Socialism is marching in America

When you leave your Mom's basement later today, take a walk into any local store and talk to the owner and tell him your ideas on how to run a business. If he does not die from laughter first, he might try to set you straight.

When you pull your head out of your ass, give yourself a rim job. There is nothing I have said that isn't so, and all you got is attacks & bullshit a ten year old could toss out. Now crawl back in your mommies bed, and STFU.

Everything you have said is wrong,moron.

Ahh, another asshole. Did you get your balls licked by CF as well? Point out anything I said that is wrong, defend you point of view instead of making personal attacks.:lol::lol:
There is not a single successful Socialist nation on the planet, they're all failures and losers, but their leaders do get to ride in their private corporate jets
Should we believe you or an ABC News analysis?
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Denmark is a Socialist society. In the seventy-five years I've been alive and living in the U.S. I have met only one Dane. One. She was a lawyer here on government business and, while very pleasant and polite, told us she couldn't wait to go home.

I don't have a dog in this hunt, but I think anybody away from home can't wait to get back, for the most part.
Of course that's true -- for the most part. But it's also true that the way something is said is far more informative than the words used to say it.
There is not a single successful Socialist nation on the planet, they're all failures and losers, but their leaders do get to ride in their private corporate jets
Should we believe you or an ABC News analysis?
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Denmark is a Socialist society. In the seventy-five years I've been alive and living in the U.S. I have met only one Dane. One. She was a lawyer here on government business and, while very pleasant and polite, told us she couldn't wait to go home.

I dont blame her, under this administration I would also rather be in Denmark.
No different. The capitalist bums have worked and paid taxes, so if they need a socialist safety net due to failed capitalism, it will be there for them.

The taxes of corporations are paid for by those same capitalist bums when they buy their products, so subsidies are tax free bonuses given to a few, while refusing to help other businesses that lack influence & lobbyists.

Where are all of these subsidies and goodies that you speak of? None of my companies have ever received any.

You can thank capitalism & lobbyists for being stingy. Google my boy......

Yes, because if it's on the internet it has o be true.
There is not a single successful Socialist nation on the planet, they're all failures and losers, but their leaders do get to ride in their private corporate jets
Should we believe you or an ABC News analysis?
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Denmark is a Socialist society. In the seventy-five years I've been alive and living in the U.S. I have met only one Dane. One. She was a lawyer here on government business and, while very pleasant and polite, told us she couldn't wait to go home.

"Danes do have one potential complaint: high taxes. The happiest people in the world pay some of the highest taxes in the world -- between 50 percent and 70 percent of their incomes. In exchange, the government covers all health care and education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita. With just 5.5 million people, the system is efficient, and people feel "tryghed" -- the Danish word for "tucked in" -- like a snug child"

Overtaxed and they have about as many people as the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

It is all a state of mind. You either want a better life and society to live in, or you don't. We chose to play war, they chose to put humans first.
There is not a single successful Socialist nation on the planet, they're all failures and losers, but their leaders do get to ride in their private corporate jets

Comming from a Capitalist living in the greatest debtor nation on the globe, and borrowing trillions from Communists just to stay afloat. Are we to be Shocked & Awed by your statement? You work for peanuts, Socialists have all the bells & whistles. LOL!

We wouldn't have to borrow money if it wasn't for socialists over regulating our manufacturing out of the country and promising more entitlements for votes to lazy bastards like yourself.
Socialism is what they have in every other modern country, it's always democratic, and they're doing just fine, despite the 2nd worldwide Pub depression. China and Cuba are COMMUNIST...OK- got it cold war dinosaurs and brainwashed dittoheads?

America is NOT going socialist, it already IS, except we need health reform to be CIVILIZED and get costs under control. To get everyone covered and start controlling costs, "Obamacare" could not be more "capitalist", American, even REPUBLICAN. Talk about disengenuous Pols and brainwashed DRONES. Of COURSE the gov't has to subsidize the poor and elderly, or it wouldn't WORK! MORONS!!
Should we believe you or an ABC News analysis?
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Denmark is a Socialist society. In the seventy-five years I've been alive and living in the U.S. I have met only one Dane. One. She was a lawyer here on government business and, while very pleasant and polite, told us she couldn't wait to go home.

"Danes do have one potential complaint: high taxes. The happiest people in the world pay some of the highest taxes in the world -- between 50 percent and 70 percent of their incomes. In exchange, the government covers all health care and education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita. With just 5.5 million people, the system is efficient, and people feel "tryghed" -- the Danish word for "tucked in" -- like a snug child"

Overtaxed and they have about as many people as the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

It is all a state of mind. You either want a better life and society to live in, or you don't. We chose to play war, they chose to put humans first.

I want a society where the only place Progressivism exists is in a Level IV BioContainment facility with other Slate cleaning viruses.
If the right should learn one thing from having their face smeared in the mud on the floor over raising the debt limit, and setting priority's in order for cutting the budget, it is that Socialism is gaining a hold in America as capitalist find themselves set adrift and unable to function or produce. As I gaze over the economy I see the last bastion of refuge is Wall Street, and it's days are surely numbered as capitalism continues it's decent into the abyss. Even the T-Party caved into cutting the military to make more funds available for programs of the people. In other words, the military machine is dead on arrival. It is a good day to be a socialist.:eusa_angel:

Oh my goodness what a load of hysterial blather.

Well, one thing you're right about is that capitalism is dead.

Cronnyism reigns supreme and it really doesn't matter which party is in power, they're tools.

Call it socialism if that floats your boat, kid, but the poltical science term for the kind of goverment we have is Kleptocracy

You are 100% right, it's complete rule by thieves these days.
Do you live on a commune? Only successful form of socialist living that i know of.

Butt only because if you dont work 40 hours a week they can and will boot you out.


Hmm, I live in a million dollar home I just bought this year in CA., and retired at 45 in 1990. I missed the communes, I was deep in the VN jungles trying to stay alive on my freedom lifestyle.

I dint axe you for your CV, the question was very simple, what is very hard to understand is phonically you appear to be a very young adult. say about 14. and FYI, no one who ever served in nam called it VN as far as i can remember.
There is not a single successful Socialist nation on the planet, they're all failures and losers, but their leaders do get to ride in their private corporate jets

Comming from a Capitalist living in the greatest debtor nation on the globe, and borrowing trillions from Communists just to stay afloat. Are we to be Shocked & Awed by your statement? You work for peanuts, Socialists have all the bells & whistles. LOL!

We wouldn't have to borrow money if it wasn't for socialists over regulating our manufacturing out of the country and promising more entitlements for votes to lazy bastards like yourself.

You didn't explain away the two capitalist wars or taxcuts, or lobbyists for corporate entitlements, or out sourcing & debt is a good thing, or..........

Child molesters like yourself are lazy jail bait using the prison computers, that the public has to pay your sorry assed way in life.

You may survive that butt fucking to get back out at the merry-go-round, but I am counting on you getting AIDs.
And for the millions of capitalists on their knees to socialism, jobless twits that voted themselves into oblivion.:clap2:

Make no mistake about it, there are going to be alot of politicians on the right out of a job in 2012 because of this, the difference is that we on the right vote our idiots out, you on the left keep voting them in.

Considering we still have Pelosie & Boxer (I think), I would say you are correct.

Pelosi and Boxer will always be there, the people in California have not suffered enough yet so until they do they will always vote these two communists back in. When a conservative federal gubment stops giving california cash to supplement entitlements and cali has to live within it's own means, only then will Pelosi and boxer be voted out.
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Do you live on a commune? Only successful form of socialist living that i know of.

Butt only because if you dont work 40 hours a week they can and will boot you out.


Hmm, I live in a million dollar home I just bought this year in CA., and retired at 45 in 1990. I missed the communes, I was deep in the VN jungles trying to stay alive on my freedom lifestyle.

I dint axe you for your CV, the question was very simple, what is very hard to understand is phonically you appear to be a very young adult. say about 14. and FYI, no one who ever served in nam called it VN as far as i can remember.

14, 15 tops.
Do you live on a commune? Only successful form of socialist living that i know of.

Butt only because if you dont work 40 hours a week they can and will boot you out.


Hmm, I live in a million dollar home I just bought this year in CA., and retired at 45 in 1990. I missed the communes, I was deep in the VN jungles trying to stay alive on my freedom lifestyle.

I dint axe you for your CV, the question was very simple, what is very hard to understand is phonically you appear to be a very young adult. say about 14. and FYI, no one who ever served in nam called it VN as far as i can remember.

You being 5, you have a short memory, not only of the VN, but the questions you ask. :lol::lol:
Should we believe you or an ABC News analysis?
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Denmark is a Socialist society. In the seventy-five years I've been alive and living in the U.S. I have met only one Dane. One. She was a lawyer here on government business and, while very pleasant and polite, told us she couldn't wait to go home.

"Danes do have one potential complaint: high taxes. The happiest people in the world pay some of the highest taxes in the world -- between 50 percent and 70 percent of their incomes. In exchange, the government covers all health care and education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita. With just 5.5 million people, the system is efficient, and people feel "tryghed" -- the Danish word for "tucked in" -- like a snug child"

Overtaxed and they have about as many people as the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

It is all a state of mind. You either want a better life and society to live in, or you don't. We chose to play war, they chose to put humans first.

WE chose to play war? Or radical islam?
"Danes do have one potential complaint: high taxes. The happiest people in the world pay some of the highest taxes in the world -- between 50 percent and 70 percent of their incomes. In exchange, the government covers all health care and education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita. With just 5.5 million people, the system is efficient, and people feel "tryghed" -- the Danish word for "tucked in" -- like a snug child"

Overtaxed and they have about as many people as the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

It is all a state of mind. You either want a better life and society to live in, or you don't. We chose to play war, they chose to put humans first.

I want a society where the only place Progressivism exists is in a Level IV BioContainment facility with other Slate cleaning viruses.

HAHA!! Nice!
Hmm, I live in a million dollar home I just bought this year in CA., and retired at 45 in 1990. I missed the communes, I was deep in the VN jungles trying to stay alive on my freedom lifestyle.

I dint axe you for your CV, the question was very simple, what is very hard to understand is phonically you appear to be a very young adult. say about 14. and FYI, no one who ever served in nam called it VN as far as i can remember.

14, 15 tops.

7-8 morning ball washes at best.

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