Solar Trust of America goes Bankrupt


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
$i-xwvZWZW-S.jpgAnother solar company crashes into the sun – Solar Trust of America | Radio Vice Online

Less than one year ago, the Obama administration’s Department of Energy offered – at that time – the second largest loan guarantee evah for an energy project. Solar Trust of America – filed for bankruptcy yesterday.The Oakland-based company has held rights for the 1,000-megawatt Blythe Solar Power Project in the Southern California desert, which last April won $2.1 billion of conditional loan guarantees from the U.S. Department of Energy. It is unclear how the bankruptcy will affect that project.

Dropping like flies,hell I think I want one of those government -easy money loans:eusa_clap:
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Which alternative energy company that got government funding has been successful?
so "they take all the free money, until non-delivery dries up even the Public purse" ? ever any intention of delivering functioning product ?
Know why you never hear about oil and gas companies defaulting on government loan guarantees?

'Cause there are none.
oil subsidies ?

("for the record", as they say, does anybody dispute, that oil has zero off-world potential, i.e. "nobody will ever use petrol to power space craft" ? Does anybody dispute the quote, from the movie K-19, by "reactor officer Radtchenko", that "nuclear power ... will open up the planets [to off-world exploration]" ? I.e. in the "long-term", Big Oil offers zero future ?)

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