Soros And Tik Tok

James O'Keef Ordered To $100,000.00 To ACORN He Smeared, Conservative Media Yawns

Remember James O’Keefe?

That would be the same James O’Keefe who brought down community organizing and voter registration organization ACORN in his march to becoming a conservative icon for his alleged ‘good works’.

Matthew Phelan and Liz Farkas over at Wonkette have broken the story about the first bit of blowback resulting from O'Keefe's brand of 'journalism'.

It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

I did not LIE PH. You just willing choose to ignore the truth.

lol ACORN got shut down for voter fraud. Your pet vermin were scum, same as the rest of your Hive. Obama worked for and loved them. Obama paid them $800,000 or so to harvest votes for him, then tried to deny any association with the fraudsters. O'Keefe didn't bring them down, they folded up when they got caught faking voter registrations in several states. You scum can't even lie well.
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I never said he "confiscated jewish property for them."

I has asked for proof he has stated he is a Nazi.

Read Soro's own biography on how he collaborated with Nazis, shit for brains. He never kept it a secret. Your Hero also worked well with with Daddy Bush when he was a fellow major shareholder in the Carlyle Group for years as well. The Bushes also have lucrative links to Nazis, also well known for over 70 odd years, dufus.

You morons are too stupid to go 5 minutes without a nurse keeping an eye on you.
According to a dumbass tool. That all you got? lol pathetic.
If WEF got its way. Hillary would be president and Bill Clinton would be partying with epstein in the white house today. And if you said anything about it, these guys here would call you a conspiracy theorists and defend them.
How about mat Schlapp?

Never been a fan of his, I'm not a Republican, shit for brains, that's just you being incapable of keeping up with who says what and relying on your silly halfwit Hive masters for your rants. I have in fact criticized the GOP and McCarthy for caving in to that banker shill, dumbass, more than once. Now run along and parrot some more idiot narratives, and try not to stab yourself in the eye with a salad fork or something.
Sure, if you like empty performance theater and groping.
Her date was a democrat.

Democrats are pervs.
Is soros a Jew ? If so it doesn't make sense does it ?

Some Jews collaborated with Nazis, even in the death camps. That isn't new news to anybody. Some right wing Jews even claim the Holocaust was a good thing.

Rabbi Says Holocaust Victims Were Sinners​

For Ultra-Orthodox, the Answer to Where Was God in the Holocaust Might Be in the Holocaust​

Fewer Than 1 Million Jews Killed in Holocaust,' ultra-Orthodox Outreach Rabbi Says​

In the same breath as calling Howard Stern 'impure' and 'despicable,' Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi says rate of intermarriage in Europe before the Holocaust proves fewer than 1 million real Jews actually perished.

.. and so on. Jews have their own rather sizable demographic of hardcore racist vermin, a fact Christian evangelicals need to face up to as a Jewish sect themselves, that go Nazis one better; they teach their kids Haredi Jews are the ONLY humans, not just a 'master race' among inferior goyim races. Netanyahu is currently sucking up to the large demographic in Israel. They're also a big sect in New York City. They outnumber all those alleged 'white supremacists' and 'neo-Nazis' the FBI keeps in funds by far in numbers of followers. they are not a tiny fraction of the Jewish 'community', and they're growing fast.
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lol from 2008. ACORN shut down in 2010,

Why do you think Fact Check' never updated their propaganda effort, dumbass? Care to take a guess? lol
They weren’t charged nvicted of any voter fraud that was the point fuckup.

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