Some of the subversives who attacked democracy in Trump's name hadn't even voted for him.

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Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Surely, some must have realized that an incumbent who had been assigned relentlessly dismal approval numbers throughout his four years was not going to win, let alone "in a landslide!" as his blatant lie, for which he had no evidence, claimed?

Were some just hellbent upon attacking American democracy, and using Trump's hapless goons as shamelessly as he had used them?

They stormed the Capitol to overturn the results of an election they didn't vote in

... some of the rioters who stormed the US Capitol did not vote in the very election they were protesting.

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Donovan Crowl, an ex-Marine who charged toward a Capitol entrance in paramilitary garb on January 6 as the Pro-Trump crowd chanted "who's our President?"
Federal authorities later identified Crowl, 50, as a member of a self-styled militia organization ... affiliated with the extremist group the Oath Keepers. His mother told CNN that he previously told her "they were going to overtake the government if they...tried to take Trump's presidency from him." She said he had become increasingly angry during the Obama administration and that she was aware of his support for former President Donald Trump...
A county clerk in Illinois, where Crowl was once registered.. confirmed he was not an active voter anywhere in the state.
Crowl was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of destruction of government property and conspiracy for allegedly coordinating with others to plan their attack. He remains in custody after a judge said, "The suggestion to release him to a residence with nine firearms is a non-starter."..
Many involved in the insurrection...falsely declar[ed] that Trump was the rightful winner of the election. Yet at least eight of the people who are now facing criminal charges for their involvement in the events at the Capitol did not vote in the November 2020 presidential election.
A 65-year-old Georgia man... was found in his van with a fully-loaded pistol and ammunition... a Louisiana man who publicly bragged about spending nearly two hours inside the Capitol after attending Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally. [A] 21-year-old woman from Missouri parad[ed] around with a piece of a wooden sign from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. And a Florida man previously convicted of attempted murder who was accused by the government of refusing to leave the Capitol likely did not have the option to cast a ballot because of his unpaid court fines.
Jack Griffith... from Tennessee, trumpeted his arrival in Washington DC with a Facebook post saying, "THE CAVALRY IS COMING!!!!," using the hashtag "#MAGA"... Shortly after leaving the Capitol, he posted a message of disappointment... He wrote, "Trump was our greatest champion, and it still wasn't enough... Why, God? Why? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US? Unless...Trump still has a plan?" Griffith had voted in the 2016 and 2018 elections but not the 2020 presidential election.
Gracyn Courtright... who was charged with crimes including knowingly entering a restricted building, was also identified on surveillance footage lugging a congressional "Members Only" sign around the Capitol, according to court records. Courtright... did not vote in the 2020 election.
Edward Jacob Lang.. portrayed himself as ready for a revolution. "1776 has commenced," he wrote", he wrote. "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH," he posted. Lang attempt[ed] to attack police officers with a baseball bat, donning a gas mask and riot shield... Lang - registered to vote and had participated in a couple of past elections - did not vote in the November election. Lang's attorneysaid the 25-year-old was a "naive, impressionable young man" who had been provoked by Trump's rhetoric. He cited Senator Mitch McConnell's statement that "the mob was fed lies."
Some of these pathetic cases have been fleeced by Trump under the pretext of financing his futile challenges to a legitimate election. Some had already been fleeced by Bam Bam Bannon to pay for a little section of Trump's "big, beautiful wall" that Trump had made repeated, fake promises that Mexico would pay for.

P.T. Barnum would feel so affirmed - if he had said what he never openly said, only recognized and exploited.

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“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody
and wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s, like, incredible!”

Incredible, indeed.
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