St. Louis...another Bosnian targeted for beating.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
What is it with minorities and the Bosnian community in St. is another reported hate crime towards a Bosnian immigrant woman....

Another Hate Crime In St. Louis Extrano s Alley a gun blog

From the link at extranos...

Another Race-Based Attack In Saint Louis 8211 Three Black Youth Drag White Woman From Vehicle For Beating 8230 The Last Refuge

In the same Saint Louis neighborhood where white Bosnian Seldin Dranovic was beatenby three teens wielding hammers; in the same Saint Louis neighborhood where an hour later white Bosnian Zemir Begic was brutally murdered by the same black thugs after they chanted “eff white people“…

….Now a 26-year-old white Bosnian woman is dragged from her car early this morning by another three black thugs carrying a gun and crowbar. She was pulled from her car, thrown to the ground, kicked and beaten.

Well.....should this woman be allowed to protect herself with a gun....or should she except the beating quietly?
Bosnians are going to have to start policing for themselves because the police have a hands off policy for black thugs.
Bosnians are going to have to start policing for themselves because the police have a hands off policy for black thugs.
It is time the police went on strike and let the thugs have the streets for a week or so.

I can protect myself, and those that can't, well tough shit, they have been warned for years.
it is part of the democrat playbook...get people hooked on government to the point they start having children when they are teenagers, encourage a dangerous drug gang culture, then undermine the police.....and after a few have permanent democrat voters.....well...the ones who are still alive...
it is part of the democrat playbook...get people hooked on government to the point they start having children when they are teenagers, encourage a dangerous drug gang culture, then undermine the police.....and after a few have permanent democrat voters.....well...the ones who are still alive...
Looks like CNN, MSNBC, Holder and Obama et al are going to get their race war.
What is it with minorities and the Bosnian community in St. is another reported hate crime towards a Bosnian immigrant woman....

Another Hate Crime In St. Louis Extrano s Alley a gun blog
It cannot be a hate crime, Bosnians are technically white.

I have never encountered a Bosnian who did not look----simply---European--white-bread. ------What is distinctive
about bosnians?-----they look like Croatians and Serbs----
kinda like poles and Ukrainians------and other average huddled masses yeaning to breathe free. -------weird ----an old Bosnian lady?
Look at all the shit this cock sucker WON'T prosecute, you think BLACK ON WHITE crime, is anywhere as bad as a white cop shooting a robber black thug?

What is it with minorities and the Bosnian community in St. is another reported hate crime towards a Bosnian immigrant woman....

Another Hate Crime In St. Louis Extrano s Alley a gun blog
It cannot be a hate crime, Bosnians are technically white.

I have never encountered a Bosnian who did not look----simply---European--white-bread. ------What is distinctive
about bosnians?-----they look like Croatians and Serbs----
kinda like poles and Ukrainians------and other average huddled masses yeaning to breathe free. -------weird ----an old Bosnian lady?
A facetious post; I forgot to add ; - ).

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