Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

I am very sorry for her loss.

Political hay trying to be made by Progs is pretty disgusting...but the Washington Swamp is deep and full of nasty and soulless creatures that should be voted out of office.

If you vote for an incumbent, don't whine about Congress not doing anything to support you.

United States Senate elections, 2018 - Wikipedia

Flake needs to go.

I wonder if Bob Menendez will bet RE-ELECTED while he is in PRISON. :badgrin: Progs do that kind of stupid shit.

Bribery case against Sen. Robert Menendez to move ahead

Attempted implication in prostitution scandal
In November 2012, the conservative political news and opinion website Daily Caller published allegations that Menendez had contact with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.[129][130] The allegations were promoted by Republican Party operatives, who arranged interviews for two women accusing Menendez of patronizing prostitutes with ABC News and the Daily Caller.[131] However, ABC News and other news organizations such as The New York Times, and the New York Post declined to publish the allegations, viewing them as unsubstantiated and lacking credibility.[130][131][132] One of the women who had accused Menendez stated that she had been paid to falsely implicate the Senator and had never met him.[131][133] The Daily Caller says this woman was not interviewed for their story.[134] Menendez's office described the allegations as "manufactured" by a "right-wing blog" as a politically motivated smear.[135] On March 18, 2013 police in the Dominican Republic announced that three women had said they had been paid $300–425 each to lie about having had sex with Menendez.[136]

2015 federal indictment on corruption charges
External video
Q&A interview with former U.S. attorney Randall Eliason on the Menendez indictment and trial, September 17, 2017, C-SPAN
In 2013, reports surfaced that a federal grand jury in Miami was investigating Menendez regarding his role in advocating for the business interests of Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen, one of his close friends and major donors.[137][138] On April 1, 2015, the United States Department of Justice indicted both Menendez and Melgen, charging Menendez with—among other crimes—bribery, fraud, and making false statements.[139] According to the indictment Menendez asked top State Department officials to pressure the Dominican Republic’s government into enforcing a port-security contract that would benefit Melgen’s company while at the same time Melgen was promising to give $60,000 to Menendez’s political campaign.[140] Prosecutors also charged that Menendez acted as Melgen's "personal senator," helping obtain visas for several of Melgen's girlfriends.[141][142]

In return, Melendez is accused of accepting a range of perks from Melgen, including trips on Melgen's private jet, three nights at a five-star Paris hotel, a round of golf at a private club in West Palm Beach and access to an exclusive Dominican resort - some of which Menendez allegedly didn't report on financial disclosure forms.[139] Melgen also donated a substantial amount of money to benefit Menendez's political campaigns, and prosecutors claim that $750,000 of those contributions were tied to personal benefits Menendez accepted.[143][144]

Menendez voluntarily stepped down as ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee after his indictment.[145] Menendez's trial began on September 6, 2017, before Judge William H. Walls of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.[142]
Trump has said dumb and insensitive stuff before and people have lied about and misrepresented his comments before unless we can hear the complete conversation unedited no one is going to know for sure what was said. What we do know is absent this people will continue to accept what ever version fits their political narrative.

Time for our President to show some sensitivity

It is not about him, it is about the deceased's family

If they were offended, Trump needs to apologize whether he thinks he is wrong or not
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

too bad she has to drag politics into her sons death
Trump uses the military as a shiny object to jingle in front of the people.

Like his attacks on NFL player protests as somehow being against the troops.
I am very sorry for her loss.

Political hay trying to be made by Progs is pretty disgusting...but the Washington Swamp is deep and full of nasty and soulless creatures that should be voted out of office.

If you vote for an incumbent, don't whine about Congress not doing anything to support you.

United States Senate elections, 2018 - Wikipedia

Flake needs to go.

I wonder if Bob Menendez will bet RE-ELECTED while he is in PRISON. :badgrin: Progs do that kind of stupid shit.

Bribery case against Sen. Robert Menendez to move ahead

Attempted implication in prostitution scandal
In November 2012, the conservative political news and opinion website Daily Caller published allegations that Menendez had contact with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.[129][130] The allegations were promoted by Republican Party operatives, who arranged interviews for two women accusing Menendez of patronizing prostitutes with ABC News and the Daily Caller.[131] However, ABC News and other news organizations such as The New York Times, and the New York Post declined to publish the allegations, viewing them as unsubstantiated and lacking credibility.[130][131][132] One of the women who had accused Menendez stated that she had been paid to falsely implicate the Senator and had never met him.[131][133] The Daily Caller says this woman was not interviewed for their story.[134] Menendez's office described the allegations as "manufactured" by a "right-wing blog" as a politically motivated smear.[135] On March 18, 2013 police in the Dominican Republic announced that three women had said they had been paid $300–425 each to lie about having had sex with Menendez.[136]

2015 federal indictment on corruption charges
External video
Q&A interview with former U.S. attorney Randall Eliason on the Menendez indictment and trial, September 17, 2017, C-SPAN
In 2013, reports surfaced that a federal grand jury in Miami was investigating Menendez regarding his role in advocating for the business interests of Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen, one of his close friends and major donors.[137][138] On April 1, 2015, the United States Department of Justice indicted both Menendez and Melgen, charging Menendez with—among other crimes—bribery, fraud, and making false statements.[139] According to the indictment Menendez asked top State Department officials to pressure the Dominican Republic’s government into enforcing a port-security contract that would benefit Melgen’s company while at the same time Melgen was promising to give $60,000 to Menendez’s political campaign.[140] Prosecutors also charged that Menendez acted as Melgen's "personal senator," helping obtain visas for several of Melgen's girlfriends.[141][142]

In return, Melendez is accused of accepting a range of perks from Melgen, including trips on Melgen's private jet, three nights at a five-star Paris hotel, a round of golf at a private club in West Palm Beach and access to an exclusive Dominican resort - some of which Menendez allegedly didn't report on financial disclosure forms.[139] Melgen also donated a substantial amount of money to benefit Menendez's political campaigns, and prosecutors claim that $750,000 of those contributions were tied to personal benefits Menendez accepted.[143][144]

Menendez voluntarily stepped down as ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee after his indictment.[145] Menendez's trial began on September 6, 2017, before Judge William H. Walls of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.[142]

Diversion Alert!

Diversion Alert!
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

too bad she has to drag politics into her sons death

Trump has been dragging politics into other people's son's deaths. It was one thing to argue with the media over his phone calls to widows, but I doubt John Kelly wanted his name dragged into it.
Sounds like she would have said that no matter what Trump did.

Everybody but Trump is lying. His track record reflects that. :rolleyes:
his widow? LOL
from the OP, you insufferable dumbass:

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”
Another case of "never let a tragedy go to waste"? The word "confirm" seems strangely out of place in this context. It seems that an angry democrat politician decided that the President disrespected the fallen Soldier and not the mother. Apparently the mother who apparently received the condolence call "stood by an account" created by a democrat politician. This is typical of the lengths the left will go to to try to create a scenario that doesn't exist. Actually it's the democrat politician, Frederica Wilson (D-Fla), who is guilty of disrespecting the fallen Soldier for political purposes and not the President.

Well, since Trump has proof I'd go with the wife's word. Since he said he has proof that's a simple resolution.
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
Yet he just proved otherwise asshole.

No I didn't you simple minded idiot. Learn to read.
Another case of "never let a tragedy go to waste"? The word "confirm" seems strangely out of place in this context. It seems that an angry democrat politician decided that the President disrespected the fallen Soldier and not the mother. Apparently the mother who apparently received the condolence call "stood by an account" created by a democrat politician. This is typical of the lengths the left will go to to try to create a scenario that doesn't exist. Actually it's the democrat politician, Frederica Wilson (D-Fla), who is guilty of disrespecting the fallen Soldier for political purposes and not the President.

It's a standard Democrat MO to throw a false story out there that is made out of whole cloth. They realize that 90% of the electorate will not investigate its veracity on its own, and therefore almost invariably there will be a segment of the voters who will buy it, even though no evidence has been presented.
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
Yet he just proved otherwise asshole.

No I didn't you simple minded idiot. Learn to read.
Try to keep up you freaking moron. You said "Trump has more respect for the military." I said, " He just proved he doesn't."
Then you say , " no I didn't?"
Yup... another brain dead deplorable defending the indefensible.

If you could read past a 3rd grade level, you wouldn't say something so blatantly stupid.
You got caught sounding moronic and like Trump you can't admit when you're wrong. You're both devoid of any integrity.
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.

I didn't know that, it's all trump lip service.
Another case of "never let a tragedy go to waste"? The word "confirm" seems strangely out of place in this context. It seems that an angry democrat politician decided that the President disrespected the fallen Soldier and not the mother. Apparently the mother who apparently received the condolence call "stood by an account" created by a democrat politician. This is typical of the lengths the left will go to to try to create a scenario that doesn't exist. Actually it's the democrat politician, Frederica Wilson (D-Fla), who is guilty of disrespecting the fallen Soldier for political purposes and not the President.

It's a standard Democrat MO to throw a false story out there that is made out of whole cloth. They realize that 90% of the electorate will not investigate its veracity on its own, and therefore almost invariably there will be a segment of the voters who will buy it, even though no evidence has been presented.
^has most probably voted for trump. LOL
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

too bad she has to drag politics into her sons death

Trump has been dragging politics into other people's son's deaths. It was one thing to argue with the media over his phone calls to widows, but I doubt John Kelly wanted his name dragged into it.

wow oh my

are you sure
Trump has said dumb and insensitive stuff before and people have lied about and misrepresented his comments before unless we can hear the complete conversation unedited no one is going to know for sure what was said. What we do know is absent this people will continue to accept what ever version fits their political narrative.

Time for our President to show some sensitivity

It is not about him, it is about the deceased's family

If they were offended, Trump needs to apologize whether he thinks he is wrong or not
That’s based on the assumption Trump said something that actually was offensive which we don’t know. There are some who would claim offense if Trump said have a nice day to them.
Trump lies EVERY SINGLE DAY. He's accumulated over 1500 documented lies in 9 months.
Anyone who believes this pathological liar at this point is on the same level as Hannity.

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