So...You Believe America is "Still Here"???

The 'education joke' is you.
yes i got that point from you the first time we confronted each other on this board.

I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old.

anyways America is still here, its not going anywhere and the idea that it is weak is silly.

"I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old."

Seriously....I'm gonna take your advice, as soon as you graduate from junior high school.
As it stands now, the only way you find your way home each day is the bread crumbs.

I'm hoping that that level of maturity will inform your absurd opinion, i.e., that America hasn't lost out in the battle against encroaching big government.

But....I am the eternal optimist.

And another education are an enternal dumbass.
although many of us weren't around when shows like Leave it to Beaver/Dick Van Dyke/Twighlight Zone/Andy Griffin were in their prime, for most of us, that was America, who watches the reruns of those programs and wonders what ever happened to those times?

Maybe some people are very happy to be out of those times. I do like the portrayal of the simplicity of life in those shows;but life wasn't so simple and happy like that for a lot of people in this country at the time. Some people were being discriminated and subjugated against by the local governments and they didn't quite have it like "Leave it to Beaver". Of course a show named "Leave it to Beaver" would have a whole different connotation today, so yes America has changed! :lol:
yes i got that point from you the first time we confronted each other on this board.

I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old.

anyways America is still here, its not going anywhere and the idea that it is weak is silly.

"I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old."

Seriously....I'm gonna take your advice, as soon as you graduate from junior high school.
As it stands now, the only way you find your way home each day is the bread crumbs.

I'm hoping that that level of maturity will inform your absurd opinion, i.e., that America hasn't lost out in the battle against encroaching big government.

But....I am the eternal optimist.

And another education are an enternal dumbass.

Do you know the word "irony"?
"The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite,"

Irony would be an uneducated jackass applying the term "dumbass" to another.

Once've lived up to your comedic potential.
Very entertaining.

Now, hurry back next time you require another kick in the rump.
I've been around since 1950.

If anything, life has gotten better.

I've been around longer than that. Fought for this country. Served her for 22 years. This is NOT the country I grew up in.

I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".
I've been around since 1950.

If anything, life has gotten better.

I've been around longer than that. Fought for this country. Served her for 22 years. This is NOT the country I grew up in.

I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another.
"I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old."

Seriously....I'm gonna take your advice, as soon as you graduate from junior high school.
As it stands now, the only way you find your way home each day is the bread crumbs.

I'm hoping that that level of maturity will inform your absurd opinion, i.e., that America hasn't lost out in the battle against encroaching big government.

But....I am the eternal optimist.

And another education are an enternal dumbass.

Do you know the word "irony"?
"The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite,"

Irony would be an uneducated jackass applying the term "dumbass" to another.

Once've lived up to your comedic potential.
Very entertaining.

Now, hurry back next time you require another kick in the rump.
Hey no educational joke....your growing! Yay...someday maybe you will get out of those diapers.
Problems since 1950:
Too many people- thanks Pubs for fighting birth control AND a good SS/work ID every step of the way.
Health Care costs- Thanks Pubs for fighting intelligent, affordable, guaranteed health care every step of the way.
Since 1980: Thanks Pubs, for fighting for the rich and against the nonrich every step of the way, ruining the nonrich and the country.

Obama and the Dems are now turning the dumbazz ship around, BC and health care are fixed and will improve from now on. Too bad for Pub scammers and whackjobs.
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I've been around longer than that. Fought for this country. Served her for 22 years. This is NOT the country I grew up in.

I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another.

Why are you surprised? Is the truth surprising? What did I post that negates anything that is in bold above? The case of Loving vs. Virginia is NOT a "falsehood"...........
Corporations have been winning their war against Labor for several decades.

That's the only reason this country has gone downhill.

You older timers who wonder why your mom or grandmom was always home raising the kids, and dad was earning a living outside the home,

and now your own wives and daughters and granddaughters are almost all working to make the same ends meet,

that's what went wrong with this country. The Corporations drove down your earning power until one income wouldn't make it anymore.

Just as conservatives have always wanted it.

1. Let's see what the result is when another one of your posts comes up against fact:

a. Wages equal the marginal productivity of labor, meaning that the outcome in terms of income and wealth is a function of what one does. It is also a function of how many people do the same.

b. Babe Ruth, being asked how he felt holding out for a salary higher than that of the US President Hoover: “Why not, I had a better year than he did.”

2. So, as productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%.
Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," chapter nine.

Is that supposed to have something to do with the explosion in the number of 2 earner households in America in the last 30 years?

Is there a point low enough that the average American worker could earn where conservatives would finally say,

okay, that's good, we're happy now. That's low enough?

What is the conservative obsession with wanting to see the American working class poorer and poorer and poorer? What is that all about?
although many of us weren't around when shows like Leave it to Beaver/Dick Van Dyke/Twighlight Zone/Andy Griffin were in their prime, for most of us, that was America, who watches the reruns of those programs and wonders what ever happened to those times?

Nowadays, June Cleaver works at the Walmart to help make ends meet.
I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another.

Why are you surprised? Is the truth surprising? What did I post that negates anything that is in bold above? The case of Loving vs. Virginia is NOT a "falsehood"...........

"constitutionalism, liberal democracy,...capitalism, and freedom of religion."

These are the very antithesis of modern Liberalism.
Corporations have been winning their war against Labor for several decades.

That's the only reason this country has gone downhill.

You older timers who wonder why your mom or grandmom was always home raising the kids, and dad was earning a living outside the home,

and now your own wives and daughters and granddaughters are almost all working to make the same ends meet,

that's what went wrong with this country. The Corporations drove down your earning power until one income wouldn't make it anymore.

Just as conservatives have always wanted it.

1. Let's see what the result is when another one of your posts comes up against fact:

a. Wages equal the marginal productivity of labor, meaning that the outcome in terms of income and wealth is a function of what one does. It is also a function of how many people do the same.

b. Babe Ruth, being asked how he felt holding out for a salary higher than that of the US President Hoover: “Why not, I had a better year than he did.”

2. So, as productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%.
Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," chapter nine.

Is that supposed to have something to do with the explosion in the number of 2 earner households in America in the last 30 years?

Is there a point low enough that the average American worker could earn where conservatives would finally say,

okay, that's good, we're happy now. That's low enough?

What is the conservative obsession with wanting to see the American working class poorer and poorer and poorer? What is that all about?


Every quintile has lived better.

Standard of living has done nothing but improve.

In 1949, someone who worked minimum wage over the summer would have enough money to buy the following items from that year’s Sears’ catalogue: A Smith-Corona typewriter, Argus 21 35mm camera, Silvertone AM-FM table radio, and Silvertone 3-speed phonograph.

In 2009, the same person, working the same number of hours at minimum wage, would now be able to purchase: A Dell laptop computer, HP color ink printer, scanner, copier, Canon 8 megapixel digital camera, GPS system, 32” LCD HDTV television, 8GB iPod Nano, GE microwave, Haier refrigerator/freezer, Toshiba DVD/VCR combo, RCA home theater system, Uniden cordless phone, RCA AM/FM radio, Camcorder, Sony PlayStation 2, as well as several other things.
Mark J. Perry, “Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History,” CARPE DIEM: Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History

If you're seeking a factor that works against the average individual becoming's taxes.
"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another.

Why are you surprised? Is the truth surprising? What did I post that negates anything that is in bold above? The case of Loving vs. Virginia is NOT a "falsehood"...........

"constitutionalism, liberal democracy,...capitalism, and freedom of religion."

These are the very antithesis of modern Liberalism.

Lets addressed the alleged "falsehoods"; what do you think they were?
Why are you surprised? Is the truth surprising? What did I post that negates anything that is in bold above? The case of Loving vs. Virginia is NOT a "falsehood"...........

"constitutionalism, liberal democracy,...capitalism, and freedom of religion."

These are the very antithesis of modern Liberalism.

Lets addressed the alleged "falsehoods"; what do you think they were?

1.FDR ignored the Constitution

2. the people vote, Liberal judges throw out the result of the vote

3. Liberals hate capitalism, and endorse socialism....ObamaCare

4. Freedom of religion...hardly. The 'separation of Church and State' is the opposite of the words in the Constitution.

Modern Liberalism is actually socialism....the name changed by John Dewey.
"constitutionalism, liberal democracy,...capitalism, and freedom of religion."

These are the very antithesis of modern Liberalism.

Lets addressed the alleged "falsehoods"; what do you think they were?

1.FDR ignored the Constitution

2. the people vote, Liberal judges throw out the result of the vote

3. Liberals hate capitalism, and endorse socialism....ObamaCare

4. Freedom of religion...hardly. The 'separation of Church and State' is the opposite of the words in the Constitution.

Modern Liberalism is actually socialism....the name changed by John Dewey.
Ill let ops handle this amateur post but hahahahaHahHaahahahaah.
To return to the theme of the OP.....FDR selected a Sovieteophile, Rexford Tugwell....and the following is one more aspect that indicates where Tugwell stood.

1. A footnote, and a significant one: Tugwell was appointed first as Assistant Secretary and then in 1934 as Undersecretary of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Department of Agriculture was filled the Stalinists.

At a dinner party attended by members of the Department, William A. Wirt testified to Congress that members of the "Brain Trust" planned a revolution, to take over the country.
Rexford Tugwell was the leader of the movement to take over the country and undermine the Constitution.
St. Petersburg Times - Google News Archive Search

a. WASHINGTON, April lft (#> —Standing on tiptoe in his earnestness, Dr. William A. Wirt today singled out Rexford o. Tugwell, assistant secretary of agriculture, as the leader of a group that Wirt charges with plotting revolution. - 0830.pdf

2. . "Wirt claimed he had "discovered" evidence of a plot within FDR's administration to launch a Bolshevik takeover of the United States..... garnering all kind of media attention, and even testifying before Congress about his evidence of a "concrete plan" for the overthrow of the U.S. government crafted by members of FDR's "Brain Trusters." "Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of this revolution," he quoted them. (Kerensky was the provisional leader of Russia just before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution.) The hoodwinked president would be permitted to stay in office, they said, "until we are ready to supplant him with a Stalin." The Washington Monthly

These were the folks to whom our modern Liberals genuflect.
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Lets addressed the alleged "falsehoods"; what do you think they were?

1.FDR ignored the Constitution

2. the people vote, Liberal judges throw out the result of the vote

3. Liberals hate capitalism, and endorse socialism....ObamaCare

4. Freedom of religion...hardly. The 'separation of Church and State' is the opposite of the words in the Constitution.

Modern Liberalism is actually socialism....the name changed by John Dewey.
Ill let ops handle this amateur post but hahahahaHahHaahahahaah.

Always wise for you to step aside when the chore involves thinking.

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