Star Trek or Star Wars?

Jun 26, 2005
Ontario, Canada eh?
I like Star Trek better. There's more of a meaning in Star Trek. During the 60s, Star Trek used and talked about the problems of the sixties (racism, the Vietnam War, etc). Star Wars doesn't do that. On Star Trek, there's Spock (one of the most interesting characters ever created for TV and the movies). In my opinion, William Shatner is a better actor than Mark Hamill (who has not aged gracefully!). Plus C3PO gets annyoing after a while. On special effects, Star Wars always had 4 times the budget for effects than Star Trek did. But Star Trek's effects are great with less money. The Wrath of Khan was created with little money, and still it had great effects. On music, Star Trek is ahead by a nudge. But that's not saying Star Wars's music isn't great too. If you haven't seen a Star Trek movie before, shame on you, and go see Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, it's the best Star Trek action movie. Or if you like slow-thinking ones, go to Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

If you have seen a Star Trek movie, tell me what one(s) and what you thought?
Old crew = Undiscovered Country is my favorite
New crew = Nemesis is my favorite

Still like Star Wars better because Star Trek has no Emperor...

"How do I stay so healthy and boyishly handsome? It's simple. I drink the blood of young runaways. - William Shatner
I like Star Wars because it doesn't deal with real issues. If I wanted real issues, I'd watch the news. Don't get me wrong, I like Trek, too, but I like Wars more.

As for the budget comment, A New Hope had 1/3 the budget of any other big-name feature film coming out that year. ILM just improvised a lot. The Death Star surface was a bunch of cobbled together models. The scopes on blaster rifles were discarded film cans. The famed lightsaber sound effects were ghetto, too. The main hum is the ambient sound in a reel room. The activate/deactivate sounds are the inside of a vacuum cleaner, and the sound of a saber moving around is an broken microphone waving in front of an unshielded speaker. Trust me, Star Wars I managed to pull of the best ghetto effects ever.

Star Wars is also high-action, which maintains excitement. Star Trek is good at suspense, which I want sometimes, but not as often. Oh, and lightsabers are the bomb.

Then let's hit villians. Star Trek has the best developed characters because it had a full run series to develop them. Star Wars, however, still has some really sweet characters (and Han shooting first, made him a more interesting character, I think, DAMN YOU LUCAS!), but Star Wars has THE best villians of all time. Darth Vader has never been off of any top ten villian list. The emporer was also a great villian, as he was very aggrivating and exceedingly EVIL. However, I'll admit that the new movies cost Star Wars much of its luster. Joss Whedon is my master now. GO WATCH FIREFLY AND SERENITY!
"How do I stay so healthy and boyishly handsome? It's simple. I drink the blood of young runaways. - William Shatner

Was that a Celebrity Secret from Conan? Those are great. Here's a hilarious Star Wars-related one (please note that these aren't funny unless you hear the actual celebrity saying them):

"One day I called George Lucas up at three o'clock in the morning and I pretended to be Mark Hamill. He said, 'Harrison?' I said 'No, it's me Mark Hamill.' He said, 'Harrison, I know it's you.' I said, 'Well then you know wrong because it's Mark Hamill.' He sighed and said, 'okay Mark what do you want?' I really got him." - Harrison Ford

And, my personal favorites (again, this is 10000000X better if you hear the actual actor saying it):

"When people ask me if I think American or British actors are better I always pee on their shoes." - Patrick Stewart

"It's not easy being a celebrity. Once this little kid, this cute little kid asked me for an autograph. I gave it to him. He said, 'Thanks Mr. Hanks!' I took it away from him, tore it up, and told him Tom Hanks was dead." - Harrison Ford

"In Shakespeare in Love, I played a woman playing a man playing a woman. In actuality, I am a man who was playing a woman, playing a man, playing a woman. My apologies to anyone who's ever whacked off to me." - Gwyneth Paltrow
Khan is better than Darth Vader as a villian. Star Trek had better effects for the amount of money they put into it. So what, Star Wars has light-sabers. Star Trek has phasers, photon torpedos, cloaking devices, and cooler looking ships, warp and transporters. The ships in Star Wars looks like triangles sideways.
With Star Trek and Star Wars, the rule is "older is better"

Star Trek 1960s - idealism and breaking new ground

Star Trek 1990s - Politically correct version of 1960s Star Trek

Star Wars 1970 - revival of old movie serials with high tech approach

Star Wars 2000+ - apparently, high tech applied to a script written either on the back of a cocktail napkin or plagiarized from a 12 year old boy's creative writing assignment.

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