some folks say Woodrow Wilson is the worst president in history. some say Obama. what do you think?!

So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Carter was a good man, a good American, an entrepreneur, intelligent, everything a President should be except full of himself and his image. He was not easy to manipulate, so kept outside the ring of power.
The forty-third President set up ruin for American foreign policy and economics on a previously unseen scale. History will not be kind.
Carter was too obsessed with reaching consensus. Made him a weak President.
So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Say what you want about President Bush but in all good consciousness you really can't blame a president who was in office seven months for a disaster that was in the planning stage for at least three years during the previous administration. If George Bush made any mistakes it was by not firing every sorry assed Clinton appointee in the intel. network. It probably wouldn't have made any difference while the CIA was prevented from sharing intel with the FBI as a result of an (illegal?) order issued by an ass't. A.G. working for Clinton's incompetent A.G. You almost gotta laugh that the ass't A.G. in question should have been called as a defendant in a charge of criminal incompetence but instead was appointed on the board that investigated the disaster.
So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Say what you want about President Bush but in all good consciousness you really can't blame a president who was in office seven months for a disaster that was in the planning stage for at least three years during the previous administration. If George Bush made any mistakes it was by not firing every sorry assed Clinton appointee in the intel. network. It probably wouldn't have made any difference while the CIA was prevented from sharing intel with the FBI as a result of an (illegal?) order issued by an ass't. A.G. working for Clinton's incompetent A.G. You almost gotta laugh that the ass't A.G. in question should have been called as a defendant in a charge of criminal incompetence but instead was appointed on the board that investigated the disaster.
Is this a joke?
No one (well, the quoted post didn't, anyway) blames "9-11" on anyone but the perpetrators. The disaster Bush bears full responsibility for is the illegal and immoral warfare inflicted that only led to greater negative consequences geopolitically and financially.
There is no serious defense of the Bushleague. It is pathetic to plead its case.
So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Say what you want about President Bush but in all good consciousness you really can't blame a president who was in office seven months for a disaster that was in the planning stage for at least three years during the previous administration. If George Bush made any mistakes it was by not firing every sorry assed Clinton appointee in the intel. network. It probably wouldn't have made any difference while the CIA was prevented from sharing intel with the FBI as a result of an (illegal?) order issued by an ass't. A.G. working for Clinton's incompetent A.G. You almost gotta laugh that the ass't A.G. in question should have been called as a defendant in a charge of criminal incompetence but instead was appointed on the board that investigated the disaster.
2020 and we are still seeing our service members killed and wounded in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.

MANY people believe that Trump is the worst President of all time, by a mile.
So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Say what you want about President Bush but in all good consciousness you really can't blame a president who was in office seven months for a disaster that was in the planning stage for at least three years during the previous administration. If George Bush made any mistakes it was by not firing every sorry assed Clinton appointee in the intel. network. It probably wouldn't have made any difference while the CIA was prevented from sharing intel with the FBI as a result of an (illegal?) order issued by an ass't. A.G. working for Clinton's incompetent A.G. You almost gotta laugh that the ass't A.G. in question should have been called as a defendant in a charge of criminal incompetence but instead was appointed on the board that investigated the disaster.
Anybody can plan, it is the execution that kills people.
Fact is, Bush did not stop the attacks. We were vulnerable.

He was warned about terrorism but did not take it seriously.
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.

MANY people believe that Trump is the worst President of all time, by a mile.
Until now, Trump has not faced a crisis.

We will see how he responds.
So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Say what you want about President Bush but in all good consciousness you really can't blame a president who was in office seven months for a disaster that was in the planning stage for at least three years during the previous administration. If George Bush made any mistakes it was by not firing every sorry assed Clinton appointee in the intel. network. It probably wouldn't have made any difference while the CIA was prevented from sharing intel with the FBI as a result of an (illegal?) order issued by an ass't. A.G. working for Clinton's incompetent A.G. You almost gotta laugh that the ass't A.G. in question should have been called as a defendant in a charge of criminal incompetence but instead was appointed on the board that investigated the disaster.
Anybody can plan, it is the execution that kills people.
Fact is, Bush did not stop the attacks. We were vulnerable.

He was warned about terrorism but did not take it seriously.

Actually, the FBI was constantly receiving warnings about terrorist attacks and was unable to respond to all of them in a timely fashion.
Ain't hindsight grand? I am an expert when it comes to hindsight. Shoulda, woulda, coulda
So far, the administration that has done the single most harm to the U.S. is the one that came into office in Jan., 2001.
By far, Bush43 was the worst President I have seen

Failed to prevent 9-11
Started two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Engaged in and defended torture
Presided over the largest economic collapse in 75 years
Say what you want about President Bush but in all good consciousness you really can't blame a president who was in office seven months for a disaster that was in the planning stage for at least three years during the previous administration. If George Bush made any mistakes it was by not firing every sorry assed Clinton appointee in the intel. network. It probably wouldn't have made any difference while the CIA was prevented from sharing intel with the FBI as a result of an (illegal?) order issued by an ass't. A.G. working for Clinton's incompetent A.G. You almost gotta laugh that the ass't A.G. in question should have been called as a defendant in a charge of criminal incompetence but instead was appointed on the board that investigated the disaster.
Anybody can plan, it is the execution that kills people.
Fact is, Bush did not stop the attacks. We were vulnerable.

He was warned about terrorism but did not take it seriously.

Actually, the FBI was constantly receiving warnings about terrorist attacks and was unable to respond to all of them in a timely fashion.
Ain't hindsight grand? I am an expert when it comes to hindsight. Shoulda, woulda, coulda
Horrible as the event was, it damaged America only a very tiny fraction compared to what the Bushleague went on to do.
The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

"Wilson was also a Leftist busybody tyrant who permanently reversed America’s non-interventionist foreign policy and set us on a course for 100 years of international failure, death, and debt. Maybe the worst president of all time."

Wilson believed God’s plan for him was to become president of the United States, and he might have been right.

MANY people believe that Trump is the worst President of all time, by a mile.
Until now, Trump has not faced a crisis.

We will see how he responds.

One of the bigger strikes against Wilson's legacy is the Espionage Act of 1917 and the accompanying Sedition Act of 1918, which made criticism of the government punishable by 20 years in prison, a direct shit dumped on the Constitution. This would be the same era that Earnest Starr was convicted of refusing to kiss a flag and sentenced to hard labor for that refusal, as well as the first playing of the national anthem at baseball games.

One of the effects of this institutional self-delusion was that the so-called "Spanish" Flu epidemic was swept under the rug and underreported. In fact the only reason it's called the "Spanish" flu was that Spain was the only country suffering from it that didn't hide its numbers as the US and European countries did on the basis that if people were getting sick they might not want to engage in war (how's that for blaming the victim).

Wilson's "Committee on Public Information" disseminated propaganda and quashed any negative stories including any question of going to war as well as the flu epidemic.

>> The consequences of this campaign would be an unknowable number of American lives. In Philadelphia, newspaper editors wary of disloyalty accusations avoided publishing doctors’ warnings about the public health risks of an upcoming parade. Within 48 hours of the event, thousands in the city fell sick with Spanish flu, but public officials continued to insist it was business as usual. “Bodies remained uncollected in homes for days,” researchers at the National Academy of Sciences write, “until eventually open trucks and even horse-drawn carts were sent down city streets and people were told to bring out the dead.”

Despite mounting death figures in Chicago, one local public health official stated he would do “nothing to interfere with the morale of the community.” A Wisconsin newspaper that factually reported on the danger posed by the flu was targeted for prosecution by an Army general under the terms of the Sedition Act.

.... All told, the Spanish flu killed an estimated 50 to 100 million people globally, including 675,000 Americans. The Wilson administration’s mishandling of the Spanish flu pandemic—minimizing the virulence of the virus, censoring reports on precautionary measures that might help stint the disease’s spread, and undercounting deaths despite contradictory and observable local evidence—eventually caused a loss of public trust and made the virus yet more lethal. <<​

Fast-forward 102 years later and we have Rump, at the CDC being told that even regular flu infections kill tens of thousands each year, actually says:

“I never heard those numbers. I would’ve been shocked. I would’ve said, ‘Does anybody die from the flu? I didn’t know people died from the flu.’"​

He said this with a straight face even though his own grandfather died from the flu at the ripe old age of 49. His own father witnessed it.

Wilson's War on Free Speech instigated the Palmer Raids which deported people for their political beliefs, got Earnest Starr hard labor for refusing to bend over for a mob, begat the jingoistic strongarm bullshit of bringing the national anthem to sports events, and put a Presidential candidate in jail:

>> “The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles. The master class has had all to gain and nothing to lose, while the subject class has had nothing to gain and all to lose—especially their lives,” [Socialist Eugene] Debs said, later adding, “These are the gentry who are today wrapped up in the American flag, who shout their claim from the housetops that they are the only patriots, and who have their magnifying glasses in hand, scanning the country for evidence of disloyalty.”

Weeks later, Debs was arrested and charged under the Espionage Act with “intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States.” He was sentenced to 10 years in jail, though the sentence was commuted two years later by Wilson’s successor. <<
As mentioned upthread, Edith Wilson and biased historians have tried to sanitize his legacy over the intervening years but there's just no way to rehabilitate this shit. So when we analyze worst-ever POTUSes, we can talk Buchanan, Pierce, Johnson the first, Bush the second, and needless to say the current occupant but Wilson's anti-American anti-Liberalism has got to be in the conversation.
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...and Johnson turned a phantom torpedo boat attack into a major, disastrous deployment of Americans in a military adventure that cost the youth of the time their faith in their country.
...and Nixon bombed and invaded neutral countries, leading to the installation of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
...and Reagan stole weapons and illegally sold them to obtain money by extra-Constitutional means for forbidden purposes.
...and "W" pushed the nation into an illegal invasion that killed countless innocent people and led to calamitous diplomatic consequences in the Middle East as well as overwhelming expenditure of treasure.
We have suffered from some terrible "leaders", and the current one, while admittedly lamentable, has some distance to go to be the worst.
"i wanted to be the Willie Mays of my generation, but i couldn't hit a curveball. so instead, i ended up being president" - George Bush
...and Johnson turned a phantom torpedo boat attack into a major, disastrous deployment of Americans in a military adventure that cost the youth of the time their faith in their country.
...and Nixon bombed and invaded neutral countries, leading to the installation of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
...and Reagan stole weapons and illegally sold them to obtain money by extra-Constitutional means for forbidden purposes.
...and "W" pushed the nation into an illegal invasion that killed countless innocent people and led to calamitous diplomatic consequences in the Middle East as well as overwhelming expenditure of treasure.
We have suffered from some terrible "leaders", and the current one, while admittedly lamentable, has some distance to go to be the worst.

Trump is, by far, the worst since he is undermining our democracy, constitution, federal agencies, and the presidency itself in his effort to rule as an autocrat while demanding loyalty by his inner circle of government employees to him instead of the American people. His mission is to accumulate wealth and always has been.

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