Spectator swings and misses at RFKjr


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
While the leftist media, cough cough, is simply ignoring RFKjr and/or tagging him with card tossing one liners, the Spectator did a pretty thorough job...

The problem for the Spectator, though, is what it calls "kooky" is actually now pretty darn mainstream and gaining credibility every day as more and more die and suffer from Murderous Fraud Vax...

The younger Kennedy says there is no deeper meaning behind his frequent appearances in conservative media. Itā€™s because ā€œthe liberal media wonā€™t let me on to talk,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™m censored in the liberal media.ā€ Running for president, though, has changed this; he said he had hundreds of media requests since his announcement, and was planning to go on Good Morning America and CNN. Kennedy subscribes to a Chomskyan view of the media as a top-down machine controlled by powerful interests, and though he reads widely, he doesnā€™t trust a lot of what he reads. ā€œI would trust the New York Times about not anything to do with war or with the intelligence agencies or with pharmaceutical drugs,ā€ he said. (That takes out quite a bit of the paperā€™s coverage.)

He doesnā€™t trust a lot in general. Kennedy is often described in the press as an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist, and of course he rejects this as a smear. ā€œThe term ā€˜misinformationā€™ is just a euphemism for any statement that departs from government orthodoxies,ā€ he said. But he does literally believe in conspiracy explanations for important events, including the assassination of his father in 1968. Kennedy doesnā€™t believe that the man convicted of the crime, Sirhan Sirhan, actually did it, and has called for Sirhanā€™s release from prison. He told Tablet recently that he believes the culprit was a security guard assigned to RFK the day before the shooting, in a CIA plot triggered by his fatherā€™s desire to re-open the Warren Commission investigation of JFKā€™s assassination.

and he joins Dexter Scott King, who says James Earl Ray did not kill MLK, and Jackie-O, who said LBJ was behind JFK assassination...

What the Spectator tries to call "conspiracy explanations" simply requires an IQ over 5 to see they are ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON....
I can see how his candidacy could be damned inconvenient for them. Especially if independent media gives him an honest platform that they cannot silence... ooops...

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