Police state has new weapon


Jul 14, 2009
Dade Cops Waiting To Get Crime Fighting Drone Airborne

MIAMI (CBS4) – Miami-Dade’s newest crime fighting tool is a literal ‘eye in the sky’.
The Micro Air Vehicle, or MAV for short, is a small radio controlled drone aircraft equipped with a portable camera system. Miami-Dade Sgt. Andrew Cohen said drone will be used to gather real time information in situations which may be too dangerous for officers.

“If an SRT (Special Response Team) has to go into an area they don’t know what’s there, we don’t know what is in the backyard,” said Cohen, “They want to know if there are dogs in the backyard, if there is a shed, things that could be a threat to us.”
The MAV is used by the military to scan dangerous areas before troops are sent in. Miami-Dade police used a $50,000 grant to buy one, but not everyone is happy with the purchase.
“What happens when they fly over backyards and they see something without a warrant that they want to take against,” said ACLU Executive Director Howard Simon.
Police admit the MAV, if flown low enough, has the ability to look into people’s home, but that is not its intended purpose.
“If this thing is deployed, it’s only going to be used in situations where we already have an ongoing police scene,” said Cohen. “They are going to know we are there because we will have tactical teams, SRT teams, we’re going to have a perimeter, it’s going to be secure.”
Meanwhile the police department is awaiting approval from the FAA before they can use the MAV. They have submitted the application, but the approval process can take up to six months.


So if you use force to disable one of these intruders is it like killing a cop?
GREAT. The more and better tools we can give our LEO's in order to fight crime the better off we will be. Eyes in the sky are always a help.

I would assume that using force against the MAV would be treated like damaging a police cruiser or other property.
GREAT. The more and better tools we can give our LEO's in order to fight crime the better off we will be. Eyes in the sky are always a help.

I would assume that using force against the MAV would be treated like damaging a police cruiser or other property.
Pay attention folks. This nitwit and his like will be at the voting booth in 2012.
Get out while you still have "permission"
GREAT. The more and better tools we can give our LEO's in order to fight crime the better off we will be. Eyes in the sky are always a help.

I would assume that using force against the MAV would be treated like damaging a police cruiser or other property.

I feel so much safer knowing the police are able to peep into my windows anytime they want without my knowing. Not that they would ever do such a thing, because law enforcement is only here to help after all. But if I ever find one of those machines landed in my yard I think it might have a little accident.
I bet whole flocks of these will be hovering over polling places during elections.
Our tax dollars at work.

How anyone has any faith in government at any level is amazing to me.
I feel so much safer knowing the police are able to peep into my windows anytime they want without my knowing. Not that they would ever do such a thing, because law enforcement is only here to help after all. But if I ever find one of those machines landed in my yard I think it might have a little accident.

It's not a matter of feeling safer. That's not what the police are supposed to be there for. I's a matter of helping them catch criminals and keeping the officers safe while they do it. If you read the OP, this is mainly for aerial observation around places where SWAT/SRT Teams are going to be working. It's a tool to give them as much information as possible and to keep THEM safe while they're doing their job.

My PERSONAL safety comes from the 2 handguns, the bladed weapons, the shotgun, and several other things I have stored throughout my apartment; and the selection of things I carry on my person most of the time that I walk out of my apartment. It doesn't come from and is not affected by the presence or lack thereof by the Police.
I feel so much safer knowing the police are able to peep into my windows anytime they want without my knowing. Not that they would ever do such a thing, because law enforcement is only here to help after all. But if I ever find one of those machines landed in my yard I think it might have a little accident.

It's not a matter of feeling safer. That's not what the police are supposed to be there for. I's a matter of helping them catch criminals and keeping the officers safe while they do it. If you read the OP, this is mainly for aerial observation around places where SWAT/SRT Teams are going to be working. It's a tool to give them as much information as possible and to keep THEM safe while they're doing their job.

My PERSONAL safety comes from the 2 handguns, the bladed weapons, the shotgun, and several other things I have stored throughout my apartment; and the selection of things I carry on my person most of the time that I walk out of my apartment. It doesn't come from and is not affected by the presence or lack thereof by the Police.

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Sounds like a double edge sword.

Could be used to do much good. Could be use to spy on law biding citizens. Could also be used to spy on officers in action as well.
GREAT. The more and better tools we can give our LEO's in order to fight crime the better off we will be. Eyes in the sky are always a help.

I would assume that using force against the MAV would be treated like damaging a police cruiser or other property.

Why don't we just throw out the whole Fourth Amendment? I mean, that would really make it easy for the police to give you a false sense of security.

GREAT. The more and better tools we can give our LEO's in order to fight crime the better off we will be. Eyes in the sky are always a help.

I would assume that using force against the MAV would be treated like damaging a police cruiser or other property.

Maybe we can make LEO jobs easier by not having some many stupid and vague laws and regulations?
Why don't we just throw out the whole Fourth Amendment? I mean, that would really make it easy for the police to give you a false sense of security.

As I said, MY sense of security comes from the 35 rounds of 9mm +P that I carry with me most places. This drone, if the article is correct, is going to be used to keep police officers safe and to help them track down criminals, not to be snooping into people's windows and yards; as much as I'd love to see it used for that purpose. I do not believe that ANYONE has a RIGHT to commit a crime.

Maybe we can make LEO jobs easier by not having some many stupid and vague laws and regulations?

We could definitely make the LEO's job easier by putting criminals away for LONG, HARSH sentences the FIRST TIME they get convicted, and/or by executing the violent ones much more often and more brutally.
I do believe prisons should have an opt for the chair option for convicts who tire of there stay.
I do believe prisons should have an opt for the chair option for convicts who tire of there stay.

I don't think they should be given the choice. All the violent ones go directly to the noose. The non-violent felons spend the rest of their lives in jail. The non-violent misdemeanors spend 10-12 years in jail. All moral crimes receive immediate execution.
And we're one step closer to 1984. Some people will give up so much freedom, just a for a little sense of security. It's absurd.
And we're one step closer to 1984. Some people will give up so much freedom, just a for a little sense of security. It's absurd.

I'm not concerned with MY security. I have that covered quite well, thank you. I'm more concerned with how this can be used to make our LEO's safer, which is what the article indicates it's going to be used for.

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