Squad Congresswoman opposes US sending weapons to Ukraine


Her party is funded, controlled, and led by JEWS

Pelosi (another JDAAC)

Jews are 99% of the funding of the Democrats

the late Jeff Epstein

Everyone who was long gold, oil, defense stocks, and the long bond on 910
Your Jew hate is delicious. Yum yum yum. Didn’t realize Biden was Jewish. I am coming over now to discuss this with you.

Zelensky is not Christian.

He is Jewish, which is why certain people in America are so obsessed....
Wow, read much? Tell Me, what does "Ukrainians are white and mostly Christian" mean to you and how is it singling out just Zelensky?
Your Jew hate is delicious. Yum yum yum. Didn’t realize Biden was Jewish. I am coming over now to discuss this with you.

YOU do not REALIZE much at all, because you have spent your entire life with a paper bag over your head called RELIGION....

Biden says he is Catholic. His positions on issues like abortion are a clue that is not correct...

Jews know who is Jewish and who is not....

Try to READ and COMPREHEND this time, invalid....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.


If the Mossad based here in US (foreign terrorists on US soil) took out the Kenyan Cocksucker (an act of war, just like JFK), "Catholic" Biden would lie about that and start a US war with Iran....

which you would support, because as a SUB, you only care about ISRAEL, because you are completely devoid of TRUTH, INTELLIGENCE, and PATRIOTISM to AMERICA....
Wow, read much? Tell Me, what does "Ukrainians are white and mostly Christian" mean to you and how is it singling out just Zelensky?

Amazing how white Christians there do not vote for white Christians...

SUBS here do not vote for anyone who does not claim to be Christian (even as many like Pentz and McConnell are obviously JEWISH too)...
YOU do not REALIZE much at all, because you have spent your entire life with a paper bag over your head called RELIGION....

Biden says he is Catholic. His positions on issues like abortion are a clue that is not correct...

Jews know who is Jewish and who is not....

Try to READ and COMPREHEND this time, invalid....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.


If the Mossad based here in US (foreign terrorists on US soil) took out the Kenyan Cocksucker (an act of war, just like JFK), "Catholic" Biden would lie about that and start a US war with Iran....

which you would support, because as a SUB, you only care about ISRAEL, because you are completely devoid of TRUTH, INTELLIGENCE, and PATRIOTISM to AMERICA....
So Biden is Jewish? I just need this on record please. Thank you.

Her party is funded, controlled, and led by JEWS

Pelosi (another JDAAC)

Jews are 99% of the funding of the Democrats

the late Jeff Epstein

Everyone who was long gold, oil, defense stocks, and the long bond on 910
Oh, fuck my life...

Amazing how white Christians there do not vote for white Christians...

SUBS here do not vote for anyone who does not claim to be Christian (even as many like Pentz and McConnell are obviously JEWISH too)...
LaDairis ”I see Jews everywhere. They are everywhere. They don’t even know they’re Jewish.”

LaDairis ”I see Jews everywhere. They are everywhere. They don’t even know they’re Jewish.”


SUB only can PARROT

SUB cannot think, analyze, or pay attention

SUB goes to church where Preacher is JEW FRAUD pretending to be Christian. SUB too dumb to notice...

Her party is funded, controlled, and led by JEWS

Pelosi (another JDAAC)

Jews are 99% of the funding of the Democrats

the late Jeff Epstein

Everyone who was long gold, oil, defense stocks, and the long bond on 910
Omar is the opposite of her party in reality. She is using it to help the decline of the United States. She is a deep state shill of her own beliefs in a nation that has its own deep state shills. In a second, she would kill AOC if needed. But AOC is a perfect politician to destroy the United States. And we have many of them.
My reaction is: well if that bitch says we shouldn’t do it, it’s a sure sign that it would be the right thing TO do.

Quite to the contrary, I think for once, even she has gotten it right. Missiles only bring us one step closer to a true, full kinetic war where the USA can only end up as much the loser as Russia and Ukraine.

The AZOV Battalion is composed of real live Neo-Nazi's. You really should be better informed.
So Biden is Jewish? I just need this on record please. Thank you.

According to the JEWS who wrote that treasonous editorial, obviously...

Who else supports "Catholic" Biden?

The entire 911 crowd

Fox News
George Will
Paul Ryan

But until your JEW FRAUD of a preacher tells you that, you will never accept it....
Too late Poland is transferring all of their MIG fighters, and encouraging others to do the same, to the USA, then to Ramstein then to the Ukraine. And the USA will sell new fighters to replace those Migs.

The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the Goverment, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Rammstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America.

At the same time, Poland requests the United States to provide us with used aircraft with corresponding operational capabilities. Poland is ready to immediately establish the conditions of purchase of the planes.

The Polish Government also requests other NATO Allies – owners of MIG-29 jets – to act in the same vein.

Fodder for Russia's S-400's.
Omar is the opposite of her party in reality. She is using it to help the decline of the United States. She is a deep state shill of her own beliefs in a nation that has its own deep state shills. In a second, she would kill AOC if needed. But AOC is a perfect politician to destroy the United States. And we have many of them.
LaDairis is Omar Jewish too?

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