Spanking.... For..or..Against..?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
No, not that kind of spanking.. I meant for the kids.. although I did try that once..didn't go over real well.. :eusa_eh:

My parents had no problem delivering the punishment, if I bit someone (once) my mom bit me and asked how I liked it. Same thing with hair pulling ,kicking, scratching and all those other regular kid things. My father would deliver a sermon first which seemed to last an hour, (probably 5 minutes) then 3 spanks and your outta there. When it came to spanking my mother would just let lose, it was terrifying.

My kids, when they were spankable age received only one, so they would at least have a story to tell. I just yelled at them once in a while and that did the trick. Their all great kids and adults.
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I was spanked once, and I don't even recall why I was, just that I was.

Once in a while, I don't see an issue with it. Just don't do it when you're angry, IMO.

(LOL. The worst part of my spanking was that I was told it would happen at a certain time. The waiting was killer.)
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No, not that kind of spanking.. I meant for the kids.. although I did try that once..didn't go over real well.. :eusa_eh:

My parents had no problem delivering the punishment, if I bit someone (once) my mom bit me and asked how I liked it. Same thing with hair pulling ,kicking, scratching and all those other regular kid things. My father would deliver a sermon first which seemed to last an hour, (probably 5 minutes) then 3 spanks and your outta there. When it came to spanking my mother would just let lose, it was terrifying.

My kids, when they were spankable age received only one, so they would at least have a story to tell. I just yelled at them once in a while and that did the trick. Their all great kids and adults.

I think only in extreme circumstances.. Otherwise they just get too used to it..
It didn't happen more than once or twice for me, but much worse than the thought of a spanking, was the chewing out. I'd rather my dad hit me than yell. The pain of the slap went away much quicker than the pain caused by the words.

Now that he is gone, I would not even mind the yelling once in a while.

I was spanked once, and I don't even recall why I was, just that I was.

Once in a while, I don't see an issue with it. Just don't do it when you're angry, IMO.

(LOL. The worst part of my spanking was that I was told it would happen at a certain time. The waiting was killer.)

Even the wait wasn't so bad if it was a few hours. One could usually find something to do, even while grounded to their room.. It was that "click" of the door when dad got come that sent the heart racing, and the hands shaking :eek::scared1:
Like I said, my mother just let lose with the spankings, my father not so much. I recall testing out the Bitch word on my sister as a teenager. My father just slugged me for that, I was slack jaw for week. Between my mother making me bite soap and a good slug from Dad I still have a problem letting off with the foul language.
I got my ass spanked with a wood paddle. Hurt like hell. I never hit my kid, at all. Now I wish I had.

"Spare the rod, spoil the child."
my parents didnt have to spank us too much, the threat alone would us in line usually. I am sure I will spank my son at some point, I don't plan on doing it too much. I would rather him see it has something that could happen if he does somthing, rather just be something that he knows is coming anyways.
No, not that kind of spanking.. I meant for the kids.. although I did try that once..didn't go over real well.. :eusa_eh:

My parents had no problem delivering the punishment, if I bit someone (once) my mom bit me and asked how I liked it. Same thing with hair pulling ,kicking, scratching and all those other regular kid things. My father would deliver a sermon first which seemed to last an hour, (probably 5 minutes) then 3 spanks and your outta there. When it came to spanking my mother would just let lose, it was terrifying.

My kids, when they were spankable age received only one, so they would at least have a story to tell. I just yelled at them once in a while and that did the trick. Their all great kids and adults.

I never spanked my daughter and she is really good and successful. I don't judge parents who do as long as it isn't all mixed up with old issues and anger.
It became taboo!
I don't plan spanking my son a whole, well that is what I plan on. :)
but I do want the fear in him like I had for my mom. We knew when she meant business.
one of my first memories is my dad lining us all up for a spanking! :lol:

My sisters and I used to get it. I guess it was a little more than just spankings, there were so many of us my mom may have gotten some of her frustrations out in the process.

When people say spankings, I picture it that way so I start feeling sorry for the kid.

None of my sisters really spanked their kids either so I guess we broke the circle.
I am all for judicious use of spanking.

We are primates. Primates can respond to grunts, or whoops (what we humans call language or reason) but they will not always respond to thus, some times they need an ass whoopen to learn their lesson.

Also there is a Spartan lesson that life will bring you pain, learn that, endure it, and overcome it.

Those who spanked and were spanked shall inherit the Earth.

I am also for sex spanking and spanking the glorious white whale too.

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