'Star Trek: Discovery' will introduce the franchise's first transgender and non-binary characters in Season 3

Star Trek: Discovery - I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
In the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation from time to time there would be this one guy in a dress (one of those 'mini dresses' like they had in the original Star Trek) who would appear in the background of various scenes. It was kind of weird, because it was never mentioned or anything and the guy never appeared after that first season.
Star Trek, like Star Wars....they just need to go away. For good. They were fantastic franchises for their time but now it's just gotten looney. Its nobody's fault...but things just wear out their welcome after a while.
Does anyone actually watch this?

Just curious. I watched the premiere episode (free) and thought it sucked.

'Star Trek: Discovery' will introduce the franchise's first transgender and non-binary characters in Season 3

Is that show still on the air? You mean they have a Season Three? What is there, like 12 episodes per season?

I wouldn't watch it if it were free (TV).

Like you Billy, I watched the first episode and it blew chunks. It made Deep Space Nine look like Star Wars. I was embarrassed that Gene's son was throwing his name into it just for the money. Stupid brat didn't know Star Trek was even alive (or his father) growing up. Now he want to milk the franchise. Gene is spinning in his grave.

I won't be bilked into paying for Hulu, Vudu, CBS No Access and all the rest. There are one billion TV sets out there badly in need of good programming crammed full of offensive commercials. If they can't put it there where everyone can watch it, tough shit. It can rot for all I care.

Same with The Orville. I watched two seasons and liked it but now they ripped it off TV and put it on Hulu. I'm not paying $40 a month just to watch ONE TV show, that is, if they ever manage to get Season three finished (Covid).

Orville and Fox can go suck my ass too.
Who cares?

Well, I kind of care because I'm a long time Trek fan since the 1970's...

I'm not happy with any of the CBS All Access product, including Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks, because they seem to be based on deconstructing the mythology without adding anything to it. I have kind of the same problem with the Disney Star Wars movies or the current incarnation of Doctor Who.
..Star Trek TOS had a lot of shows about politics/race/etc...so did a lot of other 70s shows and movies....that's what Hollywood does
.... like they have more about anti-law/shitheads/deviancy/etc than ''good''' things...of course people are bored with the ''good'' things

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