Socialisms failure in Venezuela

Do you even know what Antifa are? Have you met any? No and no of course, maybe you should not respond to things you have no clue about. Leave it to people who have been involved for a long time monitoring these wastes of human skin and who know more about them than they know about themselves.

No Martini today or tonight or yesterday or last night.

That's for people who work for The UN, airdrop them into the jungles of The Congo and forces them to drink their own urine and eat ants.

If you cannot see that there is a very well organised operation, then that isn't my fault, but many many hundreds of millions of people across the world can see it and thank goodness they can, if everyone was asleep like you are then people might as well just shoot themselves already.
Take it a little easy, Lucy. When I heard about the riots this a.m. and how violent they were, I immediately thought of Antifa. I was amazed so many people in Germany (I know some of them came from other countries) are opposed to capitalism. It's kind of scary. And their behavior is even scarier.
The UN does that to its own workers?
I thought you were being creative.

What's going on in Venezuela has nothing at all to do with capitalism. Their problem isn't economics, it's government run amok; a totalitarian regime not much different really from North Korea or Cuba where a ruthless despot will resort to any means necessary to stay in power.
That's what I had pretty much heard, too.
I heard in passing this a.m. (no particulars whatsoever) that folks got in and beat up some pols in the legislature or something?
This will not end well, but it sounds like the people are going to take him out one way or the other.

I just hope that whoever follows the current guy in charge (Maduro) will return that country back to a democratic republic that it used to be instead of a brutal dictatorship. My impression is that Maduro won't go peacefully, so things could worsen until there's a coup.
Why oh why is it so hard for the countries in South America to elect a reasonable leader?
I feel bad for the Venezuelans.

Part of it is cultural, part of it is societal. There has always been a underclass. Since the time of conquistadors they have ruled the peons with an iron fist. The ruling class is saddled with a sense of machismo, and that sadly colors a lot of their thinking.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Sorry. Please explain how something working perfectly as planned is a "failure". Socialism always end with a prosperous political class ruling over impoverished peasants. Venezuela nailed it!

Bernie pointed to Venezuela as a Progressive success and country we should aspire to become, where's the Failure?

The failure is the philosophy as a whole. This is merely an example of that failed philosophy.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Sorry. Please explain how something working perfectly as planned is a "failure". Socialism always end with a prosperous political class ruling over impoverished peasants. Venezuela nailed it!

Bernie pointed to Venezuela as a Progressive success and country we should aspire to become, where's the Failure?

It makes you think why anyone would even support Socialism.

This is what the end game of Socialism and Marxism looks like, brought about by the twin failures of economic and social philosophy of Marxism in action.

The result is societal collapse and absolute savagery as witnessed in Venezuela and as you say a corrupt political class ruling over the impoverished peasants, Stalin and Mao would be proud of Maduro and Chavez.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Sorry. Please explain how something working perfectly as planned is a "failure". Socialism always end with a prosperous political class ruling over impoverished peasants. Venezuela nailed it!

Bernie pointed to Venezuela as a Progressive success and country we should aspire to become, where's the Failure?

It makes you think why anyone would even support Socialism.

This is what the end game of Socialism and Marxism looks like, brought about by the twin failures of economic and social philosophy of Marxism in action.

The result is societal collapse and absolute savagery as witnessed in Venezuela and as you say a corrupt political class ruling over the impoverished peasants, Stalin and Mao would be proud of Maduro and Chavez.

Because people want to believe the lie. They want to believe that they are special if only the evil rich people didn't oppress them. The reality is they are not special. The socialists don't care about them in the slightest. They are merely pawns to bring the socialists to power and then, when those pawns are getting troublesome, they are killed without mercy.
People want to support Socialism cuz it sounds so good, equality for everybody! Except of course it never actually works out that way and too many people (mostly young people) are not knowledgeable enough to know that. Free this, free that, free everything without considering how it will be paid for. Every socialist state that has ever existed has never had equality for everybody, the ruling class and those connected to it get the good life and everyone else doesn't.
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Sorry. Please explain how something working perfectly as planned is a "failure". Socialism always end with a prosperous political class ruling over impoverished peasants. Venezuela nailed it!

Bernie pointed to Venezuela as a Progressive success and country we should aspire to become, where's the Failure?

It makes you think why anyone would even support Socialism.

This is what the end game of Socialism and Marxism looks like, brought about by the twin failures of economic and social philosophy of Marxism in action.

The result is societal collapse and absolute savagery as witnessed in Venezuela and as you say a corrupt political class ruling over the impoverished peasants, Stalin and Mao would be proud of Maduro and Chavez.

Because people want to believe the lie. They want to believe that they are special if only the evil rich people didn't oppress them. The reality is they are not special. The socialists don't care about them in the slightest. They are merely pawns to bring the socialists to power and then, when those pawns are getting troublesome, they are killed without mercy.

Exactly and that also is applicable to the Useful Idiots aka Leftists everywhere, they are fanatically supporting ANYTHING that pushes the Globalist Agenda ie. International Communism, they think that IF the Globalist Agenda comes to absolute fruition that THEY will be rewarded with a little place at the little table and given just a little bit of power to exert over EVERYONE else.

However the fact is that IF the Globalist Agenda comes to absolute fruition the Useful Idiots aka Leftists will have served their purpose and will not be needed by the Globalists ie. International Communists anymore and they'll be the first who are put up against the wall and shot.

We fight tooth and nail against the Globalist Agenda because we a long time ago saw the writings on the wall, including all of this Global Warming Agenda, the latest the Paris Accord, if you read these documents on reducing Global Warming, what you find is that it has minimal to do with the environment and everything to do with introducing things like a Global Carbon Tax but ONLY on Western nations, making Westerners pay so that The UN can Redistribute The Wealth of Western nations and give it to the undeserving and increasingly pointless Third World crap holes.

We do not want to live in a world controlled by Globalists where there are No Borders, No Sovereign Nations, we do not want International Communism, we also do not want Socialism a water down version of Communism.

Capitalism and the Free Market are not perfect, they have their problems, but they are 100% better and 100% more successful than the nightmare alternative.
People want to support Socialism cuz it sounds so good, equality for everybody! Except of course it never actually works out that way and too many people (mostly young people) are not knowledgeable enough to know that. Free this, free that, free everything without considering how it will be paid for. Every socialist state that has ever existed has never had equality for everybody, the ruling class and those connected to it get the good life and everyone else doesn't.

Socialism is a grand Utopian idea of feeble minds......but the problem is they can never print enough money or they run out of everyone elses money eventually

The idea that taking the incentive out of human productivity through programs of freebies and still pay for things......magically paid for by Unicorns I suppose?
Socialist leaders tell voters, "Vote for me and become my slave, so you can keep me in the life of luxury" and the base says, "Go Bernie!"
If Maduro gets ousted in Veneuela there's a job waiting for him in America 2020. Apply to DNC using block letters and in crayon. Ain't it grand that the party got rid of all that "American Born" shit years and years ago? Else how would they find a candidate acceptable to both left wings?
Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Leads to chaos and misery. It truly is sad to see a country with so much wealth, and it is one of the wealthiest on the planet, brought to its knees by the failed political system known as socialism...

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Rationing , price controls, and central planning bureaucrats....... Forward !!!!!! Lmfao
Gotta wonder about the smarts of those who would have America cede total control of our healthcare system to the MORONS we elect to office and the dolts they appoint.

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