Soviet influence on the peace movement


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Putin uses the USA useful idiots much like Brezhnev, Koba, and Lenin did ...

"During the Cold War (1947–1991), when the Soviet Union and the United States were engaged in an arms race, the Soviet Union promoted its foreign policy through the World Peace Council and other front organizations. Some writers have claimed that it also influenced non-aligned peace groups in the West, although the CIA and MI5 have doubted the extent of Soviet influence.
The World Peace Council (WPC) was set up by the Soviet Communist Party in 1948–50 to promote Soviet foreign policy and to campaign against nuclear weapons at a time when only the USA had them. The WPC was directed by the International Department of the Soviet Communist Party via the Soviet Peace Committee,[1] a WPC member. The WPC and its members took the line laid down by the Cominform that the world was divided between the peace-loving Soviet Union and the warmongering United States. From the 1950s until the late 1980s the Soviet Union used numerous organizations associated with the WPC to spread its view of peace. They included:

In October 1981, the Danish authorities expelled Vladimir Merkulov, a Soviet Embassy second secretary and KGB operative, whom they charged with passing money to Arne Herløv Petersen, a member of the WPC'’s Danish affiliate, the Copenhagen-based Liaison Committee for Peace and Security, to finance a newspaper campaign calling for the establishment of a Nordic nuclear weapons-free zone.[5]

Other international peace organizations have been said to be associated with the WPC as well. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War is said to have had "overlapping membership and similar policies" to the WPC.[3] The Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and the Dartmouth Conferences were said to have been used by Soviet delegates to promote Soviet propaganda.[2] Joseph Rotblat, one of the leaders of the Pugwash movement, said that there were a few participants in Pugwash conferences from the Soviet Union "who were obviously sent to push the party line, but the majority were genuine scientists and behaved as such".[6][7]

The main activity of the WPC was organizing enormous international peace conferences with thousands in attendance; they condemned western military action, armaments and weapons tests but refrained from criticizing Russian aggression. For example, in 1956 the WPC condemned the Suez war but not the Russian invasion of Hungary.[8]

Because of the energetic propaganda of the WPC from the late 1940s onwards, with its big conferences and budget from the Soviet Union, some observers saw no difference between a peace activist and a Communist.[9] It was said by some that the peace movement in the West distinct from the WPC was influenced by or even led by it; for example, US President Ronald Reagan said that the peace demonstrations in Europe in 1981 were sponsored by the WPC[10][11] and Soviet defector Vladimir Bukovsky claimed that they were co-ordinated at the WPC's 1980 World Parliament of Peoples for Peace in Sofia.[12] The FBI reported to the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the WPC-affiliated U.S. Peace Council was one of the organizers of a large 1982 peace protest in New York City, but said that the KGB had not manipulated the American movement "significantly."[13]

In the heyday of the WPC, from the late 1940s to the early 1960s, co-operation between western groups and the WPC was actually very limited, and because the non-aligned movement "was constantly under threat of being tarnished by association with avowedly pro-Soviet groups", many individuals and organizations "studiously avoided contact with Communists and fellow-travellers."[14] As early as 1949 the World Pacifist Meeting warned against active collaboration with Communists.[8] Western delegates at WPC conferences who tried to criticize the Soviet Union or the WPC's defence of Russian armaments were often shouted down[8] and they gradually dissociated themselves from the WPC. Finally, after confrontation between western and Soviet delegates at the 1962 World Congress for Peace and Disarmament, organised by the WPC in Moscow, forty non-aligned organizations decided to form a new international body, the International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace, to which Soviet delegates were not invited.[15]

Rainer Santi, in his history of the International Peace Bureau, writes that the WPC "always had difficulty in securing cooperation from West European and North American peace organisations because of its obvious affiliation with Socialist countries and the foreign policy of the Soviet Union. Especially difficult to digest, was that instead of criticising the Soviet Union's unilaterally resumed atmospheric nuclear testing in 1961, the WPC issued a statement rationalising it. In 1979 the World Peace Council explained the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan as an act of solidarity in the face of Chinese and US aggression against Afghanistan."[9] It was suggested by a former secretary of the WPC that it simply failed to connect with the western peace movement. It was said to have used most of its funds on international travel and lavish conferences, to have poor intelligence on Western peace groups, and, even though its HQ was in Helsinki, to have no contact with Finnish peace organizations.[16]

Putin loves his 'useful idiots' — Trump included - Chicago Tribune
U.S. President Donald Trump, right, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin talk during the family photo session at the APEC Summit in Danang, Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017. (Mikhail Klimentyev / AP). Jennifer RubinThe Washington Post. President Donald Trump's authoritarianism, narcissism and racism threaten our democracy, ...

The Russians outfoxed the CIA and the Kennedy administration when they built the Berlin Wall and thumbed their noses at the West. JFK went to Germany and called himself a "berliner" which was slang for a jelly donut and received rave reviews from the liberal media when he he claimed that "we are all Berliners". Then he went back home and left the East Germans to be shot in the back while his crazy brother plotted to overthrow Cuba. The U.N. was a joke and still is and whatever "international peace movement" there was turned out to be a U.N. based extortion that favored communism and socialism. The so-called "peace movement" in the U.S. encouraged by the idiot liberal media consisted of stoned out druggies, draft evaders and violent anarchists like Barry Hussein's political mentor Bill Ayers.
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The Russians outfoxed the CIA and the Kennedy administration when they built the Berlin Wall and thumbed their noses at the West. JFK went to Germany and called himself a "berliner" which was slang for a jelly donut and received rave reviews from the liberal media when he he claimed that "we are all Berliners". Then he went back home and left the East Germans to be shot in the back while his crazy brother plotted to overthrow Cuba. The U.N. was a joke and still is and whatever "international peace movement" there was turned out to be a U.N. based extortion that favored communism and socialism. The so-called "peace movement" in the U.S. encouraged by the idiot liberal media consisted of stoned out druggies, draft evaders and violent anarchists like Barry Hussein's political mentor Bill Ayers.
whats funny here thats today most of Kremlin supports (useful idiots) between western rightists and UFO freaks . jobbik , USA traitors, etc.



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