Sometimes in April


Active Member
Jul 15, 2004
an excellent movie about the genocide in Rwanda

Watching it made me quite depressed because in a couple of years
we will see the movie April in Dafur.

The non action of the international community is a disgrace for all
of us.

Lets not blame it on the French or whoever.

I ask you write to your senator or representative and demand
action. According to a UK study already 300.000 people got
killed in this genocide.

It is time to put aside the dispute about Iraq and sent an
Western force into Sudan and stop the genocide.

Yes the left and the fuckers known as the African Union will
cry Imperialism. Fuck em.

France, England and the US the only countries that can project
power around the world have to get together
and stop the genocide.

In the movie Bill Clinton states his regrets and promises
it will not happen again.

You might not like CLinton but we have to set precidence
against genocide.

I wrote to the German parliament, my state representative
and demanded action.

I d appreciated if you could put some pressure on your representative. This site tries to coordinate action
to stop the slaughter, it contains some graphic images.

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