Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Should Step Down As Speaker Until Cleared In Investigation Regarding Her Potential Part in Gen Milley Treason

...President still serves out the term to Jan 20th. You seriously didn't know that nutbag?

Between week of Nov 3d and January Trump was abusing the shit out of his office to try to stay in power and his crazy convulsions were seriously scaring people that he is capable of going as far as starting a war to make it happen.
The only people Trump scared were folks like you who think men should be allowed to use women's bathrooms, or virtually rape a woman in an MMA ring, or that she-males should be allowed to humiliate women in women's sports where they should not be allowed to compete.
Milley is just a partisan hack stooge appointed because of his politics

As you saw in Afghanistan, he is clueless about military operations.
When Milley goes to prison I hope that his cellmate is a 6'7" 275 pound tranny with a hardon
Which one is more insane with hate? Pelosi or Milley?
Both of them belong in prison.
These are the clowns who need to be under a psychological evaluation.

Oh riiiight, because President Trump was going to “start a war” to stay in office. What a joke. Just like he was going to start a war with North Korea, just like he was going to start a war with Iran, just like he was going to start an invasion of Syria....blah blah blah.
These Commie Fascists DemNazis lie about everything. They run a 24-7 x 365 propaganda operation in shifts out of the pit of Hell.

They even lie about the XX and XY Chromosomes. They wouldn't know truth if they were being tea bagged by it.
You love reading this mentally unbalanced stuff cuz.... that's what you are. No life beyond posting this idiotic dribble all day long. Here's hoping you don't have offspring.
Thank you foryour rambling, liberal marxist-supporting opinion, snowflake,which means nothing to me.

There are those that really believe Trump can make a difference in such a corrupt system

I'm not one of them.

He already had 4 years and nothing to show for it.
I would say Trump started on draining the swamp but made some serious miscalculations as to just how corrupt DC really is. It didn't help that half of the establishment was actively working against him. If Trump is re-elected in 2024 I expect that heads will roll across the board at CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and DOJ.
No, and thank goodness we now have a sane bunch leading our government. Now all we have to do is vote out all the treasonous assholes that tried to overturn the election.

Sane people? You can't be serious. I think you meant incompetent and compromised people.
I would say Trump started on draining the swamp but made some serious miscalculations as to just how corrupt DC really is. It didn't help that half of the establishment was actively working against him. If Trump is re-elected in 2024 I expect that heads will roll across the board at CIA, FBI, Pentagon, and DOJ.

Those currently in power will see to it that that will never happen. They are pushing hard for vote reform to ensure that they will never lose another election. No ID and mail-in ballots are a recipe for success for them as they can cheat as needed with no repercussions. The sheep that support them don't have a clue.
Those currently in power will see to it that that will never happen. They are pushing hard for vote reform to ensure that they will never lose another election. No ID and mail-in ballots are a recipe for success for them as they can cheat as needed with no repercussions. The sheep that support them don't have a clue.
There are steps that can be taken to ensure the plan fails. If both sides play the same game the next election will end up with more votes than voters and the whole thing will fall apart, forcing a return to sanity and in person voting.
There are steps that can be taken to ensure the plan fails. If both sides play the same game the next election will end up with more votes than voters and the whole thing will fall apart, forcing a return to sanity and in person voting.

Pretty sad that Republicans would have to revert to mass cheating to offset the Democrat's indiscretions.
Pretty sad that Republicans would have to revert to mass cheating to offset the Democrat's indiscretions.
Very true, but Republicans could do it in a manner that showed the cheating without actually altering their vote count by mailing in ridiculous write in names like Micky Mouse or some such. So long as they copied the method it couldn't discovered until the tallies are counted.
Very true, but Republicans could do it in a manner that showed the cheating without actually altering their vote count by mailing in ridiculous write in names like Micky Mouse or some such. So long as they copied the method it couldn't discovered until the tallies are counted.

It is most certainly easy to cheat under the Democrat's proposals. Democrats are just assuming they will be better at it. They certainly have more experience.
So you admit that Trump was, for all intents and purposes, no longer the President after Nov 3rd, yet you prove your mental unbalanced partisanship by claiming every Biden failure, every Pelosi, Milley, etc....treasonous act is somehow Trump's fault.

If you have not sought professional mental help you should do so.

As Ron White says, "You can't fix stupid!"
That is YOUR problem!
It's actually a relief and not a problem.

Look...in January of 20 it took me two days to figure out exactly what the exact situation Trump was being impeached for.

And it took that long to wade through the mountains of rhetoric to figure it out.

Most people I've talked to were like "Why is that illegal? We want him to do that."

So if you don't understand that...
It's actually a relief and not a problem.

Look...in January of 20 it took me two days to figure out exactly what the exact situation Trump was being impeached for.

And it took that long to wade through the mountains of rhetoric to figure it out.

Most people I've talked to were like "Why is that illegal? We want him to do that."

So if you don't understand that...
No. You said you didn't follow this stuff that close. If you don't, you should simply STFU and leave the discussion to those of us who do follow it closely and know what is going on.
According to Josh Rogin of the Washington Post (no right wing rag) Pelosi was the one who contacted
Milley claiming Trump was dangerously insane and would start a war with China if not interdicted.

Of course Milley was eager to step in and begin the process of illegally usurping authority and power
by contacting China and other allies explaining he was going to be counteracting Donald Trump.

It's called treason and Nancy Pelosi is the one who got the ball rolling.