CDZ Someone destroys your life, what is your response?

Someone destroys your life, what is the best response?

  • Turn the other cheek and love the person(s) who did it to you

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Get mad and get even

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Get revenge, fully repaid AND with interest

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't mean any response that includes violence, I am referring to someone screwing you over in ways that have impacted your life permanently. The response, if any, would be non-violent but would attempt to achieve reparations according to the poll choice you select.

I've known many people who feel that they have been wronged by other people. By Parents, by friends, by siblings, by business partners you name it. The ones that let it go seem happier than the ones that don't.
I've known many people who feel that they have been wronged by other people. By Parents, by friends, by siblings, by business partners you name it. The ones that let it go seem happier than the ones that don't.

Think of this "wronged" similar to what someone would have experienced at the hands of the Stasi in the former East Germany, or the KGB in the former Russia. The decide which response works best for you.

You can recover from all kinds of problems, as long as you are free. If not have to decide how to respond to that person who has shackled you.
Someone destroys your life, what is your response?

None of the above.
  1. Pick up the pieces that I can and set about restoring my life to what I want it to be.
  2. Pursue legal recourse as best I can, if there is any that to be had and that I am able to obtain.
I fought back and went to INS. But then they scrunched up and blamed Ronald Reagan and his weird amnesty back in the 80's. I live in Colorado, we (not me) elected a Hispanic (Pena) and we suddenly had this HUGEMONGUS influx of illegal Mexican illegal aliens that resulted in Denver become a sanctuary city. What a coincidence. And We have a HUGE change in Demographics. All to suit wealthy realtors, layers and contractors and to the harm of local Coloradans and the poor. I see them living in tents along the the Platte river path and begging for money .But we want to help poor illegal mexicans that came here?
I fought back and went to INS. But then they scrunched up and blamed Ronald Reagan and his weird amnesty back in the 80's. I live in Colorado, we (not me) elected a Hispanic (Pena) and we suddenly had this HUGEMONGUS influx of illegal Mexican illegal aliens that resulted in Denver become a sanctuary city. What a coincidence. And We have a HUGE change in Demographics. All to suit wealthy realtors, layers and contractors and to the harm of local Coloradans and the poor. I see them living in tents along the the Platte river path and begging for money .But we want to help poor illegal mexicans that came here?
Boy you really don't like Hispanics do you? lol
I've known many people who feel that they have been wronged by other people. By Parents, by friends, by siblings, by business partners you name it. The ones that let it go seem happier than the ones that don't.

Think of this "wronged" similar to what someone would have experienced at the hands of the Stasi in the former East Germany, or the KGB in the former Russia. The decide which response works best for you.

You can recover from all kinds of problems, as long as you are free. If not have to decide how to respond to that person who has shackled you.

What does the Bible say about this? The KGB took the wives and husbands and children of many countries to gulags, also redrew the map of Europe.

The bible says that moving a border is theft. Which OP option do you choose if your wife is now at the other side of the border that you are not allowed to cross?
I fought back and went to INS. But then they scrunched up and blamed Ronald Reagan and his weird amnesty back in the 80's. I live in Colorado, we (not me) elected a Hispanic (Pena) and we suddenly had this HUGEMONGUS influx of illegal Mexican illegal aliens that resulted in Denver become a sanctuary city. What a coincidence. And We have a HUGE change in Demographics. All to suit wealthy realtors, layers and contractors and to the harm of local Coloradans and the poor. I see them living in tents along the the Platte river path and begging for money .But we want to help poor illegal mexicans that came here?
Boy you really don't like Hispanics do you? lol
You confuse illegals with Hispanics. Why?
I've known many people who feel that they have been wronged by other people. By Parents, by friends, by siblings, by business partners you name it. The ones that let it go seem happier than the ones that don't.

Think of this "wronged" similar to what someone would have experienced at the hands of the Stasi in the former East Germany, or the KGB in the former Russia. The decide which response works best for you.

You can recover from all kinds of problems, as long as you are free. If not have to decide how to respond to that person who has shackled you.
Ok. Well I don't of any, but I've heard of people wrongly imprisoned who forgive their accusers. I've heard of people who had loved ones murdered and they forgave the murderer. There is always that choice one can make for themselves.
Someone destroys your life...destroy is a huge thing. Not makes your day bad or ruins your morning or even ruins a few years of your life. "Destroy" is permanent. Pay back must be delivered for that king of destruction.
You confuse illegals with Hispanics. Why?
I'm not confusing anything, I'm for the wall, I do not want Illegal immigration but I've been reading your posts lately and you don't only dislike illegals. You don't like Hispanics.
I don't mean any response that includes violence, I am referring to someone screwing you over in ways that have impacted your life permanently. The response, if any, would be non-violent but would attempt to achieve reparations according to the poll choice you select.

You don't appear to have multiple choice there. One can turn the other cheek and then watch justice take place later.
I know a certain Hispanic family that has been here in Colorado far longer than any Anglo. And even THEY have had enough of illegal aliens . Being Hispanic isn't an excuse to ignore immigration laws everyone has to follow.
I don't mean any response that includes violence, I am referring to someone screwing you over in ways that have impacted your life permanently. The response, if any, would be non-violent but would attempt to achieve reparations according to the poll choice you select.

You don't appear to have multiple choice there. One can turn the other cheek and then watch justice take place later.
They'll get their come-upance. :D
You see, sometimes you turn the other cheek, try to walk away, and the abuser, state or otherwise depending on your situation; comes at your twice as hard. They aren't happy with wounding and causing you great harm, they want your life from you. Without regard for your life, your dignity, your Human Rights, even Gods wishes for which they will be repaid by God regardless of your response to the abuse. In fact, your very essence as a human being.

As was stated, this isn't a bad day or a couple of bad years, this is permanent. Your very being and existence stolen from you. For someone who fought on principle and faced an abuse unmatched by anyone I have known, there can only be one response. I want to thank those liberty loving citizens wherever they reside for fighting the good fight with courage and conviction.
I don't mean any response that includes violence, I am referring to someone screwing you over in ways that have impacted your life permanently. The response, if any, would be non-violent but would attempt to achieve reparations according to the poll choice you select.

I don't mean any response that includes violence,
Then I have no response
You see, sometimes you turn the other cheek, try to walk away, and the abuser, state or otherwise depending on your situation; comes at your twice as hard. They aren't happy with wounding and causing you great harm, they want your life from you. Without regard for your life, your dignity, your Human Rights, even Gods wishes for which they will be repaid by God regardless of your response to the abuse. In fact, your very essence as a human being.

As was stated, this isn't a bad day or a couple of bad years, this is permanent. Your very being and existence stolen from you. For someone who fought on principle and faced an abuse unmatched by anyone I have known, there can only be one response. I want to thank those liberty loving citizens wherever they reside for fighting the good fight with courage and conviction.
I have been known to reach out and grab an asshole by the shirt collar that got up into my face and threatened me before. It would all depend on the circumstances at the time.

A young man once called here in the middle of the night and got pretty nasty with all sorts of threats, including how he would blow up my house if I did not awake son and get him on the phone right now. I invited him to come on down and let him know very nicely since he had the whole house awake we would put on a pot of coffee and we could discuss his issues. Needless to say he declined but a few months later son invited him to come get paid real good if he wanted to help to unload a trailer. Prior to getting to work the guys all stood encircling the lil' bastard and I got to have a lil' talk with him asking about what he said he was going to my house and family and I repeated his threats in case he didn't recall all of them. I asked aren't you the one that call me at 3 in the morning that was going to..........(repeated all his threats in case he'd forgot them)? Then I walked back in the house and the guys gave him a choice to take on anyone of them including my fifteen year old nephew. The lil' bastard bolted and ran like the devil was after. the guys said they had never seen anyone move like that (he even cleared a 15' or morewide creek ditch). Next day the town cop saw us up town and asked what we did to him. son told the cop, "No one laid a hand on him or ever touched him. Mom just talked to him." Cop said he had never in his life see anyone that scared, shaking, sweating profusely and out of breath. son and I laughed and again said no one touch him. Cop said he was incoherent and couldn't talk so he had no clue what had happened.

Sometimes you really do not have to take any action at all. Just keep the truth out there.
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I don't mean any response that includes violence, I am referring to someone screwing you over in ways that have impacted your life permanently. The response, if any, would be non-violent but would attempt to achieve reparations according to the poll choice you select.

Your first mistake was trusting someone enough that they could screw you over so as to ruin your life
You see, sometimes you turn the other cheek, try to walk away, and the abuser, state or otherwise depending on your situation; comes at your twice as hard. They aren't happy with wounding and causing you great harm, they want your life from you. Without regard for your life, your dignity, your Human Rights, even Gods wishes for which they will be repaid by God regardless of your response to the abuse. In fact, your very essence as a human being.

As was stated, this isn't a bad day or a couple of bad years, this is permanent. Your very being and existence stolen from you. For someone who fought on principle and faced an abuse unmatched by anyone I have known, there can only be one response. I want to thank those liberty loving citizens wherever they reside for fighting the good fight with courage and conviction.
This person willingly chose to engage some sort of legal battle (I assume) and it turned out very badly for him/her. I guess. So now what? Keep fighting "the good fight"? At what cost ? For how long? And in the best case scenario, you win but then the other party pulls a slick maneveur and gets away with it again. I just don't see anything good in the revenge option.

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