Space Needle Adventure: Capitalism News Story


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
A capitalism-driven society is one that spotlights levels of morality dialogue, so here's a Marvel Comics adapted commerce-diarism yarn at the Seattle Space Needle inspired by The Guys and The Last Action Hero.

Are you a general fan of 'TrumpUSA' or a naysayer?


As a nice event was scheduled at the Seattle Space Needle on Halloween Eve 2018, American journalists took notice of how various world-traffic monuments such as the Sydney Opera House and the Eiffel Tower were considered 'beacons' of peace and consumerism creating idealism in an otherwise demoralize modern civilization somewhat 'scarred' by the anti-human scars of 9/11, when fundamentalist-terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC. The Halloween 2018 event at the Space Needle involved U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump hosting a celebrity charity eco-consciousness gathering co-sponsored by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. CNN journalists as well as society magazine writers were present.


A demonic entity known as 'Ugly' was also there. Ugly was a goblin-like leathery menace who soared on a jet-glider and threw miniature smoking pumpkin-bombs. Ugly wanted to create panic and mayhem at the Halloween Space Needle eco-charity event co-sponsored by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Ugly was very strange and eerie, and he seemed to believe that capitalism 'flowery' and media 'chatter' was simply vain folly and that the reality of modern civilization was avarice and sloth. Ugly was from the 'dark-side' of the universe and had traversed into our dimension simply to cause trouble and make people panic about everyday commerce.


As the hosts at the Space Needle eco-event organized themselves and prepared for all the food and decorations to arrive, President Trump and the First Lady anticipated how they'd greet everyone and what they'd say about the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. President Trump was sure this event would signal a 'new age' of commerce and consumer-friendly social consciousness geared to make capitalism look and feel more...civil. However, Ugly was looming around the Space Needle then too, and the instincts of the heroic masked web-soaring crusader known as 'Spider-Man' were awakened and called into action. Spider-Man would be humanity's 'patriotic defense' against Ugly.


As Spider-Man soared into the Space Needle 'scene' once the eco-event was in full swing (there were about 200 guests in all and multiple photographers!), Ugly revealed himself and began throwing his miniature pumpkin-bombs into the air/sky area around the Space Needle window, so the eco-event guests could all see him. Ugly also pulled out a megaphone and laughed into it and said, "I will create mischief on this special day of American commercial 'eco-attention' so that the heroic Spider-Man might see just how fragile patriotism is in this modern age of complete traffic-based vanities (e.g., Facebook, NASDAQ, etc.)." It was then that Spider-Man soared in and demanded Ugly depart.


SPIDER-MAN: Do not harm these people.
UGLY: My name is 'Ugly' and I intend to create panic today, Spider-Man!
SPIDER-MAN: Well, Ugly, you have no place here; depart!
UGLY: Why should I?
SPIDER-MAN: Your grudge against America is insane as it seems.
UGLY: No, Spider-Man, I'm a messenger of darkness-illumination.
SPIDER-MAN: These Americans are simply celebrating commerce-passion.
UGLY: They're merely deifying the vanities of commerce-society 'ethos.'
SPIDER-MAN: Eco-consciousness is vital in this age of consumers.
UGLY: People care about cheeseburgers, not renewable energy!
SPIDER-MAN: I disagree; American consumers care about waste.
UGLY: Really? Industrialization-related mishandled toxic-waste is an anathema...
SPIDER-MAN: We all know errors are part of life, but we work towards improvements!
UGLY: I'm not just an anarchist/provocateur.
SPIDER-MAN: I understand/appreciate that, Ugly, but your mission here is foolish.
UGLY: You have some better way of awakening humanity to the reality of vanity?
SPIDER-MAN: Sure; I propose you and I wrestle while soaring in the air.
UGLY: Anyone can fight; I'd imagine you're capable of tackling me; the trick is debate.
SPIDER-MAN: You want to debate me?
UGLY: Yes; I believe consumerism is a frill creating levels of apathy; what do you think?
SPIDER-MAN: I disagree, Ugly; I think commerce is an opportunity to forward ornaments.
UGLY: Ornamentation can become a real superficial activity!
SPIDER-MAN: I disagree; Wal-Mart and offer consumers spiritual elation.
UGLY: There's no difference between 'commercial elation' and cholesterol!
SPIDER-MAN: I disagree; shopping creates real 'holiday-energy.'
UGLY: Alright; I'll concede such festivity; let's wrestle, and then I'll depart; congrats.
SPIDER-MAN: I never mind a symbolic engagement regarding the value of civilization!
UGLY: Well, don't become arrogant, Spider-Man, because I am the Devil's Advocate.
SPIDER-MAN: If we never see each other again, Ugly, may you someday embrace yoga!



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