Socialism is coming: Are you Ready?


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Aug 27, 2010
Greedy Capitalists had enough rope for a lynching and managed to hang themselves. Socialism is on the advance regardless of the capitalist squealing and trillions of manipulation going no where. What will become of these capitalists, as their end approaches? Here is an honest answer from the socialist point of view.

Nearly three years since the breakdown of the US and global financial markets in 2008, not a single problem has been resolved and the economic and political turmoil is deepening.

In the US, health benefits are being slashed, public education gutted and social services eliminated, while the Obama administration prepares further budget cuts in excess of $4 trillion. With over 24 million American workers unemployed or underemployed, millions of families have been forced to declare bankruptcy and abandon their homes. In close collaboration with the government and the trade unions, US auto companies have cut the wages of new employees by 50 percent—to just $14 an hour, setting a precedent for every industry. American conditions are being driven so low that the US is now becoming a preferred cheap labour destination.

All the issues confronting the working class—social inequality, the assault on democratic rights, the dangers of climate change and the growth of militarism and war, threatening a new global conflagration—are manifestations of the failure of capitalism. The only progressive alternative is the fight for socialism. Nothing less than the fundamental socialist transformation of society globally can guarantee a future. The task now on the agenda is the fight for a workers’ government, which will take the commanding heights of the economy into social ownership, placing the banks and major corporations under the democratic control of the working class itself.
The Failure of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism Today
Right-wing extremists from Ronald Reagan to Bush-1 & 2, and with some subtle help from Bill (NAFTA) Clinton, have brought the American middle class to its knees and effectively ruined the Nation's economy. The only chance of salvaging our Democracy now is to adopt the same kind of socialist measures that pulled the U.S. out of the Great Depression, enabled the rise of the middle class and fostered the Union Movement.

I'm talking about an aggressively progressive income tax rate with a 90% ceiling and massive government job programs. Such a measure will implement the badly needed repair and revision of our shamefully neglected infrastructure, including the highway systems and the electrical grid, and give rise to new manufacturing industries.

The capitalists have had their day and what they've done to this Country is disgraceful. It's time for radical change.
Greedy Capitalists had enough rope for a lynching and managed to hang themselves. Socialism is on the advance regardless of the capitalist squealing and trillions of manipulation going no where. What will become of these capitalists, as their end approaches? Here is an honest answer from the socialist point of view.

Nearly three years since the breakdown of the US and global financial markets in 2008, not a single problem has been resolved and the economic and political turmoil is deepening.

In the US, health benefits are being slashed, public education gutted and social services eliminated, while the Obama administration prepares further budget cuts in excess of $4 trillion. With over 24 million American workers unemployed or underemployed, millions of families have been forced to declare bankruptcy and abandon their homes. In close collaboration with the government and the trade unions, US auto companies have cut the wages of new employees by 50 percent—to just $14 an hour, setting a precedent for every industry. American conditions are being driven so low that the US is now becoming a preferred cheap labour destination.

All the issues confronting the working class—social inequality, the assault on democratic rights, the dangers of climate change and the growth of militarism and war, threatening a new global conflagration—are manifestations of the failure of capitalism. The only progressive alternative is the fight for socialism. Nothing less than the fundamental socialist transformation of society globally can guarantee a future. The task now on the agenda is the fight for a workers’ government, which will take the commanding heights of the economy into social ownership, placing the banks and major corporations under the democratic control of the working class itself.
The Failure of Capitalism and the Fight for Socialism Today

Socialism is sitting in the Oval office--UPPS I mean on the golf course right now--:cuckoo:

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill


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