Speaking The Unspeakable: Separate But Equal


Sep 23, 2010
Most Americans better take the political movement known as “Racism” out of the hands of media/government before it too late. Every time Muslim combatants, or nut jobs, shoot somebody the public gets the same 24-7 crap for weeks on end. Every talking head says the same thing: Racism must be stopped because it is tearing the country apart.

Heads portray themselves as the people most concerned about racism-driven by violence. I never heard a one of them ever say they love the violence because violence gives them much more air time to spout their concern for the country than does a natural disaster. Not a one of them will admit that wall-to-wall coverage is an advertisement for more violence. If television networks were newspapers they would run “Violence Wanted” with the want ads.

Heads want one thing. Everyone accepting the government’s cure for the racism the government created; i.e. Socialism/Communism. Media/government guaranties that violence will never end in this country until totalitarian government is fully implemented, or until violent-prone Socialists/Communists are treated, and punished, as criminals —— whichever comes first. Put it in perspective this way. Government-engineered-violence is a crisis of violence. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” morphed into a Communist scare tactic.

NOTE: The piece of scum in the White House sold himself as a spiritual leader to Muslims, to blacks, and to touchy-feely whites willing to follow any messiah who promised Utopia. He pulled it off for one reason only: Racism is an invented sin.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20th century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black racist gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The entire scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.

Separate but equal

Not one talking head ever said that separate but equal is a better solution than Socialism. A talking head’s career in television would be over should he utter the words “separate but equal” because no other doctrine more effectively demolishes collectivist thinking. Collectivism in practice means assembly is unequal.

Ambitious mixed race racists abhor separate but equal because it denies them the authority they feel they are entitled to. The best way to get authority is by force ——VIOLENCE. If you doubt it count how many black big mouths ended up in the government, in academia, and with executive positions in the private sector thanks to violence. The average black American get nothing from the racism scam, but they get more ambition blacks working with whites. The fact is that the fear of an all-out race war was always the threat behind the violence race riots trigger.

NOTE: Race riots increase gun sales more than any other reason. A few more race riots will end with every American owning a gun for protection. Indeed, I am surprised it is taking so long. Nobody wants to die an unarmed victim.

You might also count the number of whites are being punished by Socialism.

Racism is subtle, while it is as domineering as it is destructive. Briefly, here is my take on racism:

Children naturally try to please authority figures. Winning approval carries over into adult life. By forcing white children to seek the approval of non-white teachers the education system is trying to bring about racial equality.

Racial equality is Socialism’s answer to the Golden Rule.

NOTE: Every religion has its Golden Rule. Boo said it this way:


Obviously, black racists preach their Golden Rule with violence.

The failure of American public education show that racial equality is not working in education, nor is it working in the rest of society. What racial equality gave the country is a nation of ass-kissers harboring eternal hatreds.

Separate but equal was the better way to go. If you look at racial integration in the early years, blacks rejected separate but equal. The story was that whites wanted blacks in one place to make it easier to kill them. That was absurd. If whites wanted to kill every black they would have sent them to Africa where blacks do a good job of killing each other.

As it turned out racial integration gave black racists a broad base among whites so they could kill whites as though each killing is unconnected to the previous ones. Somehow, every time a white kills a black it is part of master plan to kill all blacks.

In short: I believe that in a system of white schools and non-white schools the races would treat each other in a civilized manner. As it stands now media/government propaganda tells us that after their Socialist/Communist utopian is firmly established everyone on the planet will engage a global hug at least once a day and sing Kumbaya:

Kumbaya My Lord

In any event, where a child attends school should mean that a white child would attend a white school and a black child would attend a black school so long as it is by choice and not by government edict.

Incidentally, separate but equal in public education is the easiest policy to implement. Simply count the pupils and give every school the same predetermined amount of money for every student. Public education is about tax dollars anyway. The current system is a huge waste of money —— and children —— since most children go to school stupid and graduate the same way.

I know that a substantial number of whites and blacks get along. The major problem created by black rage has always been that every white is forced to associate with blacks in a multitude of ways. No one ever mentions that blacks choose their associates while whites lost that choice decades ago.

Before the dawn of politically correct speech was imposed on the country separate but equal was a valid position in addressing race relations. Today, separate but equal is called racism although separate but equal does not advocate one race killing another as does Socialism’s collectivism.

NOTE: The best thing Woodrow Wilson ever did for both races was to order government agencies to provide separate but equal restrooms for whites and blacks.

I know this one will offend Democrat do-gooders, but they should be more than willing to establish separate but equal hospitals, testing facilities, etc., for whites and for blacks. After all, healthcare is not about restrooms. Healthcare is about an industry that has the power of life and death over its customers. If there is the slightest chance that murderous black rage like the Dallas shooting will find an outlet in the healthcare industry then every precaution should be taken to avoid a tragedy that could go unnoticed for decades. There is every reason to believe that socialized medicine in this country will go the same way it went in the UK. Open-borders contributes to the problem:

Now a mere 37% of NHS doctors are white British
By James Gillespie
00:00, Thu, Feb 3, 2011

Now a mere 37% of NHS doctors are white British

Incompetence aside, it must follow that a percentage of non-white doctors will be filled with the same anti-white rage that permeates the black population in America.

Am I exaggerating? Not when you consider everything black rage accomplished in academe. Forcing multiculturalism on the young, loss of intellectual freedom in higher education, required courses taught by equal-opportunity professors are some examples. It is not much of a stretch to go from killing the spirit in a classroom to killing the body in a hospital. I see no difference between healthcare professionals killing patients, and easily identified black racists killing white police officers.
Wow, this should be marked as a likely winner of Rant of the Year!

In Trouble Brewing I offered an opinion on the issue:

Post 21:

Look in the mirror and you'll see the genesis of racial discontent. When then senator Obama was nominated, actually even before, the racists came out of the closet attacking him as not black enough, when that didn't catch fire, as ineligible for the Office of POTUS, and calling him a racist (a typical and all too common response by the new iteration of conservative, labeling others of acting as they do).

Today's conservatives use rhetoric framed by lies of omission and commission, half-truths, rumor, hate and fear mongering, innuendos and character assassination - all of which are the tools - seemingly the only tools - in the toolbox of the New Right, the 21st Century iteration of conservatism.

Reagan, Goldwater and Buckley must be spinning in their graves every time Trump, Ryan and McConnell, et al open their mouth, and speak for them or about conservative principles (what a laugh, conservative principles are one: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you)!

There is no greater dishonesty than those who point fingers at others while doing exactly what they claim to abhor, those who rewrite history & those who echo such bullshit, and especially those who claim to be patriots and Christians with their lips, but trod on our flag and the cross of Jesus with their feet.
Look in the mirror and you'll see the genesis of racial discontent. When then senator Obama was nominated, actually even before, the racists came out of the closet attacking him as not black enough, when that didn't catch fire, as ineligible for the Office of POTUS, and calling him a racist (a typical and all too common response by the new iteration of conservative, labeling others of acting as they do).
To Wry Catcher: Your standard talking points in defense of the Chicago sewer rat say one thing:


I forgot to point out that the sewer rat’s gun control agenda is a major contribution to violent black racism. Fact: Racism and violence became increasing worse after he took office in 2009:

Unbelievable: Obama Doesn’t Waste Time BLAMING GUNS For Dallas Shooting!
Featured Contributor

Unbelievable: Obama Doesn't Waste Time BLAMING GUNS For Dallas Shooting!
The man is determined to increase the number Americans killed and maimed by black racists before he leaves office.

Barack Obama said there is no excuse or justification for the sniper attack.

I think he’s wrong about that. Obama himself provided plenty of excuses beyond his inclination to enflame racial strife and deter racial reconciliation.

He has done everything a president of the United States could do to bring us such a tragedy – with potentially more on the way.


One of the most notable characteristics of the Obama administration has been its active efforts to divide and polarize Americans on racial matters.​

The Obama-Islamic links to Dallas
Posted By Joseph Farah On 07/10/2016 @ 3:19 pm

The Obama-Islamic links to Dallas

Federal control of local law enforcement combined with confiscating millions of registered and “background check” guns has long been a major objective for Democrats. Increasing the number of engineered violence followed by more wall-to-wall media coverage might be enough to give him the groundswell against gun owners he needs to abolish the Second Amendment.

Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops
by Neil Munro
9 Jul 2016

Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart

The record of totalitarian governments means nothing to fools planning on voting for Hillary Clinton/Obama:

“ . . . even if she were playing with a full deck, . . . ”.​

Hillary supporters truly believe they will be better off when only the government has guns. Even if you writeoff Hillary’s diminishing mental faculties as partisan nitpicking you are left with this:

Clinton’s Muslim aide Huma Abedin, with her Muslim Brotherhood family, would become the shadowy figure in control.​

Comey testimony reveals Hillary's 'cognitive impairment'?
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 07/10/2016 @ 6:37 pm

Comey testimony reveals Hillary’s ‘cognitive impairment’?
Most Americans better take the political movement known as “Racism” out of the hands of media/government before it too late. Every time Muslim combatants, or nut jobs, shoot somebody the public gets the same 24-7 crap for weeks on end. Every talking head says the same thing: Racism must be stopped because it is tearing the country apart.

Heads portray themselves as the people most concerned about racism-driven by violence. I never heard a one of them ever say they love the violence because violence gives them much more air time to spout their concern for the country than does a natural disaster. Not a one of them will admit that wall-to-wall coverage is an advertisement for more violence. If television networks were newspapers they would run “Violence Wanted” with the want ads.

Heads want one thing. Everyone accepting the government’s cure for the racism the government created; i.e. Socialism/Communism. Media/government guaranties that violence will never end in this country until totalitarian government is fully implemented, or until violent-prone Socialists/Communists are treated, and punished, as criminals —— whichever comes first. Put it in perspective this way. Government-engineered-violence is a crisis of violence. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” morphed into a Communist scare tactic.

NOTE: The piece of scum in the White House sold himself as a spiritual leader to Muslims, to blacks, and to touchy-feely whites willing to follow any messiah who promised Utopia. He pulled it off for one reason only: Racism is an invented sin.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20th century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.

Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black racist gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The entire scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.

Separate but equal

Not one talking head ever said that separate but equal is a better solution than Socialism. A talking head’s career in television would be over should he utter the words “separate but equal” because no other doctrine more effectively demolishes collectivist thinking. Collectivism in practice means assembly is unequal.

Ambitious mixed race racists abhor separate but equal because it denies them the authority they feel they are entitled to. The best way to get authority is by force ——VIOLENCE. If you doubt it count how many black big mouths ended up in the government, in academia, and with executive positions in the private sector thanks to violence. The average black American get nothing from the racism scam, but they get more ambition blacks working with whites. The fact is that the fear of an all-out race war was always the threat behind the violence race riots trigger.

NOTE: Race riots increase gun sales more than any other reason. A few more race riots will end with every American owning a gun for protection. Indeed, I am surprised it is taking so long. Nobody wants to die an unarmed victim.

You might also count the number of whites are being punished by Socialism.

Racism is subtle, while it is as domineering as it is destructive. Briefly, here is my take on racism:

Children naturally try to please authority figures. Winning approval carries over into adult life. By forcing white children to seek the approval of non-white teachers the education system is trying to bring about racial equality.

Racial equality is Socialism’s answer to the Golden Rule.

NOTE: Every religion has its Golden Rule. Boo said it this way:


Obviously, black racists preach their Golden Rule with violence.

The failure of American public education show that racial equality is not working in education, nor is it working in the rest of society. What racial equality gave the country is a nation of ass-kissers harboring eternal hatreds.

Separate but equal was the better way to go. If you look at racial integration in the early years, blacks rejected separate but equal. The story was that whites wanted blacks in one place to make it easier to kill them. That was absurd. If whites wanted to kill every black they would have sent them to Africa where blacks do a good job of killing each other.

As it turned out racial integration gave black racists a broad base among whites so they could kill whites as though each killing is unconnected to the previous ones. Somehow, every time a white kills a black it is part of master plan to kill all blacks.

In short: I believe that in a system of white schools and non-white schools the races would treat each other in a civilized manner. As it stands now media/government propaganda tells us that after their Socialist/Communist utopian is firmly established everyone on the planet will engage a global hug at least once a day and sing Kumbaya:

Kumbaya My Lord

In any event, where a child attends school should mean that a white child would attend a white school and a black child would attend a black school so long as it is by choice and not by government edict.

Incidentally, separate but equal in public education is the easiest policy to implement. Simply count the pupils and give every school the same predetermined amount of money for every student. Public education is about tax dollars anyway. The current system is a huge waste of money —— and children —— since most children go to school stupid and graduate the same way.

I know that a substantial number of whites and blacks get along. The major problem created by black rage has always been that every white is forced to associate with blacks in a multitude of ways. No one ever mentions that blacks choose their associates while whites lost that choice decades ago.

Before the dawn of politically correct speech was imposed on the country separate but equal was a valid position in addressing race relations. Today, separate but equal is called racism although separate but equal does not advocate one race killing another as does Socialism’s collectivism.

NOTE: The best thing Woodrow Wilson ever did for both races was to order government agencies to provide separate but equal restrooms for whites and blacks.

I know this one will offend Democrat do-gooders, but they should be more than willing to establish separate but equal hospitals, testing facilities, etc., for whites and for blacks. After all, healthcare is not about restrooms. Healthcare is about an industry that has the power of life and death over its customers. If there is the slightest chance that murderous black rage like the Dallas shooting will find an outlet in the healthcare industry then every precaution should be taken to avoid a tragedy that could go unnoticed for decades. There is every reason to believe that socialized medicine in this country will go the same way it went in the UK. Open-borders contributes to the problem:

Now a mere 37% of NHS doctors are white British
By James Gillespie
00:00, Thu, Feb 3, 2011

Now a mere 37% of NHS doctors are white British

Incompetence aside, it must follow that a percentage of non-white doctors will be filled with the same anti-white rage that permeates the black population in America.

Am I exaggerating? Not when you consider everything black rage accomplished in academe. Forcing multiculturalism on the young, loss of intellectual freedom in higher education, required courses taught by equal-opportunity professors are some examples. It is not much of a stretch to go from killing the spirit in a classroom to killing the body in a hospital. I see no difference between healthcare professionals killing patients, and easily identified black racists killing white police officers.

The Warren Court properly dealt with the "separate but equal" fiction over 60 years ago. What you're really suggesting is a step back into Jim Crow. That's a dangerous new move in American society. Along with SCOTUS castrating the Civil Rights Act and "voter i.d." laws that are echoes of poll taxes and "literacy tests" given to Blacks by racist white illiterates in the bad old days.
The Warren Court properly dealt with the "separate but equal" fiction over 60 years ago.
To Searcher44: The SCOTUS ruled for the political collectivist agenda I outlined in the OP. Separate but equal was not a fiction back then, nor is it a fiction today. The New Black Panthers do not think it is fiction:

Omowale used the interview to claim five states as belonging to the “Black Nation”: Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia.

The revolutionary stated: “We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.”​

EXCLUSIVE–New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form ‘Country Within a Country’
by Aaron Klein
10 Jul 2016

EXCLUSIVE–New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form 'Country Within a Country' - Breitbart

It never occurs to characters like Babu Omowale to migrate to five all-black African nations where he will not have to look at white people at all.

If Babu has the knowledge to take control of an economy, he surely has the knowledge to create an economy for poor blacks in Africa where they could use his expertise.
The Warren Court properly dealt with the "separate but equal" fiction over 60 years ago.
To Searcher44: The SCOTUS ruled for the political collectivist agenda I outlined in the OP. Separate but equal was not a fiction back then, nor is it a fiction today. The New Black Panthers do not think it is fiction:

Omowale used the interview to claim five states as belonging to the “Black Nation”: Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia.

The revolutionary stated: “We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.”​

EXCLUSIVE–New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form ‘Country Within a Country’
by Aaron Klein
10 Jul 2016

EXCLUSIVE–New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form 'Country Within a Country' - Breitbart

It never occurs to characters like Babu Omowale to migrate to five all-black African nations where he will not have to look at white people at all.

If Babu has the knowledge to take control of an economy, he surely has the knowledge to create an economy for poor blacks in Africa where they could use his expertise.

Kwami Ture loved your ideas. Back to Africa, empowering all those of African Heritage and then - world revolution. I think he wanted it to end up with every white person having a slit throat. (I liked him better as Stokely Carmichael - angry but not homicidal). Lincoln at one time loved the idea of colonization, until Black people, especially Black soldiers, helped win the Civil War and preserve the Union. He came to believe his own rhetoric,that maybe justice would not be served until every drop of blood drawn by the lash "shall be paid for by one drawn by the sword."

Your ideas are old and wicked and cowardly. You aren't strong enough or brave enough or smart enough or honest enough to fight for the promises of the Declaration and the Constitution to be finally honored.
Perhaps the OP will explain to us how our President turned him against someone that he was aligned with in, say, 2004 or anytime before Obama became President?

If he cannot illustrate how this “divisive” President has divided him from anyone…it’s a sign that there is no division being engendered.
Kwami Ture loved your ideas. Back to Africa, empowering all those of African Heritage and then - world revolution.
To Searcher44: You obviously do not know the difference between world conquest by military force and the misnomer world revolution. A black revolution can only take place from within.

revolution (noun)
Abbr. rev.

1. a. Orbital motion about a point, especially as distinguished from axial rotation: the planetary revolution about the sun. b. A turning or rotational motion about an axis. c. A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion.

2. The overthrow of one government and its replacement with another. See synonyms at rebellion.

3. A sudden or momentous change in a situation: the revolution in computer technology.

4. Geology. A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.​

An African war of military conquest would meet defeat at the hands of non-black countries. Either way, whites et al. fighting back is the last thing black racists want.
I think he wanted it to end up with every white person having a slit throat. (I liked him better as Stokely Carmichael - angry but not homicidal).
To Searcher44: Every black racist is homicidal. Those who do the killing are too stupid to get other blacks to do the killing.
Lincoln at one time loved the idea of colonization, until Black people, especially Black soldiers, helped win the Civil War and preserve the Union. He came to believe his own rhetoric,that maybe justice would not be served until every drop of blood drawn by the lash "shall be paid for by one drawn by the sword."
To Searcher44: Lincoln was an asshole ahead of his time. See this thread:

Lincoln was a woman
Your ideas are old and wicked and cowardly.
To Searcher44: You are worse than wicked. You are a fool. Separate but equal is universal and unchallenged everywhere except here.

I suspect that you get your ideas from movies and television where whites and black are pals through thick and thin. In cop shows, in comedy shows, in news shows, and even in product commercials, blacks and whites going through life arm-in-arm are as normal as mom’s apple pie. In real life the vast majority of individuals in both races prefer not associating with the other.

You aren't strong enough or brave enough or smart enough or honest enough to fight for the promises of the Declaration and the Constitution to be finally honored.
To Searcher44: You are a glutton for punishment. You made an ass of yourself talking about the Constitution in this thread:

The VP is the President of the Senate. That means he is a member of the legislative branch.

Comparing Robert Bork To Obama’s Eventual Nominee

You admit you are not an American. It is a pity you did not learn from Mark Twain before you talked about our Constitution:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.​

There is nothing in our founding documents that advocates, or implies, Socialism’s touchy-feely garbage.

Basically, you are afraid to stand up to Socialism’s ideology. Worse than fear of Socialts/Communists you are a coward because you would not fight for real property Rights, or fight for the individual liberties required to defend your constitutional Rights if you were an American. You even lack the guts to vote against the thieves who would steal your freedoms.

Standing up for special privileges for minorities —— but only so long as everyone is forced to pay for those privileges —— is the definition of courage to you and your kind.

I shudder thinking about your interpretation of the First and Second Amendments.

Perhaps the OP will explain to us how our President turned him against someone that he was aligned with in, say, 2004 or anytime before Obama became President?

If he cannot illustrate how this “divisive” President has divided him from anyone…it’s a sign that there is no division being engendered.
To candycorn: Both his ideology, and his agenda answer your question. Research my messages if you want it spelled out for you.

Incidentally, I had the sewer rat spotted for what he is when he made his speech on the Senate floor. See this thread:

The Sewer Rat’s First Bite
Perhaps the OP will explain to us how our President turned him against someone that he was aligned with in, say, 2004 or anytime before Obama became President?

If he cannot illustrate how this “divisive” President has divided him from anyone…it’s a sign that there is no division being engendered.
To candycorn: Both his ideology, and his agenda answer your question. Research my messages if you want it spelled out for you.

Incidentally, I had the sewer rat spotted for what he is when he made his speech on the Senate floor. See this thread:

The Sewer Rat’s First Bite

TRANSLATION: Flanders is so full of shit his eyes are brown.
Kwami Ture loved your ideas. Back to Africa, empowering all those of African Heritage and then - world revolution.
To Searcher44: You obviously do not know the difference between world conquest by military force and the misnomer world revolution. A black revolution can only take place from within.

revolution (noun)
Abbr. rev.

1. a. Orbital motion about a point, especially as distinguished from axial rotation: the planetary revolution about the sun. b. A turning or rotational motion about an axis. c. A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion.

2. The overthrow of one government and its replacement with another. See synonyms at rebellion.

3. A sudden or momentous change in a situation: the revolution in computer technology.

4. Geology. A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.​

An African war of military conquest would meet defeat at the hands of non-black countries. Either way, whites et al. fighting back is the last thing black racists want.
I think he wanted it to end up with every white person having a slit throat. (I liked him better as Stokely Carmichael - angry but not homicidal).
To Searcher44: Every black racist is homicidal. Those who do the killing are too stupid to get other blacks to do the killing.
Lincoln at one time loved the idea of colonization, until Black people, especially Black soldiers, helped win the Civil War and preserve the Union. He came to believe his own rhetoric,that maybe justice would not be served until every drop of blood drawn by the lash "shall be paid for by one drawn by the sword."
To Searcher44: Lincoln was an asshole ahead of his time. See this thread:

Lincoln was a woman
Your ideas are old and wicked and cowardly.
To Searcher44: You are worse than wicked. You are a fool. Separate but equal is universal and unchallenged everywhere except here.

I suspect that you get your ideas from movies and television where whites and black are pals through thick and thin. In cop shows, in comedy shows, in news shows, and even in product commercials, blacks and whites going through life arm-in-arm are as normal as mom’s apple pie. In real life the vast majority of individuals in both races prefer not associating with the other.

You aren't strong enough or brave enough or smart enough or honest enough to fight for the promises of the Declaration and the Constitution to be finally honored.
To Searcher44: You are a glutton for punishment. You made an ass of yourself talking about the Constitution in this thread:

The VP is the President of the Senate. That means he is a member of the legislative branch.

Comparing Robert Bork To Obama’s Eventual Nominee

You admit you are not an American. It is a pity you did not learn from Mark Twain before you talked about our Constitution:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.​

There is nothing in our founding documents that advocates, or implies, Socialism’s touchy-feely garbage.

Basically, you are afraid to stand up to Socialism’s ideology. Worse than fear of Socialts/Communists you are a coward because you would not fight for real property Rights, or fight for the individual liberties required to defend your constitutional Rights if you were an American. You even lack the guts to vote against the thieves who would steal your freedoms.

Standing up for special privileges for minorities —— but only so long as everyone is forced to pay for those privileges —— is the definition of courage to you and your kind.

I shudder thinking about your interpretation of the First and Second Amendments.

Perhaps the OP will explain to us how our President turned him against someone that he was aligned with in, say, 2004 or anytime before Obama became President?

If he cannot illustrate how this “divisive” President has divided him from anyone…it’s a sign that there is no division being engendered.
To candycorn: Both his ideology, and his agenda answer your question. Research my messages if you want it spelled out for you.

Incidentally, I had the sewer rat spotted for what he is when he made his speech on the Senate floor. See this thread:

The Sewer Rat’s First Bite

The VP is the President of the Senate. That means he is a member of the legislative branch.

My God, was that you who argued that the VP was formally a member of the Legislative Branch over and over and over, beyond logic, beyond reason, even confronted with a mountain of evidence clearly placing him with the executive? Now I know more clearly what I'm dealing with.

You admit you are not an American. It is a pity you did not learn from Mark Twain before you talked about our Constitution:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

You say, "You admit you are not an American." like it's admitting to carrying an obscure and disgusting fatal disease when you yourself have discarded all the potential exceptionalism inherent in the American nation by discarding the exceptional principles of it's founding that make it so.

To Searcher44: You are worse than wicked. You are a fool. Separate but equal is universal and unchallenged everywhere except here.

If only you could give me some examples where the separation of superficially "different" human beings led to anything other than the ghetto-ization of the minority. Where eventually the people behind that wall were looked on as something less than human, hated and feared. See Jewish facts over hundreds of years of European history.

To Searcher44: Lincoln was an asshole ahead of his time. See this thread:

Lincoln was a woman

I just quote that to recognize your madness, not to dignify it with any address. There is some fatal flaw in your programming where GIGO isn't necessarily an issue but "good data in, garbage out" is.

An African war of military conquest would meet defeat at the hands of non-black countries. Either way, whites et al. fighting back is the last thing black racists want.

You take too seriously the crazy fevered dreams of fundamentalist madmen, including your own.
Now I know more clearly what I'm dealing with.
To Searcher44: Take the time to get it straight. Here is the link AGAIN

Comparing Robert Bork To Obama’s Eventual Nominee
like it's admitting to carrying an obscure and disgusting fatal disease
To Searcher44: Stupidity is fatal.
you yourself have discarded all the potential exceptionalism inherent in the American nation by discarding the exceptional principles of it's founding that make it so.
To Searcher44: Define exceptional as you understand it.
If only you could give me some examples where the separation of superficially "different" human beings led to anything other than the ghetto-ization of the minority. Where eventually the people behind that wall were looked on as something less than human, hated and feared. See Jewish facts over hundreds of years of European history.
To Searcher44: You are not smart enough to double-talk in English. Do not expect me to make your case for you.
I just quote that to recognize your madness, not to dignify it with any address. There is some fatal flaw in your programming where GIGO isn't necessarily an issue but "good data in, garbage out" is
You take too seriously the crazy fevered dreams of fundamentalist madmen, including your own.
To Searcher44: Whenever a halfwit dives into the deep end of the pool. I let the folks who might be following this thread decide who makes sense.
Race riots increase gun sales more than any other reason.
If Judi is correct about martial law the sewer rat must believe he has the edge. If so, he better get to it before he runs out of the time he needs to confiscate all of those guns between now and November:

None should hold their breath waiting for President Barack Hussein Obama to impose martial law as a means of suspending upcoming presidential elections—at least not yet.

If Obama does impose martial law it will be a sure sign that Donald Trump has a good chance of winning the presidency. Until then, Obama’s holding martial law as his ace in the hole.

In short, the final BOOM that Obama is going to lower on the masses is not martial law but the election of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the one Donald J. Trump correctly pegged as “Crooked Hillary”. That’s the big BOOM Obama is getting ready to lower on We the People on his way out the door.​

Obama will only impose martial law if it looks like Trump will win
By Judi McLeod
July 13, 2016

Obama will only impose martial law if it looks like Trump will win
Disarming whites while arming blacks is doublespeak for gun control:

“Now, the difficult part becomes arming that nation in an organized fashion and getting recognition from the United States as well as other nations,” the University of Michigan professor told Atlanta Black Star.​

Surely clever little blacks realize that it is just as easy to have a continent as it is to have a country within a country. Indeed, why not two continents instead of emigrating to all-black nations in Africa! I suspect that is the plan Davenport does not want revealed:

Davenport advised black people seeking to foment revolution to “move slow” and “not reveal the plan until it is too late.” “Check members carefully, know that the state is monitoring you, and prepare for the worst,” the public school professor also helpfully suggested.​

University Of Michigan Professor: New Black-Only SEGREGATED NATION In Southern USA ‘Fairly Easy’
Eric Owens
Education Editor
8:38 AM 07/18/2016

U. Michigan Professor: New Black-Only SEGREGATED NATION In USA 'Fairly Easy'

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