Soooooo why was this shot down?

Hey it's not my assertion that it would or wouldn't.

Seeing as how there are no Chamber reps posting here (that I know of) ans seeing as how you seem to think their objections are valid, I thought I would ask you for evidence that what they claim would happen. I am willing to see the bill passed and find out. Seems like the Rethugs would like that. After the failure of bill was known, the Rethugs could bash away at the Dems.

I am sure you can understand the reluctance to accept anything that a right wing supporting organization says at face value. Proof is needed. Not their opinion.

your saying the Chamber of Commerce doesn't support businesses owned by Democrats?
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -

This looks to be a good bill to promote bringing back jobs, private business jobs, to American soil. But the majority of the GOP in the senate blocked it from even being allowed to be voted on. Why?

This screams of partisan politics and again placing priority on blocking anything that the president does as priority #1 even when it comes at the cost of creating American jobs.

So, can someone please explain it to me.

Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

Well, first of all, there is no tax deduction for moving jobs overseas.
Second, if you want companies to hire here, you need to cut our highest in the world corporate tax rate. Reducing idiotic regulations would be helpful as well.

I love that you post as if you know what you're talking about.
If it was passed, the unemployment rate would drop

Obviously. Just like the Obama stimulus. Passed when unemployment was under 8%, it caused the unemployment rate to drop all the way to 10%.

Don't go asking him to actually prove that statement, he'll just whine and cry, and say it's common knowledge or some such bullshit.

You mean sort of like the exact response you gave me when I asked for you to prove something just one page ago? Like that?

dumb ass, not even remotely the same thing. The answer to your question is plastered all over this board and you know it. Don't be stupid, you're generally smarter than that.
Well, first of all, there is no tax deduction for moving jobs overseas.

Yes, there is.

The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that ending the deduction for moving operations overseas would raise $168 million over a decade, while the 10-year cost of the tax credit would be $255 million, meaning the measure would carry a net cost of $87 million over 10 years, said Stabenow spokesman Cullen Schwarz. Companies could continue to deduct moving expenses for jobs transferred to the U.S.

Senate To Consider Tax Credit For Bringing Jobs To U.S.

Someone please tell me what their opposition is to giving a 20% tax break to companies that move here?
Don't go asking him to actually prove that statement, he'll just whine and cry, and say it's common knowledge or some such bullshit.

You mean sort of like the exact response you gave me when I asked for you to prove something just one page ago? Like that?

dumb ass, not even remotely the same thing. The answer to your question is plastered all over this board and you know it. Don't be stupid, you're generally smarter than that.

Actually, it's exactly the same thing. This board is chock full of blaming Obama for EVERYTHING, so you'll have to excuse me if I missed these threads that are just full of useful information that pertains to what you're stating.
Dollar to a dog turd Reid loaded it down with a bunch of poison pill amendments, so lolberal bedwetters could mewl about "republican obstructionism".

Double-dealing weasel fuckchops are like that.
Don't you ever get tired of making a complete ass of yourself??? It was the GOP who wanted to bog down the bill with unrelated amendments! See the first quote in my sig.

From the link in the OP:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, had warned Democrats before the vote that his party would want to amend the bill -- possibly with hot-button issues like repealing the health care reform law or extending the Bush-era tax cuts for all income levels.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, responded that those amendments were not germane to the bill and he would not allow votes on them.

It was the GOP who wanted to bog down the bill with unrelated amendments! See the first quote in my sig.

Allow a vote on the unrelated amendments and the Dems can vote them down.
What does the GOP have against incentives that would bring jobs to our country?

As it stands NOW, we actually give incentives FOR outsourcing. This bill would have ended that and given breaks to companies that moved back here.

Someone PLEASE explain why the GOP would oppose such a bill.

As it stands NOW, we actually give incentives FOR outsourcing.

Show me.
Um...when the existing incentives are for moving jobs out of the country and the new incentives are to bring jobs back, it's not really difficult to suss out which one is better. Even if the "old" incentive weren't replaced at all, getting rid of it is better no matter what.

You can prove there are no existing incentives for moving jobs back into the country? Be my guest.

Prove there are. This bill would have. Why oppose it? Can you answer that simple question? There ARE currently incentives to move jobs overseas. Do you or do you not support ending those incentives? Why is this so difficult?

Corporate taxes is one thing moving manufacturers overseas and unions are the other. Make every state Right to Work states and put taxes on imports when munufacturers bring goods back to the US. Another thing in our favor, wages in China are starting to inrease.
WTF. Why are we giving manufacturers a tax break for shipping plants and jobs out of the country anyway?

Of course the GOP's number one goal is to regain power. Stiffling the economy is part of their plan. Can't let anything pass that will help the American economy under the Preisdent Obama.
And it's actually even worse then that because while the government incents companies to say onshore they punish them with regulations and taxes. Jobs are created by profit. Low, flat, simple taxes create the most wealth and opportunity for everyone. Like it or not, all of economics proves that. kaz

Funny shit right there. Lets see. Taxes are at some of the lowest levels in years.

How's those low tax rates working out for us in the jobs department?

And I know you don't run a business, but jobs are created by demand. Selling your product because of the demand and selling your product for more money than it costs to produce that product, that creates profit.

You rethugs seem really REALLY confused about how business works. Outsourcing jobs good to rethugs, bringing jobs to America bad. Weird shit.

Taxes are at some of the lowest levels in years.

Our corporate tax rates are the highest in the world.
Our top income tax bracket is 35%.
In 1988 it was 28%. Don't confuse tax rates with tax receipts.
Receipts always drop during a weak economy.
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WTF. Why are we giving manufacturers a tax break for shipping plants and jobs out of the country anyway?

Of course the GOP's number one goal is to regain power. Stiffling the economy is part of their plan. Can't let anything pass that will help the American economy under the Preisdent Obama.

Why are we giving manufacturers a tax break for shipping plants and jobs out of the country anyway?

Of course we aren't doing that.
You can prove there are no existing incentives for moving jobs back into the country? Be my guest.

Prove there are. This bill would have. Why oppose it? Can you answer that simple question? There ARE currently incentives to move jobs overseas. Do you or do you not support ending those incentives? Why is this so difficult?

Corporate taxes is one thing moving manufacturers overseas and unions are the other. Make every state Right to Work states and put taxes on imports when munufacturers bring goods back to the US. Another thing in our favor, wages in China are starting to inrease.

BS. The prosepect of cheap labor and lack of envoronmental standards are the main factors driving the exodus of manufacturing from the US. The tax incentive is just another slap in the face to middle class Americans by the multi-national corportations. The whole idea of the NAFTA and other so called 'Free Trade Agreements' prohibit tariffs and taxes you speak of.
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -

This looks to be a good bill to promote bringing back jobs, private business jobs, to American soil. But the majority of the GOP in the senate blocked it from even being allowed to be voted on. Why?

This screams of partisan politics and again placing priority on blocking anything that the president does as priority #1 even when it comes at the cost of creating American jobs.

So, can someone please explain it to me.

Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

Well, first of all, there is no tax deduction for moving jobs overseas.
Second, if you want companies to hire here, you need to cut our highest in the world corporate tax rate. Reducing idiotic regulations would be helpful as well.

I love that you post as if you know what you're talking about.

Perhaps you could show everyone the tax deduction for moving jobs overseas?
Your failure will prove my point.
How is stopping incentives for outsourcing and giving incentives to insource "manipulating the market"? Isn't giving the incentives to outsource "manipulating the market" then?

As for the red part, it speaks for itself. Government "incentives" to do something is itself market manipulation.

We don't give "incentives to outsource." That's a democratic party talking point. Or more specifically, tell me what incentives we provide. I proudly spent two years at GE Consumer Finance as a program manager outsourcing IT jobs to India. Outsourcing doesn't mean BTW that US jobs are just done offshore. There are new US jobs created, you have to design entirely new processes.

I always like how Democrats claim to care about other people, but then they go into a hysterical fit when we increase trade with someone instead of jealously protecting what's "ours." And of course what's "ours" wasn't created by them, it was created by a hard working, self sacrificing job creator.
Well, first of all, there is no tax deduction for moving jobs overseas.

Yes, there is.

The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that ending the deduction for moving operations overseas would raise $168 million over a decade, while the 10-year cost of the tax credit would be $255 million, meaning the measure would carry a net cost of $87 million over 10 years, said Stabenow spokesman Cullen Schwarz. Companies could continue to deduct moving expenses for jobs transferred to the U.S.

Senate To Consider Tax Credit For Bringing Jobs To U.S.

Someone please tell me what their opposition is to giving a 20% tax break to companies that move here?

Companies can deduct moving expenses. That could be for moving from California to Texas. That's not a deduction for moving jobs overseas. That's a deduction for paying for shipping. Thanks for trying. Don't usually see that from a liberal.
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Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

Well, first of all, there is no tax deduction for moving jobs overseas.
Second, if you want companies to hire here, you need to cut our highest in the world corporate tax rate. Reducing idiotic regulations would be helpful as well.

I love that you post as if you know what you're talking about.

Perhaps you could show everyone the tax deduction for moving jobs overseas?
Your failure will prove my point.

At the same time why don't you show us how reducing the corporate tax rate will result in companies hiring more American workers.
Your failure will prove my point.
I love that you post as if you know what you're talking about.

Perhaps you could show everyone the tax deduction for moving jobs overseas?
Your failure will prove my point.

At the same time why don't you show us how reducing the corporate tax rate will result in companies hiring more American workers.
Your failure will prove my point.

Ireland cut their corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
I'm pretty sure that increased Irish employment.
We could raise rates, like Obama wants.
I'm sure that will increase American employment. :cuckoo:
Perhaps you could show everyone the tax deduction for moving jobs overseas?
Your failure will prove my point.

At the same time why don't you show us how reducing the corporate tax rate will result in companies hiring more American workers.
Your failure will prove my point.

Ireland cut their corporate tax rate to 12.5%.
I'm pretty sure that increased Irish employment.
We could raise rates, like Obama wants.
I'm sure that will increase American employment. :cuckoo:

Oh you're pretty sure. That should be all we need to hear, case closed. Right?
Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

Well, first of all, there is no tax deduction for moving jobs overseas.
Second, if you want companies to hire here, you need to cut our highest in the world corporate tax rate. Reducing idiotic regulations would be helpful as well.

I love that you post as if you know what you're talking about.

Perhaps you could show everyone the tax deduction for moving jobs overseas?
Your failure will prove my point.

PolitiFact Rhode Island | Whitehouse says companies get a tax break for moving jobs overseas

You're welcome.
WTF. Why are we giving manufacturers a tax break for shipping plants and jobs out of the country anyway?

Of course the GOP's number one goal is to regain power. Stiffling the economy is part of their plan. Can't let anything pass that will help the American economy under the Preisdent Obama.

Why are we giving manufacturers a tax break for shipping plants and jobs out of the country anyway?

Of course we aren't doing that.

Yes of course we are. This bill would have eliminated the deduction and created an incentive to move plants to America.

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