Some Belgians have had ENOUGH of the love and peace crap

Belgian riot police called after peace march canceled Good! This love and peace shit is destroying Europa and the US. Time for people to take back our damn countries enough of this love and peace crap turn the other cheek etc. Love that the nationalist party in Belgium has had their FB likes go up 3k percent in a few days.
Those who obediently spin and deflect on behalf of the PC-protected religion will have their way for now, as protests and demonstrations will be relatively few and sporadic and largely irrelevant.

The real problems will begin if jihadist attacks continue and grow in deaths. All countries will have their own breaking point, the moment at which it becomes too much.

Then these people, those who are spinning and deflecting, will have some very important decisions to make.

Hopefully we won't see that point reached, but I don't see anything stopping it.

I can't see how you can have any hope that we will NOT see that point.

I hope that it happends ASAP as the longer it takes the more damage done by the current policies.

The brain trust is having a meeting. Cool.

We are not at war with Islam. Suggesting that the actions that white supremacists in Belgium take are an appropriate response to jihadist actions is ridiculous.

One of you is preparing to apologize for white nationalists if they commit acts of violence and the other is simply ecstatic about the thought of it.


Well to be fair, there are some legitimate questions about whether or not Islam is compatible with Western Democracy. Keep in mind, Islam is a religion of conquest and submission.

Tolerance can only be expressed after you've been conquered and submitted to Islamic-rule. So there are legitimate questions. It's not necessarily a 'war', but it is a conflict.
The last thing the PC Police are is tolerant, so they're a good match.

Say the wrong thing to either group and they'll go after you.

They want to spin and deflect when jihadists attack, let them.

Yeah, i do think there are legitimate questions. And you're not a 'Racist' for asking them. Is Islam really compatible with Western Democracy? I have my doubts. It might not be a good fit. I think the conflict will rage on for years, especially in Western Europe.
Yeah because while the white race is turning the other cheek and loving our enemies the enemy is chopping off heads and blowing shit up...I am not talking about JUST Muslims either.

Even if you aren't religious, or a Christian, this should be a day to contemplate what Jesus teaches and expects of us. Permanent War isn't the answer. We desperately need more love and peace.
christianity equals death because ANYONE who believes in it believes in loving their enemies and giving up everything from wealth to their homes to their nations and eventually their own race by way of mixing races. There will be no need for permanent war when there is no one to war against. christianity has been the downfall of the great powerful white race and the downfall of a strong powerful Europa and America that stood strong against its enemies and its now LOVING it enemies so much that christians would rather DIE loving their enemies than LIVE fighting against them.

Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.


Belgium should have NOT arrested the Muslims who allegedly attacked France.

Now Brussels realizes that its nuclear reactors are vulnerable. Stupid fucks.

We can never have enough of love and peace. We should all contemplate that on this holy Easter Sunday holiday. What did Jesus teach? What would he think about what we're doing to each other?

Jesus, like any liberal regressive, would have without a question asserted "Thou shalt love your rapist"....

Enough... let em terrorize each other in the mid east...
We can never have enough of love and peace. We should all contemplate that on this holy Easter Sunday holiday. What did Jesus teach? What would he think about what we're doing to each other?

Jesus, like any liberal regressive, would have without a question asserted "Thou shalt love your rapist"....

Enough... let em terrorize each other in the mid east...

Oh, i don't think so. But i do agree, we should disengage and leave all Muslim lands. We don't belong in those lands. We never did.
We can never have enough of love and peace. We should all contemplate that on this holy Easter Sunday holiday. What did Jesus teach? What would he think about what we're doing to each other?

Jesus, like any liberal regressive, would have without a question asserted "Thou shalt love your rapist"....

Enough... let em terrorize each other in the mid east...

Jesus, like any warmonger, state supremacist regressive, encouraging Belgium to ignore due process of laws by arresting individuals who have committed no crimes in Belgium.

Yeah because while the white race is turning the other cheek and loving our enemies the enemy is chopping off heads and blowing shit up...I am not talking about JUST Muslims either.

Even if you aren't religious, or a Christian, this should be a day to contemplate what Jesus teaches and expects of us. Permanent War isn't the answer. We desperately need more love and peace.
christianity equals death because ANYONE who believes in it believes in loving their enemies and giving up everything from wealth to their homes to their nations and eventually their own race by way of mixing races. There will be no need for permanent war when there is no one to war against. christianity has been the downfall of the great powerful white race and the downfall of a strong powerful Europa and America that stood strong against its enemies and its now LOVING it enemies so much that christians would rather DIE loving their enemies than LIVE fighting against them.

Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.
hatred is wrong.

Even if you aren't religious, or a Christian, this should be a day to contemplate what Jesus teaches and expects of us. Permanent War isn't the answer. We desperately need more love and peace.
christianity equals death because ANYONE who believes in it believes in loving their enemies and giving up everything from wealth to their homes to their nations and eventually their own race by way of mixing races. There will be no need for permanent war when there is no one to war against. christianity has been the downfall of the great powerful white race and the downfall of a strong powerful Europa and America that stood strong against its enemies and its now LOVING it enemies so much that christians would rather DIE loving their enemies than LIVE fighting against them.

Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

The "terrorists" won you stupid fuck

We have the TSA, "Patriot" Act, the WTC destroyed , thousands dead

Tell the warmonger bastards in DC to cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations - that's the law
christianity equals death because ANYONE who believes in it believes in loving their enemies and giving up everything from wealth to their homes to their nations and eventually their own race by way of mixing races. There will be no need for permanent war when there is no one to war against. christianity has been the downfall of the great powerful white race and the downfall of a strong powerful Europa and America that stood strong against its enemies and its now LOVING it enemies so much that christians would rather DIE loving their enemies than LIVE fighting against them.

Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

The "terrorists" won you stupid fuck

We have the TSA, "Patriot" Act, the WTC destroyed , thousands dead

Tell the warmonger bastards in DC to cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations - that's the law
9/11 was an inside job. You act like a frightened little woman stop screeching for fucks sakes.
Even if you aren't religious, or a Christian, this should be a day to contemplate what Jesus teaches and expects of us. Permanent War isn't the answer. We desperately need more love and peace.
christianity equals death because ANYONE who believes in it believes in loving their enemies and giving up everything from wealth to their homes to their nations and eventually their own race by way of mixing races. There will be no need for permanent war when there is no one to war against. christianity has been the downfall of the great powerful white race and the downfall of a strong powerful Europa and America that stood strong against its enemies and its now LOVING it enemies so much that christians would rather DIE loving their enemies than LIVE fighting against them.

Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

Nah, you're just talking yourself into believing more war and death will be a good thing for you. But it really won't be. The wars only serve to benefit the few Globalist Elites. You the average Citizen, will never see any benefit.

In fact, you'll pay for em all with your blood & treasure. The Globalist Elites don't pay for their wars with their own loved-ones and money. They got you for that.
Last edited:
Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

The "terrorists" won you stupid fuck

We have the TSA, "Patriot" Act, the WTC destroyed , thousands dead

Tell the warmonger bastards in DC to cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations - that's the law
9/11 was an inside job. You act like a frightened little woman stop screeching for fucks sakes.

You act like a ruthless suicidal warmonger

Move to Oregon and tell them you are ready to meet your maker
christianity equals death because ANYONE who believes in it believes in loving their enemies and giving up everything from wealth to their homes to their nations and eventually their own race by way of mixing races. There will be no need for permanent war when there is no one to war against. christianity has been the downfall of the great powerful white race and the downfall of a strong powerful Europa and America that stood strong against its enemies and its now LOVING it enemies so much that christians would rather DIE loving their enemies than LIVE fighting against them.

Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

Nah, you're just talking yourself into believing more war and death will be a good thing for you. But it really won't be. The wars only serve to benefit the few Globalist Elites. You the average Citizen, will never see any benefit.

In fact, you'll pay for emall with your blood & treasure. The Globalist Elites don't pay for their wars with their own loved-ones and money. They got you for that.
I understand that. You don't seem to understand by just STOPPING all of this doesn't mean the terrorism will just STOP all of a sudden. The elites have CAUSED a problem that MUST be dealt with. 1. by leaving ALL foreign lands and 2. absolutely destroying any and all terrorist group,terrorists that commit acts of terrorism against Americans or American interests. Let them know ANY attacks on said will result in absolute destruction and death on them.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

The "terrorists" won you stupid fuck

We have the TSA, "Patriot" Act, the WTC destroyed , thousands dead

Tell the warmonger bastards in DC to cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations - that's the law
9/11 was an inside job. You act like a frightened little woman stop screeching for fucks sakes.

You act like a ruthless suicidal warmonger

Move to Oregon and tell them you are ready to meet your maker

Ah, dont be so hard on em. He or she has been taught since childhood that more war and death will somehow be 'good' for em. Most haven't realized yet that the wars only benefit the few Globalist Elites.

Average Citizens don't benefit at all. They only get to pay for the wars with their blood and treasure. The Elites don't sacrifice their own loved-ones and money. That's what the slaves are for. Once you realize that, you stop being a Warmonger. But sadly, too many won't ever realize it.
Maybe we should stop helping create so many 'enemies?' Our Government sure is doing a whole lotta invading and meddling in the world. Maybe it's time to come home? Maybe it's time to promote peace instead of war? We can achieve peace if we want it bad enough.
I agree on the first part about not only MAKING enemies but INVENTING enemies such as ISIS and Al Qaeda etc Its gotten to the point now where not only do we need to stop inventing and making enemies but thanks to past regimes in the US's policies those groups won't stop attacking us. Might is right and only until the US shows it won't take any more shit along with getting the hell out of the worlds politics etc will this crap end.It will take an entire generation I think.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

Nah, you're just talking yourself into believing more war and death will be a good thing for you. But it really won't be. The wars only serve to benefit the few Globalist Elites. You the average Citizen, will never see any benefit.

In fact, you'll pay for emall with your blood & treasure. The Globalist Elites don't pay for their wars with their own loved-ones and money. They got you for that.
I understand that. You don't seem to understand by just STOPPING all of this doesn't mean the terrorism will just STOP all of a sudden. The elites have CAUSED a problem that MUST be dealt with. 1. by leaving ALL foreign lands and 2. absolutely destroying any and all terrorist group,terrorists that commit acts of terrorism against Americans or American interests. Let them know ANY attacks on said will result in absolute destruction and death on them.

It will be a vicious circle

Killing more "terrorists" will simply create more terrorists

There are countries and groups who hate our guts - they don't publicly oppose the US because they fear retaliation but they find ways to finance ISIS and similar groups.

The fact that you refer to those folks as "terrorists" means that you are not comprehending the issues.

Nah, violence will only beget violence. We're just off around the world invading and meddling too much. We're only creating more enemies. It's time for change. Let's come home and concentrate on our nation.

Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

The "terrorists" won you stupid fuck

We have the TSA, "Patriot" Act, the WTC destroyed , thousands dead

Tell the warmonger bastards in DC to cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations - that's the law
9/11 was an inside job. You act like a frightened little woman stop screeching for fucks sakes.

You act like a ruthless suicidal warmonger

Move to Oregon and tell them you are ready to meet your maker

Ah, dont be so hard on em. He or she has been taught since childhood that more war and death will somehow be 'good' for em. Most haven't realized yet that the wars only benefit the few Globalist Elites.

Average Citizens don't benefit at all. They only get to pay for the wars with their blood and treasure. The Elites don't sacrifice their own loved-ones and money. That's what the slaves are for. Once you realize that, you stop being a Warmonger. But sadly, too many won't ever realize it.


But you have got to make them understand reality.
Violence will not beget violence. Problem here is WHEN we stop fighting the terrorists WON'T! Only an idiot would trust people to stop attacking simply because you stopped attacking them. Yes I agree we need to STOP meddling and invading but like I said this is something I hope Trump will inherit and he will have to put a stop to it so its either continue the half assed fighting and not actually stomping these terrorists or they will just continue doing as they are doing right now attacking Europe and the US etc. Its two fold. 1. Stop meddling,get the hell out of the ME and everywhere else as well. South Korea,Japan,Germany etc etc and 2. DESTROY any and all enemies at same time. Once that is done let the world know attack us and the wrath of the worlds biggest military will shock them at the power of our strike.

The "terrorists" won you stupid fuck

We have the TSA, "Patriot" Act, the WTC destroyed , thousands dead

Tell the warmonger bastards in DC to cease and desist intervening in the internal affairs of other nations - that's the law
9/11 was an inside job. You act like a frightened little woman stop screeching for fucks sakes.

You act like a ruthless suicidal warmonger

Move to Oregon and tell them you are ready to meet your maker

Ah, dont be so hard on em. He or she has been taught since childhood that more war and death will somehow be 'good' for em. Most haven't realized yet that the wars only benefit the few Globalist Elites.

Average Citizens don't benefit at all. They only get to pay for the wars with their blood and treasure. The Elites don't sacrifice their own loved-ones and money. That's what the slaves are for. Once you realize that, you stop being a Warmonger. But sadly, too many won't ever realize it.


But you have got to make them understand reality.

I don't know, that's too exhausting. Most have been taught for so many years that all the wars and death will somehow benefit them in some way. Most will go to their graves believing that. The propaganda and indoctrination is too powerful.

They'll gladly sacrifice their children and hard-earned money to fight more pointless Globalist Elite wars. The Elites actually find that to be shockingly hilarious. How can so many people be so damn dumb? It's very sad. You can't change people. They have to change themselves.

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