Speed Upgrade


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

Hope to get some advice;

I upgraded from 512mb to 2GB RAM on my Dell Laptop.

I'm getting wonderful results on my browsing speeds but when I watch videos on youtube, there seems to be a freeze up every 2-3 seconds where the video stops and audio is lost. This doesn't happen on my other netbooks and laptops.

Do I need to adjust some other settings as well? I switched to Mozilla thinking the new browser would help; same result.
There are other factors involved. What are you laptop specifications and what model is it? How old is it?
Odd thing but true: If you install too much RAM, as in, anywhere near the GHZ speed of your processor, it will actually bog you down. As in: 2 GB RAM with a 2GHZ processor, for example.

RAM does not equal speed anyway, it's just flash memory and if it's not there, the system will simply use your HD. If alot of it is there, system will simply fill it up then have to use HD anyway.

You didn't say what version of FF you have, but v4 has a separate "plug-in container" for handling SWF video and mp3 audio.
Another thing: You may have installed the flash memory cards, but does your system recognize them? Go Start>Control Panel then double-click on "System" and find out.
I was going to say your download speed is not keeping up with the computer but you say you do not have this problem with your other computers. I have satelite internet and the download rate causes my videos and audio at times to stop for a second or two. If you have DSL this should not happen but this does not appear to be a problem since your other ones work.
The RAM is only going to have a small part to play.
What Flash Player are you using and is it up to date? Is this an older laptop? Single core? Duo core? How many Gigahertz is the processor? What anti virus and/or firewall do you have installed? Which graphics chip is on the laptop? Is your BIOs up to date?
Since your other systems are not affected all these issues I've listed can affect the problem laptops performance.
There's also a chance something is eating up your processor time and resources. Go Ctrl>Alt>Delete (Mash and hold) and look in task manager at what the various processes are doing. How many "rundll32.exe" processes do you have running? Know how many you should have? ZERO.
A compatibility check is a must, go to your manufacturers web site and look for compatible RAM, and check the RAM's site also. memtest is good for checking for errors, but it requires a medium and up computer level of knowledge.

If you're using either Norton or McAfee get rid of them and use AVG to free up resources.

Hope to get some advice;

I upgraded from 512mb to 2GB RAM on my Dell Laptop.

I'm getting wonderful results on my browsing speeds but when I watch videos on youtube, there seems to be a freeze up every 2-3 seconds where the video stops and audio is lost. This doesn't happen on my other netbooks and laptops.

Do I need to adjust some other settings as well? I switched to Mozilla thinking the new browser would help; same result.

You need to make sure the setting on your laptop match your download speed. You might also need to upgrade your wireless card. If you only had 512M you might have an older card that does not support 802.11g or n your connection is just going to be slower. I really need to know more before I can offer you effective advice.
Go into your BIOS and find your video aperture setting...

... if it's set at 64 mb bump it up to 128...

... or whatever the next highest setting is.

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