Something puzzling about how obama received so many votes from Black Americans

Does anyone think the Koch brothers and Karl Rove were trying to influence the election on behalf of minorities and poor people instead of their own selfish interests? Duh...

We all vote for things we care about.

most working people probably vote for who ever is for their jobs.....
People who are unemployed do not get government assistance?

Your statement:

"They support the Dems because the Dems will never agree to cut entitlements, only evil Republicans want to do that. Why in the world would they not vote Dem? They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them ... and gives them free phones, free birth control, free, free, free. They are chained to that 'freedom' and therefore vote for that 'freedom'."

Your use of "They" refers to black Obama supporters. So, again, what percentage of black Obama supporters are "fed" by the government?

It is probably not much higher than the national average, but that brings us back to the larger question suggested in the OP, do black voters remain loyal to the Democratic Party because of a rational assessment of the benefits they receive from that Party or because they feel dependent on that Party for reasons they don't understand? I think the latter. Imo, despite all the progress in race relations and civil right since WWII and the enormous increase in economic opportunities for black Americans, black voters continue to be troubled by feelings of being marginalized, being vulnerable and being unable to sustain the progress that has been made without a protector and for now that protector is seen by them as the Democratic Party, but as more black voters feel more secure in their positions within the greater society they will begin to vote in larger numbers for Republicans.

Nah, we jsut don't want to be around white conservatives a la Hannity, Rush or the majority of conservative posters on this board.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Keep up this type of inflamatory, incediary & utterly devisive rhetoric. Keep disturbing the bees nest. 2014 is coming up next and we need some more righties OUT OF OFFICE!!!

Keep it up Big Rebecca.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.
Keep up this type of inflamatory, incediary & utterly devisive rhetoric. Keep disturbing the bees nest. 2014 is coming up next and we need some more righties OUT OF OFFICE!!!

Keep it up Big Rebecca.

Shhhh. Let them shout it from the mountain tops. It's working so well for them.
No. The point you were making was that blacks vote to get free stuff and to be fed by the government. What percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government?

About 33% of blacks are on government benifits vs about 9% of whites. Blacks are almost 4 times more likely to be government dependants.

Blacks are 30 percent more likely than nonblacks to work for the government, according to the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education. 22 percent of black workers are government employees, compared with 16 percent of nonblacks.

2009 statistics from the National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan show 27% of blacks and 25% of Hispanics below the poverty line, compared to 13% of Asians and only 9% of whites.

You didn't find Clinton's comments racist?

The issue is not whether Clinton's words could have possibly have been interpreted as racist in another context, but whether it was reasonable to think Clinton was a a racist because of one comment that did not necessarily have any racial overtones when after some 40 years in the public eye no one white or black had ever claimed any evidence of racism in anything Clinton had said or done.

If I remember correctly, Clinton in deriding Obama's qualifications to be president said something like a few years ago he wouldn't have been qualified to carry our bags, which is a comment one might make about anyone thought to be unqualified regardless of race. In another context one might think this was a reference to black people only being qualified to be servants, but in the context of Bill Clinton's long public history, making that assumption has to be seen as either being bizarre or, itself, racist. A more reasonable assumption, given Clinton's long public history, is that he was careless of possible accusations of racism because he was not a racist and believed he had establish bonds of trust with black voters so that he was in no danger of being believed to be a racist.

Sending Jim Clyburn out to call Clinton a racist was a cynical and desperate move intended to threaten the Democratic Party with the prospect that black voters would not go to the polls unless Obama got the nomination. Perhaps the Obama campaign believed Obama was the better candidate and that the only reason the super delegates were supporting Clinton was that they were all racists and they were therefore justified in threatening to cost the Party the election unless Obama got the nomination. In any case, the fact remains that if Obama had been white, he would never have become president and if he hadn't played to race card he never would have become president.

Some people might think this was just smart politics and some people might think this was a cynical exploitation of racial tensions.

Are you black?

lol Don't trust white people?
What did the Republican Party have to offer them? How much outreach to the black voter did the Republican Party do?

So you're saying that black people have to be bought?

Do whites have to be bought?

No but that was what bod was implying what has the republicans done for the black. would imply that blacks must be given something before they will vote for either party.
But in all seriousness, these edits are just for fun to prove the fucking point.
You don't have a point

The point is you're a willfully dishonest human being. You latch on to a tiny fucking lie and make a super big stand just to try and make somebody else look bad, but in the end you yourself know that you're defending a fucking lie.

That's all you are, and all you ever will be.

A liar. A sleazy ass human being who will be deceptive whenever you think it can stand to gain you a benefit.
No I'm not your just fucking lazy that has this imaginary racism running through your head, and is causing you to see things that never happened nor have been implied
ok lets take away the Idea of either side being racist. Blacks still vote for democrats by a majority. The idea that Obama got a higher % over gore and kerry is not shocking. The idea that some blacks voted for obama because he is black is not shocking nor is it racist.

One of the dumbest comments of the day.

Sure it's not shocking that blacks voted for Obama in higher numbers than Gore or Kerry.

That is an understatement.

And the very fact that they voted in markedly greater numbers because he's black is the definition of racism. If Republicans voted for Romney in greater numbers because he's white I'm convinced you'd call that racism without a doubt.

Can you prove that white people didn't vote for Romney in greater numbers over Obama because he's white?

Romney in fact won the highest percentage of white voters ever since a certain date. I can't remember what date that is. Somewhere in the 80's or something.

Somewhere in the 80s or something? long as you remove White Hispanics and women, maybe.

If you can show me where Whites voted for Romney at the rate of 98% then you can claim racism.

Dude, you're living in a fishbowl.
Fact of the matter is, white Democrat or black Democrat, you will NEVER get the support and respect of the majority of black people when you continually, at every turn, every opportunity, bitch about them, put them down, generalize them and basically treat them like dog shit.
Fact of the matter is, white Democrat or black Democrat, you will NEVER get the support and respect of the majority of black people when you continually, at every turn, every opportunity, bitch about them, put them down, generalize them and basically treat them like dog shit.

but its ok for the Whites in a party to tell you to your face how they are with you .......but behind your back they are hoping you dont move into the Neighborhood.... great Party.....
This is an issue that needs to be addressed and not swept under the dirty rug any longer. How did obama get so many Blacks to support him with unemployment for blacks at 14.1% and obama's giving amnesty to so many illegal immigrates adding more people allowed to work in the U.S.?
I'LL SAY IT, IT'S BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. there is no other explanation for it.

Unemployment for blacks under Reagan was around 20% and 91% of blacks voted for Mondale.
No. The point you were making was that blacks vote to get free stuff and to be fed by the government. What percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government?

About 36% of blacks are on government benifits vs about 9% of whites. Blacks are 4 times more likely to be government dependants.

Blacks are 30 percent more likely than nonblacks to work for the government, according to the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education. 22 percent of black workers are government employees, compared with 16 percent of nonblacks.

Again what percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government? What percentage of that 36% voted in this years election?

According to US Debtclock the US population is 314,753,733 and there are 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients. The 2010 census shows that 12.6% of the US population is Black or 39,658,970 Black Citizens. According to the USDA 22% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were Black = 10,373,878 of the 39,658,970 Blacks are on food stamps. That equals 26.2% of Blacks are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

According to the 2010 census 72.4% of the US population is White = 227,881,703 White citizens. According to the USDA 35% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were White = 16,503,895 of the 227,881,703 Whites are on food stamps. That equals 7.2% of Whites are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

26.2% Blacks vs 7.2% Whites. That proves that Blacks are nearly 4 times more likely to be "fed" by the government than whites.

African Americans by the Numbers From the U.S. Census Bureau - "65% Turnout rate among black citizens regardless of age in the 2008 presidential election, up about 5 percentage points from 2004.
If blacks didn't vote for Obama because he is black then what reason did they have? They have been hit the hardest the last 4 years. If Obama were not 1/2 black they would not have voted for him, in my opinion. Of course the liberals on here say they would have just voted for whomever the democrat was that is how little they think of blacks. Yet blacks still vote for them, go figure.

It isn't how little Democrats think of blacks and other minorities. It is how little blacks and minorities think of Republicans. Why would they vote for a party that has so disrespected the first minority president? A party whose members call the president a liar on the Senate floor when he is giving the State of the Union speech. A party who tries to undermine him at every turn. A party who questions his patriotism, his religious beliefs, and even his citizenship.

What do the Republicans have to offer? more tax breaks for the rich? I suppose that is where the 5% of votes the Republicans got came from. Jobs? The only place Republicans create jobs is in China, India, Mexico, or wherever people will work for nothing. Republicans offer nothing. They just want to take away what little we have left.
About 36% of blacks are on government benifits vs about 9% of whites. Blacks are 4 times more likely to be government dependants.

Blacks are 30 percent more likely than nonblacks to work for the government, according to the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Labor Research and Education. 22 percent of black workers are government employees, compared with 16 percent of nonblacks.

Again what percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government? What percentage of that 36% voted in this years election?

According to US Debtclock the US population is 314,753,733 and there are 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients. The 2010 census shows that 12.6% of the US population is Black or 39,658,970 Black Citizens. According to the USDA 22% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were Black = 10,373,878 of the 39,658,970 Blacks are on food stamps. That equals 26.2% of Blacks are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

According to the 2010 census 72.4% of the US population is White = 227,881,703 White citizens. According to the USDA 35% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were White = 16,503,895 of the 227,881,703 Whites are on food stamps. That equals 7.2% of Whites are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

26.2% Blacks vs 7.2% Whites. That proves that Blacks are nearly 4 times more likely to be "fed" by the government than whites.

African Americans by the Numbers From the U.S. Census Bureau - "65% Turnout rate among black citizens regardless of age in the 2008 presidential election, up about 5 percentage points from 2004.

You are purposefully distorting the numbers, however I wouldn't expect much else from someone who can't even spell liar.:rolleyes:
Fact of the matter is, white Democrat or black Democrat, you will NEVER get the support and respect of the majority of black people when you continually, at every turn, every opportunity, bitch about them, put them down, generalize them and basically treat them like dog shit.

What about a party who's elder statesmen were Klan members, or as Clinton said of Obama, "A few years ago this guy would have been fetching us coffee"? Or a party that has institutionalized poverty to the effect that the black family has been substituted with a government check? How does the left treat any minority that doesn't tow the Democrat party line? That's right, you savage them, you peg them as "Aunt Jemimah" (See Condoleeza Rice).. look what you did to Clarence Thomas, to German Cain, etc.

Spare us your fucking outrage.. leftists are the biggest racists going.
Again what percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government? What percentage of that 36% voted in this years election?

According to US Debtclock the US population is 314,753,733 and there are 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients. The 2010 census shows that 12.6% of the US population is Black or 39,658,970 Black Citizens. According to the USDA 22% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were Black = 10,373,878 of the 39,658,970 Blacks are on food stamps. That equals 26.2% of Blacks are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

According to the 2010 census 72.4% of the US population is White = 227,881,703 White citizens. According to the USDA 35% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were White = 16,503,895 of the 227,881,703 Whites are on food stamps. That equals 7.2% of Whites are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

26.2% Blacks vs 7.2% Whites. That proves that Blacks are nearly 4 times more likely to be "fed" by the government than whites.

African Americans by the Numbers From the U.S. Census Bureau - "65% Turnout rate among black citizens regardless of age in the 2008 presidential election, up about 5 percentage points from 2004.

You are purposefully distorting the numbers, however I wouldn't expect much else from someone who can't even spell liar.:rolleyes:

Wouldn't it be a good thing to say of person that they can't even spell liar?

Again what percentage of blacks are "fed" by the government? What percentage of that 36% voted in this years election?

According to US Debtclock the US population is 314,753,733 and there are 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients. The 2010 census shows that 12.6% of the US population is Black or 39,658,970 Black Citizens. According to the USDA 22% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were Black = 10,373,878 of the 39,658,970 Blacks are on food stamps. That equals 26.2% of Blacks are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

According to the 2010 census 72.4% of the US population is White = 227,881,703 White citizens. According to the USDA 35% of the 47,153,988 foodstamp recipients were White = 16,503,895 of the 227,881,703 Whites are on food stamps. That equals 7.2% of Whites are on food stamps being "fed" by the government.

26.2% Blacks vs 7.2% Whites. That proves that Blacks are nearly 4 times more likely to be "fed" by the government than whites.

African Americans by the Numbers From the U.S. Census Bureau - "65% Turnout rate among black citizens regardless of age in the 2008 presidential election, up about 5 percentage points from 2004.

You are purposefully distorting the numbers, however I wouldn't expect much else from someone who can't even spell liar.:rolleyes:

:lol: Coming from an idiot who can't read, comprehend, spell or do simple math. :badgrin:

What is your IQ? Single or double digits? Hell I will give you the benifit of the doubt & call you double digit douchebag! :lol:

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