Starbucks Trans Whinrs about Health Coverage

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

The gist is that Starbucks used to provide insurance for lopping off breasts, genital mutilations, cross sex hormones, and other such "treatments" on a supplemental policy. Now they do it on the regular policy that all employees get.

So what, you ask? Sounds inclusive AF, you say?

So some of them had to change doctors! The horror. The horror.

So they're just like everyone else since Barrack "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" Obama fixed our healthcare and made it affordable.

They have to go to an in-network doctor, just like I had to when I had esophageal cancer and my wife has to for diabetes.

These crying t-girls are who Biden's woke generals and admirals are recruiting into the military while wondering why normal people aren't wanting to serve.

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