“Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole”

“Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole” – Far Left UGA Teaching Assistant on Black Lives Matter Movement

21 Jun 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Irami Osei-Frampong, a University of Georgia graduate student and teaching assistant recently wrote that some white people may have to die before black communities will be made whole.
Osei-Frampong made the comments on Facebook and says he’s confused on why his words are so controversial.

WSBTV reported:
A University of Georgia graduate student is getting criticism for comments he wrote on Facebook.​
The man at the center of the controversy is Irami Osei-Frampong — a philosophy graduate student employed by the university as a teacher’s assistant.​
He speaks frequently about race and equality, but some critics believe he crossed the line when he made a post online that stated, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.”​
Another social media post said: “Fighting white people is a skill.”​
The teaching assistant told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas he’s confused by the backlash.​
“I’m confused why that is so controversial,” Osei-Frampong said.​
Osei-Frampong appeared on Cox Media Group radio station WGAU Tuesday morning, insisting he’s not calling for violence, but believes it should remain an option.​

Hmm...., Does Irami Osei-FRampong speak for all Blacks? Obviously so.
There are more Black on white assaults and murders occurring on a daily basis...
If those remarks were made by a white person in reference to Black people, FACEbook would have immediately taken that post down. The University would have fired him and he would become the pariah of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left.
However, tomorrow he will be the sage and hallowed guest host on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC.
More than likely he will now be on the fast track to become a dean at the school. (sarc)
Actually his beef should be with the political party that has been running the cities for generations. can you name this party?
On the other hand what he is saying is exactly what the racist black hordes following #BLM have been saying all along.
Universities will soon regret their creation of a monster with these appeasements. Black terrorists are no longer happy with the white idiots kneeling and donating money. They now openly ask for human sacrifice without consequences. People like this racist clown (yes black people can be racist) are diminishing the value of their university’s degrees. The pendulum will swing the other way.

Ya know growing up in nyc blacks are the only group that always had problems with other people ...everybody ...Koreans, Chinese, jews, Trinidadian, Jamaicans west africans

It ain't white people that are the problem

Blacks won't change

They encourage each other to be more ghetto ...well spoken educated blacks are made fun of by thier own kind

Malcom x we need a black hospital in Harlem cause we have a tendency to stab and shoot each other at disproportionate rates .....NOTHING has changed

And you have to say black lives matter is fucking pathetic
Its like weak savage ******* are looking for validation from whitey ...its pathetic
And the God damned uncle tom left wing blacks are the most pathetic of all blacks

Europe ...crimes outta control.?.mostly blacks

White people are the least of black peoples problems ...they should look in the mirror

Lol what could, possibly go wrong
We all know BLM is a violent genocidal criminal organization. Take note of all the corporations now lining up behind them as well; they're all for the mass murders that have been the center of BLM policy since it's beginning.
Obviously the person doesn't know that more people going forward will not bring back those who have already done.

God bless you always!!!

if a white man would have aid that about black people you would be screaming racism at the top of your lungs...so i will tell you a truth ....you are a hypocrite and a racist ..... your movement is an anti American communist uprising ! you people have declared war on America and capitalism ....
People like that don't tend to be around here, and I hope I don't run into any. All I know is I ain't nutting up. I ain't the one for that. Oh no! Last 5 random black dudes I've run into were more than alright. They're just like me!
Apparently there's some crazy people out there, though. It kinda hurts my heart that there's people out there like that.

I have no problems where I live. It's a multi racial, and ethnic development.
“Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole” – Far Left UGA Teaching Assistant on Black Lives Matter Movement

21 Jun 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Irami Osei-Frampong, a University of Georgia graduate student and teaching assistant recently wrote that some white people may have to die before black communities will be made whole.
Osei-Frampong made the comments on Facebook and says he’s confused on why his words are so controversial.

WSBTV reported:
A University of Georgia graduate student is getting criticism for comments he wrote on Facebook.​
The man at the center of the controversy is Irami Osei-Frampong — a philosophy graduate student employed by the university as a teacher’s assistant.​
He speaks frequently about race and equality, but some critics believe he crossed the line when he made a post online that stated, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.”​
Another social media post said: “Fighting white people is a skill.”​
The teaching assistant told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas he’s confused by the backlash.​
“I’m confused why that is so controversial,” Osei-Frampong said.​
Osei-Frampong appeared on Cox Media Group radio station WGAU Tuesday morning, insisting he’s not calling for violence, but believes it should remain an option.​

Hmm...., Does Irami Osei-FRampong speak for all Blacks? Obviously so.
There are more Black on white assaults and murders occurring on a daily basis...
If those remarks were made by a white person in reference to Black people, FACEbook would have immediately taken that post down. The University would have fired him and he would become the pariah of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left.
However, tomorrow he will be the sage and hallowed guest host on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC.
More than likely he will now be on the fast track to become a dean at the school. (sarc)
Actually his beef should be with the political party that has been running the cities for generations. can you name this party?
On the other hand what he is saying is exactly what the racist black hordes following #BLM have been saying all along.
Universities will soon regret their creation of a monster with these appeasements. Black terrorists are no longer happy with the white idiots kneeling and donating money. They now openly ask for human sacrifice without consequences. People like this racist clown (yes black people can be racist) are diminishing the value of their university’s degrees. The pendulum will swing the other way.

He should be fired.
“Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole” – Far Left UGA Teaching Assistant on Black Lives Matter Movement

21 Jun 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Irami Osei-Frampong, a University of Georgia graduate student and teaching assistant recently wrote that some white people may have to die before black communities will be made whole.
Osei-Frampong made the comments on Facebook and says he’s confused on why his words are so controversial.

WSBTV reported:
A University of Georgia graduate student is getting criticism for comments he wrote on Facebook.​
The man at the center of the controversy is Irami Osei-Frampong — a philosophy graduate student employed by the university as a teacher’s assistant.​
He speaks frequently about race and equality, but some critics believe he crossed the line when he made a post online that stated, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.”​
Another social media post said: “Fighting white people is a skill.”​
The teaching assistant told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas he’s confused by the backlash.​
“I’m confused why that is so controversial,” Osei-Frampong said.​
Osei-Frampong appeared on Cox Media Group radio station WGAU Tuesday morning, insisting he’s not calling for violence, but believes it should remain an option.​

Hmm...., Does Irami Osei-FRampong speak for all Blacks? Obviously so.
There are more Black on white assaults and murders occurring on a daily basis...
If those remarks were made by a white person in reference to Black people, FACEbook would have immediately taken that post down. The University would have fired him and he would become the pariah of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left.
However, tomorrow he will be the sage and hallowed guest host on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC.
More than likely he will now be on the fast track to become a dean at the school. (sarc)
Actually his beef should be with the political party that has been running the cities for generations. can you name this party?
On the other hand what he is saying is exactly what the racist black hordes following #BLM have been saying all along.
Universities will soon regret their creation of a monster with these appeasements. Black terrorists are no longer happy with the white idiots kneeling and donating money. They now openly ask for human sacrifice without consequences. People like this racist clown (yes black people can be racist) are diminishing the value of their university’s degrees. The pendulum will swing the other way.

I believe several hundred thousand white people already DID die to try to make the black community whole, counting both the Civil War and the unrest around the civil rights movement of the 60s. If that's still not enough, then I'm going to need an exact number that will do it, and exactly WHY they think they're entitled to that.
This is many months old.

UGA had no legal grounds to go after him, so he's still gainfully employed.

As he should be.

I don't agree with his rhetoric and I don't believe he should be fired however you do not need legal grounds to fire someone. Georgia is an at will state, so the need no cause to terminate one's employment.
I don't agree with his rhetoric and I don't believe he should be fired however you do not need legal grounds to fire someone. Georgia is an at will state, so the need no cause to terminate one's employment.
Apparently, some whites tried to take his job. They were unsuccessful, as he's very good at his job, aka indispensable.

I follow him on YouTube, for over 4 years now, he spoke about it when it was going on.

Pretty solid brother.
I would not be surprised if a viral tend occurs of white guilt ridden liberals committing suicide in order to appease their BLM political cult priests. What this professor is very obviously doing with his words is attempting to draw real battle lines between white and black Americans and between liberals and conservatives. First off, he really ought to remember that his people are sorely outnumbered by those he is demonizing. Second, it seems like as a nation we're standing right on the edge of a very deep, very dark chasm, teetering and about to plummet. Third, I have no doubt many thousands, even millions of white liberals will join him in agreeing white Americans need to die. History has shown us again and again how genocides begin. Wait for it, look out for it. Be ready to get out, get away, live to fight another day. Because you know what? The true hell of this situation lies in not knowing, at a glance or first meeting, who is on what side. Anyone we interact with on a daily basis could be a member of the BLM political death cult. Beware out there . . .

white guilt ridden liberals committing suicide

“Some White People May Have to Die for Black Communities to Be Made Whole” – Far Left UGA Teaching Assistant on Black Lives Matter Movement

21 Jun 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Irami Osei-Frampong, a University of Georgia graduate student and teaching assistant recently wrote that some white people may have to die before black communities will be made whole.
Osei-Frampong made the comments on Facebook and says he’s confused on why his words are so controversial.

WSBTV reported:
A University of Georgia graduate student is getting criticism for comments he wrote on Facebook.​
The man at the center of the controversy is Irami Osei-Frampong — a philosophy graduate student employed by the university as a teacher’s assistant.​
He speaks frequently about race and equality, but some critics believe he crossed the line when he made a post online that stated, “Some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole.”​
Another social media post said: “Fighting white people is a skill.”​
The teaching assistant told Channel 2’s Tony Thomas he’s confused by the backlash.​
“I’m confused why that is so controversial,” Osei-Frampong said.​
Osei-Frampong appeared on Cox Media Group radio station WGAU Tuesday morning, insisting he’s not calling for violence, but believes it should remain an option.​

Hmm...., Does Irami Osei-FRampong speak for all Blacks? Obviously so.
There are more Black on white assaults and murders occurring on a daily basis...
If those remarks were made by a white person in reference to Black people, FACEbook would have immediately taken that post down. The University would have fired him and he would become the pariah of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left.
However, tomorrow he will be the sage and hallowed guest host on CNN, MSNBC, CBS and ABC.
More than likely he will now be on the fast track to become a dean at the school. (sarc)
Actually his beef should be with the political party that has been running the cities for generations. can you name this party?
On the other hand what he is saying is exactly what the racist black hordes following #BLM have been saying all along.
Universities will soon regret their creation of a monster with these appeasements. Black terrorists are no longer happy with the white idiots kneeling and donating money. They now openly ask for human sacrifice without consequences. People like this racist clown (yes black people can be racist) are diminishing the value of their university’s degrees. The pendulum will swing the other way.

I'd like to voluntery Hunter Biden for this "healing" of black people....

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