Soon on CNN: "Clinton speaks to grads at alma mater". "Oh, and our president is in Europe"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I added the second quote myself, since you would think that Trump at G7 meetings is of more importance, especially to the average American, to demand more coverage. Rather than Clintons speech or the scoops of ice cream he gets at a dinner.

The Clinton News Network is an apt name. They cover a speak from a has-been politician, obviously because she is part of the "resistance" and they want to have her International sponsor support when they attempt to take the next election.

Let's hope the FBI keep a close eye on how much foreign money the Clintons tries to enter into the next election.
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Would the college cancel if Conservative students protested Clinton's speech ? Of course there is a big difference between Conservative protest and the lefts rioting, looting and general mayhem.
I added the second quote myself, since you would think that Trump at G7 meetings is of more importance, especially to the average American, to demand more coverage. Rather than Clintons speech or the scoops of ice cream he gets at a dinner.

The Clinton News Network is an apt name. They cover a speak from a has-been politician, obviously because she is part of the "resistance" and they want to have her International sponsor support when they attempt to take the next election.

Let's hope the FBI keep a close eye on how much foreign money the Clintons tries to enter into the next election.

Trump has been number one news story for 110 days straight, and you get pissy because he isn't number one today? Oh, wow, attention seekers.
I added the second quote myself, since you would think that Trump at G7 meetings is of more importance, especially to the average American, to demand more coverage. Rather than Clintons speech or the scoops of ice cream he gets at a dinner.

The Clinton News Network is an apt name. They cover a speak from a has-been politician, obviously because she is part of the "resistance" and they want to have her International sponsor support when they attempt to take the next election.

Let's hope the FBI keep a close eye on how much foreign money the Clintons tries to enter into the next election.

Trump has been number one news story for 110 days straight, and you get pissy because he isn't number one today? Oh, wow, attention seekers.

He's been in the news for all the wrong reasons, based on CNN and others focusing on issues few care about. Ice cream, leaks about comments he made to world leaders, an unfounded Russian probe, again, based on leaks.

I would love to have seen coverage and discussion regarding unfair trade and economic policies that impact the American worker. Or policy issues, such as a fair assessment as to why the new ACA is necessary because Obamacare is going to leave many more millions uninsured as providers are leaving or going belly up. Does CNN even care to suggest what is going on at the G7, or do they not have sources there to leak to the network?

Put it this way. Clinton should never be top story on CNN, unless they are trying to rile up Sanders supporters. Since I don't get Fox News on TV here due to the restrictions from the Home Country, I rely on CNN for the most part and they constantly fail in fair and honest coverage of what is of importance to America and it's allies frankly. It's as if they want to ascend Clinton to the presidency via coverage...

I used to admire CNN as fairly honest and pertinent in their coverage, now they seem to really be concerned with rallying the resistance movement, or pushing controversies that are anti-police even without full details or covering protests when Trump won, instead, making excuses when violence or offensive words are shouted on TV.
I added the second quote myself, since you would think that Trump at G7 meetings is of more importance, especially to the average American, to demand more coverage. Rather than Clintons speech or the scoops of ice cream he gets at a dinner.

The Clinton News Network is an apt name. They cover a speak from a has-been politician, obviously because she is part of the "resistance" and they want to have her International sponsor support when they attempt to take the next election.

Let's hope the FBI keep a close eye on how much foreign money the Clintons tries to enter into the next election.

Trump has been number one news story for 110 days straight, and you get pissy because he isn't number one today? Oh, wow, attention seekers.

He's been in the news for all the wrong reasons, based on CNN and others focusing on issues few care about. Ice cream, leaks about comments he made to world leaders, an unfounded Russian probe, again, based on leaks.

I would love to have seen coverage and discussion regarding unfair trade and economic policies that impact the American worker. Or policy issues, such as a fair assessment as to why the new ACA is necessary because Obamacare is going to leave many more millions uninsured as providers are leaving or going belly up. Does CNN even care to suggest what is going on at the G7, or do they not have sources there to leak to the network?

Put it this way. Clinton should never be top story on CNN, unless they are trying to rile up Sanders supporters. Since I don't get Fox News on TV here due to the restrictions from the Home Country, I rely on CNN for the most part and they constantly fail in fair and honest coverage of what is of importance to America and it's allies frankly. It's as if they want to ascend Clinton to the presidency via coverage...

I used to admire CNN as fairly honest and pertinent in their coverage, now they seem to really be concerned with rallying the resistance movement, or pushing controversies that are anti-police even without full details or covering protests when Trump won, instead, making excuses when violence or offensive words are shouted on TV.

And this is the problem, he was the joke candidate and he's running his presidency like the joke candidate. He basically went in and attacked the media, it's how he's keeping his supporters on his side, and he's suffering because the media are against him.

You can go around attacking the media, then moan and groan when they don't do what you want them to do.

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