Health or someone else mentions this number...and others have posted,from different sources stating that a good third of those people are ILLEGALS....another bunch are young people or people who just dont want to purchase Ins,for whatever that leaves 15-20 million who actually need ins,want it but cant get it for whatever reason....but your so fucking stupid that you just ignore every post about this and just keep on spouting your wont debate what is that tells me your still stuck on your post from the day you first posted here.....which have nothing to debate....your the Sean Hannity of the left....say the same dam thing over and over again.....and if you do it this time....then you have proved how full of shit you are the one who says calling people names instead of constructing talk is stupid...well i just its up to you.....debate or i go back to just calling you names....
Good point.

Key word there is greed.

The healthcare corporations spent $3.4 BILLION DOLLARS to lobby Congress in the last decade.

That is why we don't have a good healthcare system.

Those of you who have sucked up the talking points of the left, and the class warfare of the Democrats, I wonder if you would entertain a hypothetical questions:

What benefits should accrue to those who have worked hard and long, and attained the success that you whiners only dream of?

How do we perpetuate a society, imbue ambition, institute a work ethic in our children when all they hear from the left, the media, the schools, is that we must give to those who are either helpless, or in your case, clueless.

It happens we have an excellent healthcare system, as varified by the fact that the vast majority are happy with their healthcare, and most telling, those who have sustained serious healthcare setbacks are over 90% in favor of it.

As for greed, that is the characteristic of those of you who wag your tails and vote for the party that promises to wipe your nose, and fill your paw. You see someone with a bit more, and all you can see is the "rich," the ones who your masters tell you to attack.

You should celebrate success, set your sights on the path of hard work and look to the day when you have achieved what you envy in others.

It is so tiresome to constantly hear the same one note from you lazy covetous slackers.

Wake up. Wise up.

I have a hypothetical question for you.

How does a single mother of three with stage three cancer work to pay for her insurance premium?

Significant that you ducked the question, as it indicates that your thought-masters never taught you to consider the ramifications of such a thought.

The schools, the media, and the Democrats would lose all control if your thinking encorporated the possibility that we should celebrate and encourage achievement and success.

Imagine, if we realized that the 'rich' are not our enemies, but represent the best of capitalism and democracy, and agreed that the achievers should expect the percs that you bitch and moan about.

Imagine if hard work and life choices that promoted success were lauded, instead of shrugged off, and if poor choices were indicated as a cautionary tale rather than an alternative live style.

Then we wouldn't be hearing the yapping from sloths like you.

BTW, almost none of the many millionaires today inherited their money: they earned it.
Good point.

Key word there is greed.

The healthcare corporations spent $3.4 BILLION DOLLARS to lobby Congress in the last decade.

That is why we don't have a good healthcare system.

Those of you who have sucked up the talking points of the left, and the class warfare of the Democrats, I wonder if you would entertain a hypothetical questions:

What benefits should accrue to those who have worked hard and long, and attained the success that you whiners only dream of?

How do we perpetuate a society, imbue ambition, institute a work ethic in our children when all they hear from the left, the media, the schools, is that we must give to those who are either helpless, or in your case, clueless.

It happens we have an excellent healthcare system, as varified by the fact that the vast majority are happy with their healthcare, and most telling, those who have sustained serious healthcare setbacks are over 90% in favor of it.

As for greed, that is the characteristic of those of you who wag your tails and vote for the party that promises to wipe your nose, and fill your paw. You see someone with a bit more, and all you can see is the "rich," the ones who your masters tell you to attack.

You should celebrate success, set your sights on the path of hard work and look to the day when you have achieved what you envy in others.

It is so tiresome to constantly hear the same one note from you lazy covetous slackers.

Wake up. Wise up.

Hypothetical questions are for slackers. :lol:

Exactly who it was directed to.
How can we say that Health Care if fine in the US when over 50% of families going bankrupt in this nation because of medical bills actually have health insurance? When all that stands between you and total lack of coverage is a pink slip?

The Rushpublicans here would have you believe this all a plot to create a Socialist nation in the US. But when one looks at the people that are behind the push to defeat the Health Care bill, one finds the slimiest of creatures. Like Rick Scott, who defrauded Medicare of at least 1.7 billion dollars. Who is selling Iran and Saudi Arabia equipement and programs to censure the internet.
How can we say that Health Care if fine in the US when over 50% of families going bankrupt in this nation because of medical bills actually have health insurance? When all that stands between you and total lack of coverage is a pink slip?

The Rushpublicans here would have you believe this all a plot to create a Socialist nation in the US. But when one looks at the people that are behind the push to defeat the Health Care bill, one finds the slimiest of creatures. Like Rick Scott, who defrauded Medicare of at least 1.7 billion dollars. Who is selling Iran and Saudi Arabia equipement and programs to censure the internet.

One of the major reasons I know that the government can't run healthcare. Thanks for proving my point with a major issue Old Rocks.

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