Soros: The Chinese Model Of Suppressing Individuals ...


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Well, at least he's being honest in expressing his value system:

Soros: The Chinese Model Of Suppressing Individuals Could Become The Envy Of The World

Apparently, Soros is considering the possibility that people might some day want to be censored and live in a socialist society like China's.

He said yesterday at the Traveller’s Club in Paris, according to Dealbook:

“The world does need order, and that order needs maintenance. The idea that markets can correct their excesses turned out to be false.

“Perfect order and global governance are not realistic expectations. However, it is a sad fact that Western democracies provide less successful leadership than China.”

"[China’s model of state capitalism, in which the interests of the individual are subordinated to those of the government, pose a danger if its example becomes] “the envy of the world.”...

Soros: The Chinese Model Of Suppressing Individuals Could Become The Envy Of The World

Soros is one of the big bankrollers of the Democrats and financed a large portion of Obama's 2008 campaign. This quote certainly puts "net neutrality" in perspective.

Lefties: your "good intentions" and utopian vision are leading us down the highway to totalitarianism. It's time for you to grow up and wake up.
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Whoever came up with the idea for this new brand Conservative tabloid sensationalism deserves a fucking award. Pure propaganda political genius. It's incredible.

Call it professional respect.
"[China’s model of state capitalism, in which the interests of the individual are subordinated to those of the government, pose a danger if its example becomes] “the envy of the world.”
What an interesting bit of editorializing...what with the brackets and quotation marks it is impossible to actually know what was said.

If he is saying China poses a danger if it is successful as an economic powerhouse by suppressing individuals he is absolutely would pose a danger.

I guess Dicca must like and wish for what China is doing since she seems to disagree.
"[China’s model of state capitalism, in which the interests of the individual are subordinated to those of the government, pose a danger if its example becomes] “the envy of the world.”
What an interesting bit of editorializing...what with the brackets and quotation marks it is impossible to actually know what was said.

If he is saying China poses a danger if it is successful as an economic powerhouse by suppressing individuals he is absolutely would pose a danger.

I guess Dicca must like and wish for what China is doing since she seems to disagree.

Yeah, that's what makes it so amazing. Out of context quotes, with made-up context added in by the writer of the op-ed. It sounds vague enough the the die-hards will latch on to it. It's "rallying the base". The middle-right, moderates and independents will ignore it, and the far-left will rally their base by attacking back. In a lot of ways, it's win-win for both sides.

I'm a sucker for really good rhetoric.
"[China’s model of state capitalism, in which the interests of the individual are subordinated to those of the government, pose a danger if its example becomes] “the envy of the world.”
What an interesting bit of editorializing...what with the brackets and quotation marks it is impossible to actually know what was said.

If he is saying China poses a danger if it is successful as an economic powerhouse by suppressing individuals he is absolutely would pose a danger.

I guess Dicca must like and wish for what China is doing since she seems to disagree.

Yeah, that's what makes it so amazing. Out of context quotes, with made-up context added in by the writer of the op-ed. It sounds vague enough the the die-hards will latch on to it. It's "rallying the base". The middle-right, moderates and independents will ignore it, and the far-left will rally their base by attacking back. In a lot of ways, it's win-win for both sides.

I'm a sucker for really good rhetoric.

Anyone who listens to Soros is a fool.

He dared to call China a socialists society when everyone who's been alive knows they're a communist country.

It amazes me how people that think they're so damned smart can be so gullible.
What an interesting bit of editorializing...what with the brackets and quotation marks it is impossible to actually know what was said.

If he is saying China poses a danger if it is successful as an economic powerhouse by suppressing individuals he is absolutely would pose a danger.

I guess Dicca must like and wish for what China is doing since she seems to disagree.

Yeah, that's what makes it so amazing. Out of context quotes, with made-up context added in by the writer of the op-ed. It sounds vague enough the the die-hards will latch on to it. It's "rallying the base". The middle-right, moderates and independents will ignore it, and the far-left will rally their base by attacking back. In a lot of ways, it's win-win for both sides.

I'm a sucker for really good rhetoric.

Anyone who listens to Soros is a fool.

He dared to call China a socialists society when everyone who's been alive knows they're a communist country.

It amazes me how people that think they're so damned smart can be so gullible.

China hasn't actually been a "Communist" country since Mao died.

They're a mixed economy, just like every other major economic power in the world. How do you think they own so much of our debt? Why do you think that everything you own says "Made in China" on it?

You don't get to be one of the fastest growing superpowers in the world by being Communist.
Whoever came up with the idea for this new brand Conservative tabloid sensationalism deserves a fucking award. Pure propaganda political genius. It's incredible.

Call it professional respect.

When you have to put the entirety of the money quote in ['s, you know your dealing with a fun new level of rightwing bullshit.
Yeah, that's what makes it so amazing. Out of context quotes, with made-up context added in by the writer of the op-ed. It sounds vague enough the the die-hards will latch on to it. It's "rallying the base". The middle-right, moderates and independents will ignore it, and the far-left will rally their base by attacking back. In a lot of ways, it's win-win for both sides.

I'm a sucker for really good rhetoric.

Anyone who listens to Soros is a fool.

He dared to call China a socialists society when everyone who's been alive knows they're a communist country.

It amazes me how people that think they're so damned smart can be so gullible.

China hasn't actually been a "Communist" country since Mao died.

They're a mixed economy, just like every other major economic power in the world. How do you think they own so much of our debt? Why do you think that everything you own says "Made in China" on it?

You don't get to be one of the fastest growing superpowers in the world by being Communist.

They're totalitarians, regardless of whatever label you care to apply.

And all you are doing is confirming that you are a useful idiot for the Soros Agenda.
The [ ] punctuation device is included as it is a reference to the article which was originally quoted. This is to distinguish the article from Soro's direct quote.

Of course, the moonbats are either too clueless or too intellectually lazy to click on a link.

Soros is just following the same thought process as Krugman and the other intelligentsia who envy the iron fisted control Chinese Autocrats have over their hoi poloi.
The [ ] punctuation device is included as it is a reference to the article which was originally quoted. This is to distinguish the article from Soro's direct quote.

Of course, the moonbats are either too clueless or too intellectually lazy to click on a link.

Soros is just following the same thought process as Krugman and the other intelligentsia who envy the iron fisted control Chinese Autocrats have over their hoi poloi.
The tool in this thread is you...
Oh. No.

Ravi dissed moi.

Je suis désolée.

Il pleut à mon coeur.

Oh, la HUMANITE!!!!!!!
And here we have that Bright Light, Thomas Friedman, praising China's One Party Rule:

One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century. It is not an accident that China is committed to overtaking us in electric cars, solar power, energy efficiency, batteries, nuclear power and wind power. China’s leaders understand that in a world of exploding populations and rising emerging-market middle classes, demand for clean power and energy efficiency is going to soar. Beijing wants to make sure that it owns that industry and is ordering the policies to do that, including boosting gasoline prices, from the top down....

Really. The Left would just like us all to cede our will and self-determination to them so they can tell us how to live. If only we would cooperate, Life Would Be Beautiful!
The [ ] punctuation device is included as it is a reference to the article which was originally quoted. This is to distinguish the article from Soro's direct quote.

Of course! That's how you inject batshit-crazy commentary into an otherwise-direct quote and make it seem a connected thought....and sit back as the brigade eats it up like candy.
No, it's how one distinguishes a quote from the paraphrased context of the quote.

Journalists report in such a manner; something you would realize if you ever read actual news.

You silly little kniggit.
The [ ] punctuation device is included as it is a reference to the article which was originally quoted. This is to distinguish the article from Soro's direct quote.

Of course! That's how you inject batshit-crazy commentary into an otherwise-direct quote and make it seem a connected thought....and sit back as the brigade eats it up like candy.
The funniest thing...Soros is warning against the Chinese model, saying it would be a bad thing overall...and these morons apparently are now going to embrace the Chinese model simply because Soros is against it.


Never underestimate the power of stupidity.
No, it's how one distinguishes a quote from the paraphrased context of the quote.

Except, it's not a paraphrase of anything. It's commentary disguised as a paraphrase.

You've been played like a cheap fiddle...and you like it.

B'loney. All you've done is confirm that you didn't click the link and read either the article or the source to which is linked.

But you do get 10 Points for Consistency regarding your intellectual vapidity.

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