Steele To Hold RNC Event -- Co-Starring Andrew Breitbart

he should apologize for the misleading intro....not her racist action though and certaintly not for the naacp adn obama's reaction to his video

He shouldn't acknowledge that the clip was misleading?

it was clipped short, it was his comments at the beginning that were the most misleading...if he had no comments, people could have made up their own mind

he showed what he felt was the pertinent part
So, WHY is Michael Steele planning to have a GOP sponsored bash with this guy as a speaker, again?
Yeah, LIBERALS NEVER DO HATCHET JOBS that cost conservatives their careers!!!!!!!!!!

No innocent person has ever had their life ruined in such a way. Noooooooooooooooo.


You're more interested in getting revenge on "liberals" than in treating people in a decent and fair manner. Whatever your beef is, Sherrod had nothing to do with it, and to hang her out to dry b/c you're upset over some Dan Rather story from years ago is nothing short of ridiculous.
it was clipped short, it was his comments at the beginning that were the most misleading...if he had no comments, people could have made up their own mind

he showed what he felt was the pertinent part

I guess I can see that point of view, though, IMO, even the way the clip was edited was misleading. It clearly left the viewer with the idea that Sherrod did nothing more than the bare minimum for this family and then left them to fend for themselves. Of course, there's a lot more to the story, which, when one hears it, paints Sherrod in a very different light.
it was clipped short, it was his comments at the beginning that were the most misleading...if he had no comments, people could have made up their own mind

he showed what he felt was the pertinent part

I guess I can see that point of view, though, IMO, even the way the clip was edited was misleading. It clearly left the viewer with the idea that Sherrod did nothing more than the bare minimum for this family and then left them to fend for themselves. Of course, there's a lot more to the story, which, when one hears it, paints Sherrod in a very different light.

that is true, however, it doesn't take away from her initial racist act and that was all breitbart cared about, that and the way the audience reacted when she told them she didn't do what she fully could, the audience applauded her and then was silent when she said she later helped them after they came back to her
that and the way the audience reacted when she told them she didn't do what she fully could, the audience applauded her and then was silent when she said she later helped them after they came back to her

I keep reading comments stating this, but having seen the footage several times, the only point at which I see any reaction of the sort is when people chuckle as she states how the white farmer initially went to great lengths to show his superiority to her.
So, WHY is Michael Steele planning to have a GOP sponsored bash with this guy as a speaker, again?

how many other speakers are there? and again for the slow....this was most likely scheduled before sherrod

I agree 100% that this was probably scheduled before Sherrod. So now, a week or so after the fact, why has Michael Steele not cancelled his appearance? Hell, where is Michael Steele anyway? isn't he supposed to be LEADING the RNC?
That isn't what I said.

The Obama Administration and the NAACP both rushed to action, for differing reasons, but they rushed nonetheless. As I've said, they acted irresponsibly as well, though both have had the decency to acknowledge that, to apologize for it, and to try to set things right. Can the same be said of Breitbart? Do you even care if the same can be said of Breitbart?

he should apologize for the misleading intro....not her racist action though and certaintly not for the naacp adn obama's reaction to his video

When the NAACP apologizes for condemning the Tea Party WITH ZERO EVIDENCE, maybe Breibart should consider it.

Not before then.

All the NAACP did was ask the Tea Partiers to denounce the racism in their midst, under their name.

A couple days later the Tea Party Federation kicked Mark Williams out on his ass for racist remarks.

So 'zero evidence' is a crock of horseshit.
Can you believe this crap.

All the Naacp did, was ASK that the Tea Party denounce the racist in their midst.

what damn RIGHT do they have to ask ANYTHING OF ANYONE.?

they are not judge and jury of what or who is RACIST and for them to DEMAND anything of the Amercian people is quite the friggen JOKE.

they can go to hell for all I care.
Can you believe this crap.

All the Naacp did, was ASK that the Tea Party denounce the racist in their midst.

what damn RIGHT do they have to ask ANYTHING OF ANYONE.?
they are not judge and jury of what or who is RACIST and for them to DEMAND anything of the Amercian people is quite the friggen JOKE.

they can go to hell for all I care.

What a stupid question. Why don't they have that right??? Because you say so?? Why don't you go to hell and I do care if you do. I'm hoping you'll go and stay there.
he should apologize for the misleading intro....not her racist action though and certaintly not for the naacp adn obama's reaction to his video

When the NAACP apologizes for condemning the Tea Party WITH ZERO EVIDENCE, maybe Breibart should consider it.

Not before then.

All the NAACP did was ask the Tea Partiers to denounce the racism in their midst, under their name.

A couple days later the Tea Party Federation kicked Mark Williams out on his ass for racist remarks.

So 'zero evidence' is a crock of horseshit.

why doesn't the naacp denounce the racist amongst their ranks?
Can you believe this crap.

All the Naacp did, was ASK that the Tea Party denounce the racist in their midst.

what damn RIGHT do they have to ask ANYTHING OF ANYONE.?
they are not judge and jury of what or who is RACIST and for them to DEMAND anything of the Amercian people is quite the friggen JOKE.

they can go to hell for all I care.

What a stupid question. Why don't they have that right??? Because you say so?? Why don't you go to hell and I do care if you do. I'm hoping you'll go and stay there.

awww, you're soooo sweet and a real hoot.
Your love for me is overwhelming though.:lol:
and as far as me going to hell, you lead the way and I'll see if I want to follow. LOL
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Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has a party fundraising event coming up in August that is scheduled to feature a very special guest: Conservative media activist Andrew Breitbart, according to a copy of the invitation exclusively obtained by TPM.

TPM Exclusive: Steele To Hold RNC Event -- Co-Starring Andrew Breitbart | TPMDC

Maybe Breitbart will come out of hiding long enough to apologize to Ms. Sherrod before he gets on stage with Michael Steele and the GOP?

The only people that need to apologize is the NAACP for starting the whole mess, by calling the Tea Party racist WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE.

Yet, liberals want to get on Breitbart for USING EVIDENCE??????

He didn't alter that video. He showed the video he got.

The full video reveals that Sherrod is your typical class envy, race obsessed liberal who thinks it's all about money or race, and that all Republicans are racist.

It was the NAACP and Obama that pulled the plug on Sherrod before they had more info, NOT BREITBART.

All Breitbart did, was what he promised to do if the NAACP condemned the Tea Party, WITH NO EVIDENCE.

Once again Yank, you are an UNMITIGATED HYPOCRITE.

When you have video evidence of the Tea Party calling Rep Carson et al, a N word, please let us know.


Just keep flapping your yap in that manner. You Teabagger Wimps will definately be a plus for we Democrats in November.
why should they...the dems still love racist like rev jackson and shartpon

breitbart messed up, but he didn't fire anyone, if you want to talk about injustice, you need to look at obama's admin and the naacp

Why should they? Because his irresponsible, half-assed attempt at "reporting" smeared a woman's reputation and nearly cost her her career - something for which he, to this day, has refused to apologize for. It seems rather obvious that the head of a major political party should exercise some decency here.

YEAH LIBERALS NEVER smear and lie about people trying to destroy them.

Can you say Macaca?????

Can you say niggardly?


Can you say TWANA BRAWLEY????????

Can you say Rush Limbaugh and the supposed "racist" things he said while trying to buy a football team?

Can you say faked Bush National Guard records?

Can you say Rove outing Plame when it was really Richard Armitage?

Can you say Richard Wilson lying about Yellow Cake in Niger?

Can you say the Downing Street Memos???????

I could go ON AND ON about liberals OPENLY LYING and fabricating evidence or not even using evidence, LIKE LYING ABOUT THE TEA PARTY CALLING REP CARSON ET AL, AN N WORD!

And Breitbart needs to apologize because he got partial evidence????

To hell with that one!

Liberals have a LONG LIST OF APOLOGIES TO MAKE before Brietbart needs to start writing his apology.


It's liberal hypocrisy day!!!


Have another joint there, ol' TeabaggerWimp, you are getting a bit shrill and hysterical.:razz:
That isn't what I said.

The Obama Administration and the NAACP both rushed to action, for differing reasons, but they rushed nonetheless. As I've said, they acted irresponsibly as well, though both have had the decency to acknowledge that, to apologize for it, and to try to set things right. Can the same be said of Breitbart? Do you even care if the same can be said of Breitbart?

he should apologize for the misleading intro....not her racist action though and certaintly not for the naacp adn obama's reaction to his video

When the NAACP apologizes for condemning the Tea Party WITH ZERO EVIDENCE, maybe Breibart should consider it.

Not before then.

Sure, TeabaggerWimp, sure;

Tea Party convention kicks off with racist rant - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - True/Slant

Tom Tancredo, the one time GOP Congressman, presidential candidate and confirmed wing-nut, presented the opening speech. To make certain that the event got off to the right start, Tancredo proceeded to give the most racist speech I can recall since David Duke, the Ku Klux Klan leader turned politician, amazed us with his vile dribble.

Ripping into Obama, Tancredo announced that the president had won his office because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”

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