"Some people did something." No, Omar, YOUR people did something!

"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Fuck Islam . It's a cult of the worst kind. I fear Islam because it wants to kill us non believers.. Islamaphobia is the rational alteranative.
. Perhaps putting you in a condemned high rise building and flying a fueled plane into it would awaken you to reality when events happen. You will jump from that building rather then die from fire. .

We can always dream, 22, we can always dream.

If you need, I have a list of several dozen potential room mates for him among the countless terrorist supporters here should it ever come to pass
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Fuck Islam . It's a cult of the worst kind. I fear Islam because it wants to kill us non believers. Islamaphobia is the rational alteranative.
. Perhaps putting you in a condemned high rise building and flying a fueled plane into it would awaken you to reality when events happen. You will jump from that building rather then die from fire. .

We can always dream, 22, we can always dream.

If you need, I have a list of several dozen potential room mates for him among the countless terrorist supporters here should it ever come to pass
Rich nations self destruct for some reason.
Islamaphobia? Islam didn't earn the fear in the west? Besides 9/11 and those attacks in the west what the fuck positive shit message has Islam sent? What? Did I miss something? All the decapitations, the stoning of lesbians, did I miss something?
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If anyone goes to thereligionofpeace.com, they will find that since 9/11 the muslim world has had something like 35,000 sectarian suicide bombings, culminating in the deaths of hundreds of thousands. In a mere two decades. When muslims don't have any unbelievers to kill, they slaughter each other. Due to their Quran murderous hate ideology combined with 60 generations of 1st-cousin inbreeding, which every geneticist has described as doing "catastrophic damage" to the muslim gene pool.
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them.

Most Muslims aren't terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.


Not true.

Really? Name me another ideology responsible for THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX WORLDWIDE TERRORIST ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 you fucking pinhead.

You do realize that the people responsible are all dead or in prison, don't you? The people who flew those planes into the twin towers, the Pentagon, and the crash in Pennsylvania all died in a fiery hell of their own making.

The people responsible for 34,000+ Muslim terrorist attacks over the past 2 decades are all dead or in prison? Really? Then why the fuck do they keep happening?

And what does your response have to do with the question posed? I said most terrorists are Muslims. You said that was false. I then asked you to name another ideology responsible for over 34,000 terrorist attacks in the past 18 years - and you went off on some other tangent.

And I know exactly why: Because it doesn't fit the narrative you've been spoonfed from degenerate leftist talking heads and Occupy Democrats memes. When confronted with truth and fact you have NO idea how to respond because your "handlers" haven't told you what to say. They've fed you bullshit taglines like "religion of peace" and "not all Muslims" and you gobble it up like the good little leftist lapdog you are. You are a fool and a sheep, which is exactly how they want you. Another uninformed, oblivious, imbecilic voter on the Democrat plantation.

You're pathetic.

Here's some more inconvenient truth for you: If and when Islam gains a foothold in Western society, us "evil right wing Christian white males" are NOT going to be their first targets. YOU are.
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them.

Most Muslims aren't terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.


Not true.

Really? Name me another ideology responsible for THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX WORLDWIDE TERRORIST ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 you fucking pinhead.

You do realize that the people responsible are all dead or in prison, don't you? The people who flew those planes into the twin towers, the Pentagon, and the crash in Pennsylvania all died in a fiery hell of their own making.

The people responsible for 34,000+ Muslim terrorist attacks over the past 2 decades are all dead or in prison? Really? Then why the fuck do they keep happening?

And what does your response have to do with the question posed? I said most terrorists are Muslims. You said that was false. I then asked you to name another ideology responsible for over 34,000 terrorist attacks in the past 18 years - and you went off on some other tangent.

And I know exactly why: Because it doesn't fit the narrative you've been spoonfed from degenerate leftist talking heads and Occupy Democrats memes. When confronted with truth and fact you have NO idea how to respond because your "handlers" haven't told you what to say. They've fed you bullshit taglines like "religion of peace" and "not all Muslims" and you gobble it up like the good little leftist lapdog you are. You are a fool and a sheep, which is exactly how they want you. Another uninformed, oblivious, imbecilic voter on the Democrat plantation.

You're pathetic.

Here's some more inconvenient truth for you: If and when Islam gains a foothold in Western society, us "evil right wing Christian white males" are NOT going to be their first targets. YOU are.
Why do blacks think is lslam is a black religion? It was plagiarized from other religions, islam had a hand in slavery 250 years ago and it still allows it NOW. Malcom X was an idiot, hating on one religion but ignoring the evils of the other...Islam, is as black as christanity, it's all just made up hoodoo. Get over it.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Fuck Islam . It's a cult of the worst kind. I fear Islam because it wants to kill us non believers.. Islamaphobia is the rational alteranative.

I can certainly understand. I've read the Quran and have been studying Pisslam in detail for the past several years. I know it is a mindless hate ideology with a 100%, 1400-year track record of rape, genocide and human rights atrocities everywhere this hate ideology has ever gone. Its effects on every society have been 100% negative, never positive. And the current proof is that ALL 50-something muslim countries are barbaric, third-world, miserable theocratic dictatorships with no basic human rights whatsoever.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something.
Somalia did 9/11?

Hmm, you learn something new every day.
Muslims did. You know how Muslims like to act like a mosque being shot up in New Zealand is a personal attack on them. Well, if that's the way they want to play the game....then we get to blame them for all of their terrorist buddies they keep supporting.
Islam is a cult. Please. They believe in their own flying spaghetti monster called Allah. And they do reprehensible things that can't be explained by anyone, let alone liberals. Islam is a cult. Now why reasonable people that call themselves liberal defend a belief system that would eat everything like a black hole and leave NOTHING, that amazes me.
Mary, the Left defends Islam because they regard them to be an oppressed minority and as more voters.
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something.
Somalia did 9/11?

Hmm, you learn something new every day.
Muslims did. You know how Muslims like to act like a mosque being shot up in New Zealand is a personal attack on them. Well, if that's the way they want to play the game....then we get to blame them for all of their terrorist buddies they keep supporting.
Ya... we know the game all too well by now, but the BULL SHIT is old and people are getting tired of it...

Why does anyone liberal, gay, straight, or freethinkers, defend Islam unless they are just being contrarian or the devils advocate? They cant be taken seriously otherwise.Realy, mock jesus and christmas and yet take islam seriously? Put on your tin foil hats, the flat earthers, er, libs want respect...
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Why does anyone liberal, gay, straight, or freethinkers, defend Islam unless they are just being contrarian or the devils advocate? They cant be taken seriously otherwise.Realy, mock jesus and christmas and yet take islam seriously? Put on your tin foil hats, the flat earthers, er, libs want respect...
And has to date, any leftist democrat EVER explained why they LOVE moslems so much, AND love homos, but explain how it is they love moslems regardless of the fact that moslems want to KILL fags, and have done just that? They've thrown them off roof tops, shot them up in night clubs, stoned them to death, you name it, but yet the left STILL LOVES them some moslems. Not a damn leftist has EVER explained how they square that CONUNDRUM. THEY CAN'T.

Bunch of sorry ass hypocrite sons a bitches. They either DO hate moslems and they're LYING, or they don't and they're freakin' RETARDED.
This ALL started with the king kenyan muslim goat turd himself who illegally squatted his America hating greasy rat prick in the white house for 8 years, and anyone who voted for that filthy homo should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves...

Khrushchev said....


We have allowed people into our country who do not want to be Americans but want to change us into their cultish ways.....and we let them under the guise of free speech. It will take a second American Revolution and the suspension of many of our Constitutional rights to put this country back on its correct course.....we see how Islam has infested Europe and punishing those people for trying to cling on to their culture. Politicians do not understand that the influx of these people into this country is NOT a way to preserve their power through giving those invaders citizenship and the vote.....They fail to recognize that that vote will eventually give the invaders the power to REMOVE those very people that granted the invaders all the privelages of a natural born citizen....muslims recognize that unlike Khrushchev changing us to communism their goal is a world wide Islamic caliphate....Omar is spearheading that agenda. It will take men willing to give up their lives to ruin their goals....I fear that men like our forefathers are no longer among the living....Men that meant it when they said Give me Liberty or give me Death.... Franklin said...

He also said....

It is now time to question the politicians as to whether they want to give this country away for the fleeting power they gain or want to preserve our culture and way of life....I am afraid it is the former!
I wonder how many illegals voted for her?
------------------------------------- from what i HEAR but don't really know , she was voted in in Minnesota by 'imported somali muslims' living in her District MikeTX .
View attachment 255725
Welcome to Cedar Riverside, east Mpls, mini Mogadishu. I won't even go in the area.
I challenge any suburban liberal in that district to take an elevator in those towers and see how welcome and safe they feel.
Oh wait, the wealthy liberals in the gated western burbs, really don't welcome them in their community either. They are welcome as long as they stay in the ghettos and vote Dem.

We've got people from Somalia around here in northern Virginia. They don't cause any problems. Why do you fear people from Somalia?

when I was a kid----one could not mention the MAFIA without someone claiming -----
claim hatred of ALL SOMALIS?
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them.

Most Muslims aren't terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims.


Not true.

Really? Name me another ideology responsible for THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX WORLDWIDE TERRORIST ATTACKS SINCE 9/11 you fucking pinhead.

You do realize that the people responsible are all dead or in prison, don't you? The people who flew those planes into the twin towers, the Pentagon, and the crash in Pennsylvania all died in a fiery hell of their own making.

ALL of the people who are potential terrorists for the cause of Islamism are DEAD???? They ALL died 18 years ago?
I wonder how many illegals voted for her?
------------------------------------- from what i HEAR but don't really know , she was voted in in Minnesota by 'imported somali muslims' living in her District MikeTX .
View attachment 255725
Welcome to Cedar Riverside, east Mpls, mini Mogadishu. I won't even go in the area.
I challenge any suburban liberal in that district to take an elevator in those towers and see how welcome and safe they feel.
Oh wait, the wealthy liberals in the gated western burbs, really don't welcome them in their community either. They are welcome as long as they stay in the ghettos and vote Dem.

We've got people from Somalia around here in northern Virginia. They don't cause any problems. Why do you fear people from Somalia?

when I was a kid----one could not mention the MAFIA without someone claiming -----
claim hatred of ALL SOMALIS?
There are a high percentage of Italians who find the MAFIA repulsive.There are Italian organizations who with many of those Italians who find the stereotypes we see in commercials and movies repulsive. But that does not stop the entertainment class. You do that with protected groups and there is hate accusations. Most Islamic people must denounce the terrorism. p.s...The MAFIA may have failed at times, but innocent civilians was not on their list. Don't worry..DeNiro will probably make another mob movies while he preaches his hypocracy.

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