Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts

He's only talking about returning to pre-stimulus levels. Spending almost doubled in his first year and now they are looking to re-establish the baseline. I don't love the idea, but it's not like they're emaciating the funding.
He's only talking about returning to pre-stimulus levels. Spending almost doubled in his first year and now they are looking to re-establish the baseline. I don't love the idea, but it's not like they're emaciating the funding.

This is one of the coldest and harshest winters on record, why even propose those cuts? They should cut that money they send overseas to Egypt and Israel, that money is mostly if not all for military assistance, so we could fund that but cut off our own? I'm not buying, Obama is letting some of those retards on the right get up in his head.
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own? I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

Not to worry Bass, he is not moving to the center, not even close. If he had any intention of being a brilliant l fiscal leader he never would have banned drilling.

Fuel prices are not double what they were in 2008, nor has the number of people "needing" help dobled, nor has the combination forced a need to double the fund.

When big 0 comes out and says he fucked up by stopping drilling, then you can be pissed that he's going to the center, until then, this will just force more and more people onto welfare. And you can't get any more left than that.
He's only talking about returning to pre-stimulus levels. Spending almost doubled in his first year and now they are looking to re-establish the baseline. I don't love the idea, but it's not like they're emaciating the funding.

This is one of the coldest and harshest winters on record, why even propose those cuts? They should cut that money they send overseas to Egypt and Israel, that money is mostly if not all for military assistance, so we could fund that but cut off our own? I'm not buying, Obama is letting some of those retards on the right get up in his head.

Actual conservatives don't want money leaving the country.

When it comes to Israel, please keep in mind that most Jews are liberals.
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own? I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

Why are Egypt's citizens more important than our own?

I ask the same question, why are both Egypt and Israel more important than our own people?
He's only talking about returning to pre-stimulus levels. Spending almost doubled in his first year and now they are looking to re-establish the baseline. I don't love the idea, but it's not like they're emaciating the funding.

This is one of the coldest and harshest winters on record, why even propose those cuts? They should cut that money they send overseas to Egypt and Israel, that money is mostly if not all for military assistance, so we could fund that but cut off our own? I'm not buying, Obama is letting some of those retards on the right get up in his head.

Actual conservatives don't want money leaving the country.

When it comes to Israel, please keep in mind that most Jews are liberals.

Well tell me why both Democrats and Republicans both feel the need to bow down and support Israel? I don't give a damn whether Jews are liberal or not, taxpayer money should not be spent to support Israel.
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own? I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

Why are Egypt's citizens more important than our own?

They control the Suez Canal. And are willing to riot and kill, while we bitch and moan online
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own? I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

Why are Egypt's citizens more important than our own?

I ask the same question, why are both Egypt and Israel more important than our own people?

I have a hunch Obama is throwing the GOP a "bone", which considering this winter's weather, I don't even think they are dumb enough to take. Can you imagine the headlines if even ONE American died after their gas was cut off?
This is one of the coldest and harshest winters on record, why even propose those cuts? They should cut that money they send overseas to Egypt and Israel, that money is mostly if not all for military assistance, so we could fund that but cut off our own? I'm not buying, Obama is letting some of those retards on the right get up in his head.

Actual conservatives don't want money leaving the country.

When it comes to Israel, please keep in mind that most Jews are liberals.

Well tell me why both Democrats and Republicans both feel the need to bow down and support Israel? I don't give a damn whether Jews are liberal or not, taxpayer money should not be spent to support Israel.

Why are Egypt's citizens more important than our own?

I ask the same question, why are both Egypt and Israel more important than our own people?

I have a hunch Obama is throwing the GOP a "bone", which considering this winter's weather, I don't even think they are dumb enough to take. Can you imagine the headlines if even ONE American died after their gas was cut off?

Considering how long this will take to pass and implement. It will be, at least, spring before anyone is affected.
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own?

We should be cutting aid to Egypt and Israel as well as cutting home heating aid.

I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

And you'll still vote for him regardless of what he does.
Why are Egypt's citizens more important than our own?

I ask the same question, why are both Egypt and Israel more important than our own people?

I have a hunch Obama is throwing the GOP a "bone", which considering this winter's weather, I don't even think they are dumb enough to take. Can you imagine the headlines if even ONE American died after their gas was cut off?

Well Americans started dying in Arizona after budget cuts for organ donors, where's the outcry? If Obama announced no more AID to Israel, that would make bigger headlines.
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own?

We should be cutting aid to Egypt and Israel as well as cutting home heating aid.

I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

And you'll still vote for him regardless of what he does.

Israel and Egypt aid we should cut, heating home aid, no damn way, I'm not for letting anyone, including my worst enemies, freeze during one of the coldest winters, the hell with that and if Obama proposes and gets that cut on home heating aid I would never vote for him ever. Anyone that could live with themselves after doing that has issues.
I ask the same question, why are both Egypt and Israel more important than our own people?

I have a hunch Obama is throwing the GOP a "bone", which considering this winter's weather, I don't even think they are dumb enough to take. Can you imagine the headlines if even ONE American died after their gas was cut off?

Well Americans started dying in Arizona after budget cuts for organ donors, where's the outcry? If Obama announced no more AID to Israel, that would make bigger headlines.

That was state funding, not Federal funding. Obama has no control over what she does with her state's money.
Sources: Obama To Propose Heating Aid Cuts - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

I cannot agree with this, this crap shameful, we give more to Egypt and Israel every year, why not cut them out completely and take care of our own? I get the feeling he cares more about trying to keep his job for another 4 years by making this shameful attempt to move to the "center" [he is not].

I agree, we need to cut all foreign aid and spend the money on Americans. I also agree in the cuts.
I have a hunch Obama is throwing the GOP a "bone", which considering this winter's weather, I don't even think they are dumb enough to take. Can you imagine the headlines if even ONE American died after their gas was cut off?

Well Americans started dying in Arizona after budget cuts for organ donors, where's the outcry? If Obama announced no more AID to Israel, that would make bigger headlines.

That was state funding, not Federal funding. Obama has no control over what she does with her state's money.

True, but my point is that no one gives a damn when our own suffer, but God forbid if we should cut anything from Israel.
Israel and Egypt aid we should cut, heating home aid, no damn way, I'm not for letting anyone, including my worst enemies, freeze during one of the coldest winters

You aren't letting them freeze. They are letting themselves freeze.

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