Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Should Step Down As Speaker Until Cleared In Investigation Regarding Her Potential Part in Gen Milley Treason

According to Josh Rogin of the Washington Post (no right wing rag) Pelosi was the one who contacted
Milley claiming Trump was dangerously insane and would start a war with China if not interdicted.

Of course Milley was eager to step in and begin the process of illegally usurping authority and power
by contacting China and other allies explaining he was going to be counteracting Donald Trump and to take
their cues from him....not Donald Trump.

It's called treason and Nancy Pelosi is the one who got the ball rolling.
Nope, it is Trump corruption and wreckless attack on the very foundation of our democracy that I blame Trump for.

Again, you are violating the USMB TOS by constantly trying to hijack the thread, which is not about former President Trump but is about Speaker Pelosi's and Gen Milley's specific personal actions.

I am sorry you can not bear to discuss the actual subject at hand because you are not adult enough to believe in personal accountability, but that is what this discussion is on.

Hopefully a Mod will soon help you with that problem.
Again, you are violating the USMB TOS by constantly trying to hijack the thread, which is not about former President Trump but is about Speaker Pelosi's and Gen Milley's specific personal actions.

Bullshit, their actions had DIRECTLY to do with Trump's crazy post election behavior and you are an idiot for not understanding that.
No. You said you didn't follow this stuff that close. If you don't, you should simply STFU and leave the discussion to those of us who do follow it closely and know what is going on.
It is easy to understand why he and other snowflakes have come to the conclusions they have - they admit they do not follow the facts closely and instead base their decisions on ignorance, personal / political bias, and irrational hate.

Many snowflakes are like Biden - they don't think for themselves and do what they are told to do, think how they are told to think, and parrot what they are told to parrot.
It has been revealed that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Milley, committed the act of Treason by volunteering to become a spy for the CCP, to betray the United States and his Commander and Chief, by promising to warn the CCP if the US made the decision to go to war with / to strike China. Volunteering to engage in espionage for the CCP and to betray his nation and President in in complete violation on many counts of the UCMJ and civilian law. For these crimes, Gen Milley should be immediately relieved of his command, NOT given a chance to step down, should be immediately arrested, and held until his trial for treason, espionage, etc....

Gen Milley is NOT the only American who should be immediately investigated for this crime.

"'Back on January 8, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she had spoken with Gen. Mark Milley about limiting President Trump’s ability to launch nuclear weapons.'

In a letter to her Democratic House colleagues on Friday, Pelosi said that she had spoken with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, about “available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”…

Pelosi later told her caucus she had received assurances that there were safeguards in place, according to a source on the call. It is unclear what those safeguards might be."

Speaker of the House Pelosi has admitted that she colluded with Gen Milley against the President of the United States based on unfounded, unsupported partisan bias, opinion, hatred and delusion. Speaker Pelosi continued to try to undermine the President during his 4 years in office, attempting and failing to Impeach the President twice and now, it seems engaging in / aiding Gen Milley in committing treason. Speaker Pelosi on numerous occasions falsely claimed that President Trump was 'crazy' and used this propaganda as the basis for her argument that General Milley needed to assist her in denying powers of the President bestowed upon him as President, which neither had the legal authority to do on their own.

Speaker Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House to ever 1) Attempt to Impeach a President TWICE, the 1st Speaker of the House to ever attempt to Impeach the SAME President twice - failing both times, the 1st Speaker of the House to ever attempt to Impeach a President based on ZERO crimes committed, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses, AND was the 1st Speaker of the House to argue that none of those things were needed to Impeach a President.

The President, unlike Speaker Pelosi or dementia-ravaged Joe Biden, took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to assess how mentally fit the President was / is. According to Dr. Ronny Jackson, presidential physician, he stated the result showed President Trump to be very sharp and he’s very articulate.

Biden has refused to take such a test, probably because it also includes one of the best-known tests for early Alzheimer's disease.

Pelosi has not taken such a test, but perhaps she should, due to her obsessive hatred of President Trump, as demonstrated by her 2 failed Impeachments and her collusion with Gen Milley.

Speaker Pelosi went to Gen Miley to discuss denying the President of the United States and the Commander and Chief powers bestowed on the President - a coup, the plotting against the President. This endeavor was not carried out in public, Pelosi's concerns were not addressed in Congress, no vote was taken to strip the President of power, The deal between Pelosi and Milley was made in SECRET, a pact between the 2 conspirators.

Speaker Pelosi is every bit as guilty of a conspiracy, a power-seizing coup, as Gen Milley.

Gen Milley should immediately be relieved of his position, taken into custody, his passport seized, and charges filed against him.

Speaker Pelosi should be relieved of her position of Speaker based on her colluding against the President of the United States. She should have her passport seized, her Speaker position stripped pending an investigation outcome, and (potentially) charged with crimes against the United States and President.

Potential crimes Speaker Pelosi could be charged with:

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
- Speaker Pelosi admitted she spoke to Gen Milley, telling him he needed to do something to strip the President of powers, in essence 'inciting' Gen Milley to act against the President and to commit treason.

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000..."
- If Pelosi is found to have 1st hand knowledge (from Gen Milley) that he was going to or did contact China to make this deal she is guilty of Treason.

18 US Code § 2381

Pelosi and the leaders involved should be in prison. Pelosi conspired to take away civilian POTUS control of the nuclear arsenal and give it to a general in the military, wow just wow.
"Democrats beat puppies and jail children." PROG response "it's Trump's fault".

What do you figure completes PROGS most?

A. Intellectual dishonesty
B. Twisted
C. Cowardly
There are those that really believe Trump can make a difference in such a corrupt system

I'm not one of them.

He already had 4 years and nothing to show for it.

He has LOTS to show for it.
  • More arrests and convictions of members of his inner circle for crimes of corruption, fiscal malfeasance, and lying to the FBI/Congress than any President in history
  • The worst racial unrest since the 1960's
  • The worst pandemic response since 1918
  • The worst economic collapse since the Great Depression
  • The worst foreign policy relations with your allies - ever
  • Rated the worst President in American history
Hey dumbass, the law and constitution tell us how to handle these situations. Shocker conspiring to commit treason via secret meetings and phone calls is not lawful.

Horsecrap. Constitution does not allow a president to abuse his office and start an unprovoked war to hold on to power.
Bullshit, their actions had DIRECTLY to do with Trump's crazy post election behavior and you are an idiot for not understanding that.
You continue to spew your ignorance and personal partisan hatred for the man without even attempting to pro vide anything factual that supports you BS.

For example, I posted the fact that NBC reported on the exact mental acuity test Trump took, because of dumbasses like you and your false accusations, and he passed....something neither Biden nor Pelosi has taken.

Trump was proven to be 'sharp', 'of sound mind'...as opposed to the insanity and obsessive mental illness demonstrated by Pelosi and Biden.

Pelosi persecuted, undermined, and engaged in treasonous FAILED coup attempts for 4 straight years. For lack of a REAL mental acuity test, Pelosi's own actions must stand as her mental test. For 4 years Pelosi made it her - and therefore Congress', complete obsessive goal to persecute, prosecute, and impeach the President. her mental imbalance and insane hatred for the man was documented and recorded in her 4 years of continuous failure to undermine to execute a coup to remove the President from office.

Pelosi declared to the American people that she would not allow the 1st Impeachment to move forward unless there were 1) BIPARTISANSHIP & 2) UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE. In the end SHE HAD NEITHER, but that did not stop her from pushing forward with an Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, & ZERO witnesses. She even argued none of that was needed to Impeach a President. THAT alone is proof of her insanity / derangement.

Pelosi continued, like Don Quixote charging a windmill to go after the President, one failed attempt after another. Her irrational hatred led to her treason.
I love it when you make stupid shit up and then try to claim it as fact. Talk about "intellectual dishonesty".

Saying "you love it" demonstrates how small your brain is. Do you really love it Dragonbreath? On a scale 1-10 how much do you love it?

What did I make up? You live in the abstract lady, nothing you say or believe is true.
You continue to spew your ignorance and personal partisan hatred for the man
Trump is considered a total degenerate by plenty of Republicans as well. It's not at all partisan.

Any patriots in their right mind would have nothing but disdain for Trump for his insane, dangerous attacks on our electoral system. He wraps himself in our flag and shakes a Bible as he spreads grotesque lies because he can't conceed an electoral loss for the good of America.
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It has been revealed that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Milley, committed the act of Treason by volunteering to become a spy for the CCP, to betray the United States and his Commander and Chief, by promising to warn the CCP if the US made the decision to go to war with / to strike China. Volunteering to engage in espionage for the CCP and to betray his nation and President in in complete violation on many counts of the UCMJ and civilian law. For these crimes, Gen Milley should be immediately relieved of his command, NOT given a chance to step down, should be immediately arrested, and held until his trial for treason, espionage, etc....

Gen Milley is NOT the only American who should be immediately investigated for this crime.

"'Back on January 8, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she had spoken with Gen. Mark Milley about limiting President Trump’s ability to launch nuclear weapons.'

In a letter to her Democratic House colleagues on Friday, Pelosi said that she had spoken with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, about “available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”…

Pelosi later told her caucus she had received assurances that there were safeguards in place, according to a source on the call. It is unclear what those safeguards might be."

Speaker of the House Pelosi has admitted that she colluded with Gen Milley against the President of the United States based on unfounded, unsupported partisan bias, opinion, hatred and delusion. Speaker Pelosi continued to try to undermine the President during his 4 years in office, attempting and failing to Impeach the President twice and now, it seems engaging in / aiding Gen Milley in committing treason. Speaker Pelosi on numerous occasions falsely claimed that President Trump was 'crazy' and used this propaganda as the basis for her argument that General Milley needed to assist her in denying powers of the President bestowed upon him as President, which neither had the legal authority to do on their own.

Speaker Pelosi is the 1st Speaker of the House to ever 1) Attempt to Impeach a President TWICE, the 1st Speaker of the House to ever attempt to Impeach the SAME President twice - failing both times, the 1st Speaker of the House to ever attempt to Impeach a President based on ZERO crimes committed, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses, AND was the 1st Speaker of the House to argue that none of those things were needed to Impeach a President.

The President, unlike Speaker Pelosi or dementia-ravaged Joe Biden, took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to assess how mentally fit the President was / is. According to Dr. Ronny Jackson, presidential physician, he stated the result showed President Trump to be very sharp and he’s very articulate.

Biden has refused to take such a test, probably because it also includes one of the best-known tests for early Alzheimer's disease.

Pelosi has not taken such a test, but perhaps she should, due to her obsessive hatred of President Trump, as demonstrated by her 2 failed Impeachments and her collusion with Gen Milley.

Speaker Pelosi went to Gen Miley to discuss denying the President of the United States and the Commander and Chief powers bestowed on the President - a coup, the plotting against the President. This endeavor was not carried out in public, Pelosi's concerns were not addressed in Congress, no vote was taken to strip the President of power, The deal between Pelosi and Milley was made in SECRET, a pact between the 2 conspirators.

Speaker Pelosi is every bit as guilty of a conspiracy, a power-seizing coup, as Gen Milley.

Gen Milley should immediately be relieved of his position, taken into custody, his passport seized, and charges filed against him.

Speaker Pelosi should be relieved of her position of Speaker based on her colluding against the President of the United States. She should have her passport seized, her Speaker position stripped pending an investigation outcome, and (potentially) charged with crimes against the United States and President.

Potential crimes Speaker Pelosi could be charged with:

conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
- Speaker Pelosi admitted she spoke to Gen Milley, telling him he needed to do something to strip the President of powers, in essence 'inciting' Gen Milley to act against the President and to commit treason.

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000..."
- If Pelosi is found to have 1st hand knowledge (from Gen Milley) that he was going to or did contact China to make this deal she is guilty of Treason.

18 US Code § 2381

Insiders did the same things when Nixon was being kicked out and he was crazed enough to press the nuke button for distraction....

Nothing new here, its been done before with Nixon....and considering Trump's instability after his loss to Biden.... Thank the good Lord we had people that were trying to prevent the Loon from harming America!
What war did Trump try to start and how???
He didn't, but his crazy behavior caused some people to start preparing for that possibility.

There was a similar situation with Nixon and his desperate last days.
Insiders did the same things when Nixon was being kicked out and he was crazed enough to press the nuke button for distraction....

Nothing new here, its been done before with Nixon....and considering Trump's instability after his loss to Biden.... Thank the good Lord we had people that were trying to prevent the Loon from harming America!
Wow, you commies are all so demented now acts of treason against our country mean less to you than getting hot fries at McDonalds. Wackos.

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