South Carolina man charged in Capitol riot bragged he dressed as antifa and fought police


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
Figures that the DC police let an Antifa look-alike off Scott free. I think you missed the point.
How does one dress as Antifa? LOL. Either way it's funny how this constrasts with the numbskull arguments on here claiming Antifa was at the protest. You're right, they were, it was Trump supporters posing as Antifa. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
Figures that the DC police let an Antifa look-alike off Scott free. I think you missed the point.
No, I think you did....he posed as Antifa and assaulted police officers..robbed them and beat them--that, the point. He says the cops let him do it..but i think he's a liar..obviously. He created a situation the mimicked his preconceptions--and committed numerous felonies. All so he could act the big guy on-line with his buds. If you read the article his own family turned him in to the FBI!
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So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..

Save your breath. We already know several Antifa were identified there from other protests by FACIAL RECOGNITION.
Prove about a link naming names and giving we have with this guy.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
Not too bright eh? A repeat offender? He's toast!
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..

Save your breath. We already know several Antifa were identified there from other protests by FACIAL RECOGNITION.
Prove about a link naming names and giving we have with this guy.

That's already been done here and linked to many times. The source was even the FBI. :71: Do your own research.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..

Save your breath. We already know several Antifa were identified there from other protests by FACIAL RECOGNITION.
And numerous of them identified from the antisocial media activity durng their planning stages.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..
Save your breath. We already know several Antifa were identified there from other protests by FACIAL RECOGNITION.
And numerous of them identified from the antisocial media activity durng their planning stages.

Another fact that the Fleegle fails to take into account is that Antifa and other leftwing sponsored rioters were at EVERY ONE OF TRUMP'S RALLIES EVER, starting fights, disruption and chaos trying to get Trump Supporters blamed for violence, so why would they all suddenly NOT appear at Trump's Ellipse Rally well-advertised on 1/6?

Unless they were TOLD to stay away so as to insure Trump take all of the blame!

Only problem is several of them were seen and spotted there in the crowd lurking on the fringes trying to blend in and pass themselves off as Trump supporters, spotted by eyewitnesses there, several eyewitnesses were interviewed/called into Rush to talk about it, and they were identified as Antifa having protested at other previous Trump rallies by the FBI! :21:

And that comports well with Nancy's requests and efforts to hold police to a minimum that day as well as to lock out the National Guard right down the street from being able to respond and be mobilized there for support.

The Democrats WANTED that riot, they wanted it BAD AS COULD BE and they NEEDED that riot. It was their whole basis for trying to impeach Trump a 2nd time hoping to convict and exclude him from public office.

The Democrats WANTED that riot, they wanted it BAD AS COULD BE and they NEEDED that riot. It was their whole basis for trying to impeach Trump a 2nd time hoping to convict and exclude him from public office.
Thank you!! Democrats had to have their "Orange Man Bad" excuse. Unfortunately, the only one shot was an unarmed woman who was devastated by the Covid Democrat lockdown and was trying to pay off a 169% loan just to try to stay afloat. Many others there lost their businesses, jobs and livelihoods because of Democrat lock downs. This is what happens when a tyrannical government oversteps their bounds....folks get killed.
The Democrats WANTED that riot, they wanted it BAD AS COULD BE and they NEEDED that riot. It was their whole basis for trying to impeach Trump a 2nd time hoping to convict and exclude him from public office.
Thank you!! Democrats had to have their "Orange Man Bad" excuse. Unfortunately, the only one shot was an unarmed woman who was devastated by the Covid Democrat lockdown and was trying to pay off a 169% loan just to try to stay afloat. Many others there lost their businesses, jobs and livelihoods because of Democrat lock downs. This is what happens when a tyrannical government oversteps their bounds....folks get killed.
Yet they did all that while the Orange man was president.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..
Save your breath. We already know several Antifa were identified there from other protests by FACIAL RECOGNITION.
And numerous of them identified from the antisocial media activity durng their planning stages.

Another fact that the Fleegle fails to take into account is that Antifa and other leftwing sponsored rioters were at EVERY ONE OF TRUMP'S RALLIES EVER, starting fights, disruption and chaos trying to get Trump Supporters blamed for violence, so why would they all suddenly NOT appear at Trump's Ellipse Rally well-advertised on 1/6?

Unless they were TOLD to stay away so as to insure Trump take all of the blame!

Only problem is several of them were seen and spotted there in the crowd lurking on the fringes trying to blend in and pass themselves off as Trump supporters, spotted by eyewitnesses there, several eyewitnesses were interviewed/called into Rush to talk about it, and they were identified as Antifa having protested at other previous Trump rallies by the FBI! :21:

And that comports well with Nancy's requests and efforts to hold police to a minimum that day as well as to lock out the National Guard right down the street from being able to respond and be mobilized there for support.

The Democrats WANTED that riot, they wanted it BAD AS COULD BE and they NEEDED that riot. It was their whole basis for trying to impeach Trump a 2nd time hoping to convict and exclude him from public office.

So I guess we owe the Oath Keepers, The Proud Boys, the Boogaloos,QaAnon and the Buffalo guy who howls at the capital police and HEART FELT THANK YOU.
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
He isnt dressed like ANTIFA. He is wearing a MAGA hat for Christ sake. :laugh:
So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.

They did it last year at the BLM protests. White supremacists infiltrated BLM and posed as them at the protests and started violence.

So..i guess all this talk of a false flag is correct..just the loons got the ones doing it wrong..not lefties acting as righties..but Trumpanzees posing as Antifa! Somehow, it seems to make more sense!
A South Carolina man bragged in a group text chat that he disguised himself as an anti-fascist activist, or antifa, during the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and succeeded in assaulting officers and stealing police gear.
William Robert Norwood III relayed his plan in a text to four other people on Jan. 5, according to screenshots of the chat included in a criminal complaint and arrest warrant filed on Thursday.
ā€œIā€™m dressing in all black,ā€ Norwood wrote, according to the complaint. ā€œIā€™ll look just like ANTIFA. Iā€™ll get away with anything.ā€

a group of people in uniform: William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
Ā© FBI William Robert Norwood III. (FBI)
A day after the riots, Norwood sent an update. ā€œIt worked... I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for.ā€
ā€œThe cop shot a female Trump supporter. Then allowed ā€˜ANTIFA Trump supportersā€™ to assault him. I was one of them. I was there. I took his s---," Norwood continued.
Attached to the text was a selfie of himself "wearing what appears to be a U.S. Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket," the FBI wrote in the complaint.

ā€œI got a nice helmet and body armor off a cop for Godā€™s sake and I disarmed him. Tell me how that works," Norwood wrote to the group, according to the screenshots.
He isnt dressed like ANTIFA. He is wearing a MAGA hat for Christ sake. :laugh:
Read the article...he changed clothes.

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