"Some people did something." No, Omar, YOUR people did something!

I wonder how many illegals voted for her?
------------------------------------- from what i HEAR but don't really know , she was voted in in Minnesota by 'imported somali muslims' living in her District MikeTX .
View attachment 255725
Welcome to Cedar Riverside, east Mpls, mini Mogadishu. I won't even go in the area.
I challenge any suburban liberal in that district to take an elevator in those towers and see how welcome and safe they feel.
Oh wait, the wealthy liberals in the gated western burbs, really don't welcome them in their community either. They are welcome as long as they stay in the ghettos and vote Dem.

We've got people from Somalia around here in northern Virginia. They don't cause any problems. Why do you fear people from Somalia?

when I was a kid----one could not mention the MAFIA without someone claiming -----
claim hatred of ALL SOMALIS?
There are a high percentage of Italians who find the MAFIA repulsive.There are Italian organizations who with many of those Italians who find the stereotypes we see in commercials and movies repulsive. But that does not stop the entertainment class. You do that with protected groups and there is hate accusations. Most Islamic people must denounce the terrorism. p.s...The MAFIA may have failed at times, but innocent civilians was not on their list. Don't worry..DeNiro will probably make another mob movies while he preaches his hypocracy.

as a kid I lived very close to "mob" areas----it is very true----they were not dangerous to the
general population-----in fact----mob neighborhoods were VERY SAFE. The body parts that rose to the surface of the local river-----were not the relatives of UNINVOLVED persons. As to STEREOTYPE-------yeah? stereotyping is,
very simply----a NORMAL FUNCTION OF THE FOREBRAIN OF homosapien beans. Remember second grade INTELLIGENCE tests? -----""which one does not belong----
apple, pear. pineapple, dog "" <<<< it was a
test of your forebrain
Mullah omar and her allies seem to be intent on splitting the muslims from the Americans. By the time the muslims and sympathizers get done, the sight of a muslim will cause remembrance of people jumping out of windows to escape the flames.
Islam is a cult. Please. They believe in their own flying spaghetti monster called Allah. And they do reprehensible things that can't be explained by anyone, let alone liberals. Islam is a cult. Now why reasonable people that call themselves liberal defend a belief system that would eat everything like a black hole and leave NOTHING, that amazes me.
Mary, the Left defends Islam because they regard them to be an oppressed minority and as more voters.
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.

No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.
No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.
Most normal people don't hate LGBT and would be perfectly happy if they never heard of that acronym and their proselytizing and activism for the rest of their lives. I know I would.
I have no problem with 'GAYS' . I just don't want to associate with them . For the most part i never know who is 'homosexual' or not unless they tell me that they are homosexual . And if they tell me Private zhit like that , well that isn't normal and i'd want nothing to do with them .
Islam is a cult. Please. They believe in their own flying spaghetti monster called Allah. And they do reprehensible things that can't be explained by anyone, let alone liberals. Islam is a cult. Now why reasonable people that call themselves liberal defend a belief system that would eat everything like a black hole and leave NOTHING, that amazes me.
Mary, the Left defends Islam because they regard them to be an oppressed minority and as more voters.
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.

No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.

Here. I'll explain it to you with two bible verses:

1. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

2. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Following the strict bible, LGBTQ should be killed as Iran does with their fags. But.....the new testament says not to murder, and that's murder. Leviticus was old school, it was rough before Jesus came down.

Hating Muslims has to do with 9/11 and how we don't love people who kill us. The bible says to love your enemy. It doesn't say you must love people who kill you. Your "enemy" is not defined as people shooting at you and cutting off your heads. You have to kill them before they kill you. The bible states that you should love those who persecute you. The definition of persecute is to harass or annoy, not to dismember.
Last edited:
Islam is a cult. Please. They believe in their own flying spaghetti monster called Allah. And they do reprehensible things that can't be explained by anyone, let alone liberals. Islam is a cult. Now why reasonable people that call themselves liberal defend a belief system that would eat everything like a black hole and leave NOTHING, that amazes me.
Mary, the Left defends Islam because they regard them to be an oppressed minority and as more voters.
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.

No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.

Here. I'll explain it to you with two bible verses:

1. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

2. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Following the strict bible, LGBTQ should be killed as Iran does with their fags. But.....the new testament says not to murder, and that's murder. Leviticus was old school, it was rough before Jesus came down.

Hating Muslims has to do with 9/11 and how we don't love people who kill us. The bible says to love your enemy. It doesn't say you must love people who kill you. Your "enemy" is not defined as people shooting at you and cutting off your heads. You have to kill them before they kill you. The bible states that you should love those who persecute you. The definition of persecute is to harass or annoy, not to dismember.

don't quit your day job----you know nothing about biblical and Talmudic law or the hictory of Christianity. Try not to comment on it
Islam is a cult. Please. They believe in their own flying spaghetti monster called Allah. And they do reprehensible things that can't be explained by anyone, let alone liberals. Islam is a cult. Now why reasonable people that call themselves liberal defend a belief system that would eat everything like a black hole and leave NOTHING, that amazes me.
Mary, the Left defends Islam because they regard them to be an oppressed minority and as more voters.
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.

No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.

Here. I'll explain it to you with two bible verses:

1. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

2. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Following the strict bible, LGBTQ should be killed as Iran does with their fags. But.....the new testament says not to murder, and that's murder. Leviticus was old school, it was rough before Jesus came down.

Hating Muslims has to do with 9/11 and how we don't love people who kill us. The bible says to love your enemy. It doesn't say you must love people who kill you. Your "enemy" is not defined as people shooting at you and cutting off your heads. You have to kill them before they kill you. The bible states that you should love those who persecute you. The definition of persecute is to harass or annoy, not to dismember.

don't quit your day job----you know nothing about biblical and Talmudic law or the hictory of Christianity. Try not to comment on it

Hmm, ok that's why I led a bible study for years.

I love your proof that I was wrong. LOL

Fuck off, bitch.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Saudis did something....she should have pointed that out.....the ones that donnie is selling nuclear secrets to.
Mary, the Left defends Islam because they regard them to be an oppressed minority and as more voters.
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.

No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.

Here. I'll explain it to you with two bible verses:

1. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

2. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Following the strict bible, LGBTQ should be killed as Iran does with their fags. But.....the new testament says not to murder, and that's murder. Leviticus was old school, it was rough before Jesus came down.

Hating Muslims has to do with 9/11 and how we don't love people who kill us. The bible says to love your enemy. It doesn't say you must love people who kill you. Your "enemy" is not defined as people shooting at you and cutting off your heads. You have to kill them before they kill you. The bible states that you should love those who persecute you. The definition of persecute is to harass or annoy, not to dismember.

don't quit your day job----you know nothing about biblical and Talmudic law or the hictory of Christianity. Try not to comment on it

Hmm, ok that's why I led a bible study for years.

I love your proof that I was wrong. LOL

Fuck off, bitch.

oh---so YOU DO know that at the time of Jesus ---the Pharisees were the leading scholars and THEY virtually DID AWAY WITH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for consensual sexual indiscretion---both homosexuality and adultery. I am delighted to make the acquaintance of an
educated person. You also know that
traditional "canon law"-----tossed homosexuals into the AUTO DE FE--bonfire. Do you know the orgin of the word "fag" as used to describe a homo-
sexual? Of course you do. You are a
professor. I got even worse news for you---the "cast the first stone" story in the NT is
very compelling evidence for the fact that Jesus was a-----yes you guessed it-----was
a PHARISEE. The romans were delighted to kill adultresses
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Saudis did something....she should have pointed that out.....the ones that donnie is selling nuclear secrets to.

not a good example
I think it's more that they both hate CHRISTIANS. But what's so baffling is the left's love of HOMOS, AND MUSLIMS, when muslims think fags should be KILLED. It's something NO leftist has or will explain, to date.

No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.

Here. I'll explain it to you with two bible verses:

1. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

2. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Following the strict bible, LGBTQ should be killed as Iran does with their fags. But.....the new testament says not to murder, and that's murder. Leviticus was old school, it was rough before Jesus came down.

Hating Muslims has to do with 9/11 and how we don't love people who kill us. The bible says to love your enemy. It doesn't say you must love people who kill you. Your "enemy" is not defined as people shooting at you and cutting off your heads. You have to kill them before they kill you. The bible states that you should love those who persecute you. The definition of persecute is to harass or annoy, not to dismember.

don't quit your day job----you know nothing about biblical and Talmudic law or the hictory of Christianity. Try not to comment on it

Hmm, ok that's why I led a bible study for years.

I love your proof that I was wrong. LOL

Fuck off, bitch.

oh---so YOU DO know that at the time of Jesus ---the Pharisees were the leading scholars and THEY virtually DID AWAY WITH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for consensual sexual indiscretion---both homosexuality and adultery. I am delighted to make the acquaintance of an
educated person. You also know that
traditional "canon law"-----tossed homosexuals into the AUTO DE FE--bonfire. Do you know the orgin of the word "fag" as used to describe a homo-
sexual? Of course you do. You are a
professor. I got even worse news for you---the "cast the first stone" story in the NT is
very compelling evidence for the fact that Jesus was a-----yes you guessed it-----was
a PHARISEE. The romans were delighted to kill adultresses

What does any of this have to do with why I said that christians dont like gays? I even said that we don't follow the teachings of the old testament anymore. Did you read anything I said you illiterate bitch?
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them. How ignorant and senseless.

One of the comments on this thread even mentioned that women and gays "continue to suffer" because innocent people who adhere to the Muslim faith are being protected. What about the pigfuckers here in the U.S. who harrass and try to subjugate women and gays every day? Most of them contend that they are "Christians." I guess we have to go after all Christians now because of the evil actions of a few of their people.

How can Americans be this stupid?

when you mention "a few of them"----that phrase is CORRECT in connection with
"da Christians who 'harrass' and subjugate women and gays" BUT it is not a "few of them" in SOMALIA----the muslims of Somalia committed GENOCIDE against their Christian and jewish populations----AND DAMNED PROUD OF IT. ----try to be realistic. ---it is the "more or less" principle. Muslms in the USA are not being "denied their civil rights" as that vile slut DECLARED
She left Somalia when she was a teen...

She has been a US citizen for over 20 years....

She went onto become a US congresswoman this year...

Can you tell me what policy she passed or proposed that upholds Sharia Law or terrorizes terrified white Christians other than her being Muslim?

And last I checked -- its ok to be Muslim in the United States -- despite what idiots like you want to believe....
I have no problem with 'GAYS' . I just don't want to associate with them . For the most part i never know who is 'homosexual' or not unless they tell me that they are homosexual . And if they tell me Private zhit like that , well that isn't normal and i'd want nothing to do with them .

so true-----my big problem with the "GAY
No one has explained why some people who call themselves "Christian" spew hatred on both LGBTs and Muslims, either. BTW: "fag" is an insult used by extremely trashy people to signal their parents' neglect in raising them.

Here. I'll explain it to you with two bible verses:

1. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

2. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Following the strict bible, LGBTQ should be killed as Iran does with their fags. But.....the new testament says not to murder, and that's murder. Leviticus was old school, it was rough before Jesus came down.

Hating Muslims has to do with 9/11 and how we don't love people who kill us. The bible says to love your enemy. It doesn't say you must love people who kill you. Your "enemy" is not defined as people shooting at you and cutting off your heads. You have to kill them before they kill you. The bible states that you should love those who persecute you. The definition of persecute is to harass or annoy, not to dismember.

don't quit your day job----you know nothing about biblical and Talmudic law or the hictory of Christianity. Try not to comment on it

Hmm, ok that's why I led a bible study for years.

I love your proof that I was wrong. LOL

Fuck off, bitch.

oh---so YOU DO know that at the time of Jesus ---the Pharisees were the leading scholars and THEY virtually DID AWAY WITH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT for consensual sexual indiscretion---both homosexuality and adultery. I am delighted to make the acquaintance of an
educated person. You also know that
traditional "canon law"-----tossed homosexuals into the AUTO DE FE--bonfire. Do you know the orgin of the word "fag" as used to describe a homo-
sexual? Of course you do. You are a
professor. I got even worse news for you---the "cast the first stone" story in the NT is
very compelling evidence for the fact that Jesus was a-----yes you guessed it-----was
a PHARISEE. The romans were delighted to kill adultresses

What does any of this have to do with why I said that christians dont like gays? I even said that we don't follow the teachings of the old testament anymore. Did you read anything I said you illiterate bitch?

it is very clear to me that Christians do not follow the teachings of the Old Testament.-----the Pharisees do and Jesus did. Today, Judaism is the outcome of
Pharisaical Judaism of ancient time---which is why capital punishment barely exists in Israel. You gotta be a serious Nazi war criminal to get hanged. In ancient times husbands were allowed to divorce
adulteresses-----not kill them. ---unless they were ROMANS-----the PATER FAMILIAS could kill an adulterous wife but had no
problem raping the family slaves---male or
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them. How ignorant and senseless.

One of the comments on this thread even mentioned that women and gays "continue to suffer" because innocent people who adhere to the Muslim faith are being protected. What about the pigfuckers here in the U.S. who harrass and try to subjugate women and gays every day? Most of them contend that they are "Christians." I guess we have to go after all Christians now because of the evil actions of a few of their people.

How can Americans be this stupid?

when you mention "a few of them"----that phrase is CORRECT in connection with
"da Christians who 'harrass' and subjugate women and gays" BUT it is not a "few of them" in SOMALIA----the muslims of Somalia committed GENOCIDE against their Christian and jewish populations----AND DAMNED PROUD OF IT. ----try to be realistic. ---it is the "more or less" principle. Muslms in the USA are not being "denied their civil rights" as that vile slut DECLARED
She left Somalia when she was a teen...

She has been a US citizen for over 20 years....

She went onto become a US congresswoman this year...

Can you tell me what policy she passed or proposed that upholds Sharia Law or terrorizes terrified white Christians other than her being Muslim?

And last I checked -- its ok to be Muslim in the United States -- despite what idiots like you want to believe....

your post is idiotic. I will tell you an interesting anecdote from my own life.
Long ago I worked in a very large hospital
with a "housestaff" largely consisting of
persons from southeast asia.as "housestaff"----<<<< that means the young docs in training----at that time called interns and residents. I met lots of young muslim southeast Asian med school graduates who liked to tell me ----WHAT's WHAT with the world. One pleasant and very intelligent
Pakistani surgeon INFORMED me that THEN GOVERNOR of NEW YORK is a
Jew. I said "no, he is protestant"----of course he knew that I am just a silly naïve
little kid-------so he INFORMED me of all kinds of stuff he learned in Med. school in
Karachi------he had proof "OF COURSE HE IS A JEW--HE HAS ALL THAT MONEY" (the governor of New York at
that time was ROCKEFELLER) It is clear to me that you have never been in a mosque, actually knew muslims well ---or non muslims who lived amongst them. As to the OT----he knew what about as well as you. Being a muslim ---he never read the Koran either-------that's the way it is

Omar's comment "it's all about the Franklins" comes from her
the culture of her childhood. You just do not know
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them. How ignorant and senseless.

One of the comments on this thread even mentioned that women and gays "continue to suffer" because innocent people who adhere to the Muslim faith are being protected. What about the pigfuckers here in the U.S. who harrass and try to subjugate women and gays every day? Most of them contend that they are "Christians." I guess we have to go after all Christians now because of the evil actions of a few of their people.

How can Americans be this stupid?

when you mention "a few of them"----that phrase is CORRECT in connection with
"da Christians who 'harrass' and subjugate women and gays" BUT it is not a "few of them" in SOMALIA----the muslims of Somalia committed GENOCIDE against their Christian and jewish populations----AND DAMNED PROUD OF IT. ----try to be realistic. ---it is the "more or less" principle. Muslms in the USA are not being "denied their civil rights" as that vile slut DECLARED
She left Somalia when she was a teen...

She has been a US citizen for over 20 years....

She went onto become a US congresswoman this year...

Can you tell me what policy she passed or proposed that upholds Sharia Law or terrorizes terrified white Christians other than her being Muslim?

And last I checked -- its ok to be Muslim in the United States -- despite what idiots like you want to believe....

your post is idiotic. I will tell you an interesting anecdote from my own life.
Long ago I worked in a very large hospital
with a "housestaff" largely consisting of
persons from southeast asia.as "housestaff"----<<<< that means the young docs in training----at that time called interns and residents. I met lots of young muslim southeast Asian med school graduates who liked to tell me ----WHAT's WHAT with the world. One pleasant and very intelligent
Pakistani surgeon INFORMED me that THEN GOVERNOR of NEW YORK is a
Jew. I said "no, he is protestant"----of course he knew that I am just a silly naïve
little kid-------so he INFORMED me of all kinds of stuff he learned in Med. school in
Karachi------he had proof "OF COURSE HE IS A JEW--HE HAS ALL THAT MONEY" (the governor of New York at
that time was ROCKEFELLER) It is clear to me that you have never been in a mosque, actually knew muslims well ---or non muslims who lived amongst them. As to the OT----he knew what about as well as you. Being a muslim ---he never read the Koran either-------that's the way it is
Fuck your anecdote.....

What policy or proposal has she pushed or advocated that implements Sharia Law, bans Christians, anything remotely terroristic?

Or is this just more fearmongering that you idiots do all the time?

Meanwhile white supremacist terror is ALL that we had in the form of terrorist acts all of 2018 -- but the minute someone links these terrorists to radical right wing ideology -- people like you have hissy fits, clutch pearls and fall on the fainting couch with the vapors...

You folks are racist morons soon to be discarded to the ash heap of history..

PS, here is a scary muslim Oooogga Booogga!!!
So everyone in a particular faith is to be blamed for the actions of a few of them. How ignorant and senseless.

One of the comments on this thread even mentioned that women and gays "continue to suffer" because innocent people who adhere to the Muslim faith are being protected. What about the pigfuckers here in the U.S. who harrass and try to subjugate women and gays every day? Most of them contend that they are "Christians." I guess we have to go after all Christians now because of the evil actions of a few of their people.

How can Americans be this stupid?

when you mention "a few of them"----that phrase is CORRECT in connection with
"da Christians who 'harrass' and subjugate women and gays" BUT it is not a "few of them" in SOMALIA----the muslims of Somalia committed GENOCIDE against their Christian and jewish populations----AND DAMNED PROUD OF IT. ----try to be realistic. ---it is the "more or less" principle. Muslms in the USA are not being "denied their civil rights" as that vile slut DECLARED
She left Somalia when she was a teen...

She has been a US citizen for over 20 years....

She went onto become a US congresswoman this year...

Can you tell me what policy she passed or proposed that upholds Sharia Law or terrorizes terrified white Christians other than her being Muslim?

And last I checked -- its ok to be Muslim in the United States -- despite what idiots like you want to believe....

your post is idiotic. I will tell you an interesting anecdote from my own life.
Long ago I worked in a very large hospital
with a "housestaff" largely consisting of
persons from southeast asia.as "housestaff"----<<<< that means the young docs in training----at that time called interns and residents. I met lots of young muslim southeast Asian med school graduates who liked to tell me ----WHAT's WHAT with the world. One pleasant and very intelligent
Pakistani surgeon INFORMED me that THEN GOVERNOR of NEW YORK is a
Jew. I said "no, he is protestant"----of course he knew that I am just a silly naïve
little kid-------so he INFORMED me of all kinds of stuff he learned in Med. school in
Karachi------he had proof "OF COURSE HE IS A JEW--HE HAS ALL THAT MONEY" (the governor of New York at
that time was ROCKEFELLER) It is clear to me that you have never been in a mosque, actually knew muslims well ---or non muslims who lived amongst them. As to the OT----he knew what about as well as you. Being a muslim ---he never read the Koran either-------that's the way it is
Fuck your anecdote.....

What policy or proposal has she pushed or advocated that implements Sharia Law, bans Christians, anything remotely terroristic?

Or is this just more fearmongering that you idiots do all the time?

Meanwhile white supremacist terror is ALL that we had in the form of terrorist acts all of 2018 -- but the minute someone links these terrorists to radical right wing ideology -- people like you have hissy fits, clutch pearls and fall on the fainting couch with the vapors...

You folks are racist morons soon to be discarded to the ash heap of history..

PS, here is a scary muslim Oooogga Booogga!!!
View attachment 256014

your post is moronic----and full of really simple minded gutter drunk accusations.
A lump of shit like you has NO IDEA what
"gives me the vapors" Or what I think of
your fellow Nazi pigs.
"Some people did something.", She said, referring to the Twin Towers loss of life and property destruction. No, Ilhan Omar, YOUR people did something. Your muslim brothers plotted and implemented a plan to kill thousands of Americans and you and your muslim people approve of it to this day. You should have said, "MY people did something really evil and I want to apologize for it and help us heal and move on." But you didn't.

Do NOT talk to us about causing division, do NOT call us racists, do NOT say we hate muslims (If we did, we'd be killing them every day here like YOUR people do where they find "non-believers", but we don't.), do NOT make anti-Jewish comments. Just stop. Close your mouth. If you refuse, you're going to cause a conflict the likes of which this country has NEVER seen, not even our own civil war. Is that what you want?

Apparently the people who supported you financially behind the scenes want more bloodshed such as occurred on 911. And, the people from your district also support that. Otherwise, you wouldn't gloss over that terrible incident by saying "Some people did something." No, Omar, it wasn't some people, it was YOUR people.

Saudis did something....she should have pointed that out.....the ones that donnie is selling nuclear secrets to.
Are Saudis muslims..... and we didnt pay muslims in Iran $150 Billion to BUY nuclear weapons....but the Muslim Surrender Monkey did!

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