Social engineering via the left

Seriously, if you think I'm a leftist, it tells me all I need to know about the validity of your partisan views. You're an idiot drone.
You sound like a libertarian, which makes you far left if that's the case.
Yes. You're culture warrior. And you're killing our country.
It's not the culture war that's killing the country; it's communists winning the war that's killing the country. Libertarians who want the right to stop fighting are just useful idiots for the communists.
It's not the culture war that's killing the country; it's communists winning the war that's killing the country. Libertarians who want the right to stop fighting are just useful idiots for the communists.
Yep. And the left tells us exactly the same thing. Fuck all you partisans drones. You're shit.
Yep. And the left tells us exactly the same thing. Fuck all you partisans drones. You're shit.
I don't belong to, or support, any political party so I'm non-partisan. Communists understand why the culture war is critical to establishing their Utopia. Listen, and understand! Those communists are out there! They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and they absolutely will not stop, ever, until the world is communist!
The left doesn't understand the origin of the spectrum either.
Dude. . . you advocate for fascism. Culturally, you may bleev you are on the right, but economically? You are no different than the left. i.e., State capitalism.

Free men demand free markets and the ownership of private property, with a free market.

You are an insult to every read blooded American.

Even Lysander Spooner, Benjamin R. Tucker, Josiah Warren, Henry David Thoreau all agreed on this, and they were as far apart socially as we are today.


Chapter 7: The Gilded Age – Liberty and Democracy
Benjamin R. Tucker, State Socialism and Anarchism (1886)
Dude. . . you advocate for fascism.


Culturally, you may bleev you are on the right, but economically? You are no different than the left. i.e., State capitalism.

I don't believe in state capitalism. That's got nothing to do with fascism. You're thinking of communism. Fascists believe in the private ownership of the means of production. What we don't believe is that private property gives people the absolute right to do anything they want with their property. Heck, even libertarians place restrictions on what people can do with their property (e.g. you can't stab random people with a knife and claim that you can do it because your knife is your property). In addition to all the libertarian restrictions fascists say that you can't use your private property to undermine the interests of the nation.

Free men demand free markets and the ownership of private property, with a free market.

There's no such thing as a free market. Never has been and never will be. You're demanding a fantasy. Fascists believe in realistic markets.

You are an insult to every read blooded American.
Actually the Founding Fathers would be on my side more than yours. They didn't believe in unrestrained markets either. That's why the Constitution grants Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce, impose tariffs, regulate trade with other nations and Indian tribes, make bankruptcy laws, coin money, establish post offices, create intellectual property rights laws, etc.
Even Lysander Spooner, Benjamin R. Tucker, Josiah Warren, Henry David Thoreau all agreed on this, and they were as far apart socially as we are today.


Chapter 7: The Gilded Age – Liberty and Democracy
Benjamin R. Tucker, State Socialism and Anarchism (1886)
They were anarchists who enjoyed the fruits of statism.
I don't believe in state capitalism. That's got nothing to do with fascism.

Other economies with dirigiste characteristics​

"Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[23] However, the fascist systems created in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Japan, or Germany were a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[24]

Dirigisme has been brought up as a politico-economic scheme at odds with laissez-faire capitalism in the context of French overseas holdings. To varying degrees throughout the post-colonial period, countries such as Lebanon and Syria have been influenced by this motif.

See also​


Other economies with dirigiste characteristics​

"Economic dirigisme has been described as an inherent aspect of fascist economies by Hungarian author Iván T. Berend in his book An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe.[23] However, the fascist systems created in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Japan, or Germany were a varied mix of elements from numerous philosophies, including nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, corporatism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism.[24]

Dirigisme has been brought up as a politico-economic scheme at odds with laissez-faire capitalism in the context of French overseas holdings. To varying degrees throughout the post-colonial period, countries such as Lebanon and Syria have been influenced by this motif.

See also​

State capitalism and dirigisme are not the same thing.

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