So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:
Did trump say he would testify on TV, or did he just tell some of his aids that he might?
i wonder what he will say about Pelosi and Hunter
This is what he will do:

Which is what Eric Trump did:

He will never testify under oath.
We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:
"We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch."

That is not how it works.

He answers questions. That is all.

It is not a gossiping show.
Trump knows he's not as smart as the people on the committee. If he actually answers a question, they will just get him so confused till he doesn't know what to say. Better for him to just keep his dumb mouth shut.
Trump knows he's not as smart as the people on the committee. If he actually answers a question, they will just get him so confused till he doesn't know what to say. Better for him to just keep his dumb mouth shut.

The problem for Trump is the committee knows the details of Jan 6
As soon as Trump lies, he will be called on it

His lawyers would never allow Trump to testify under oath
I'm sure the Trump Camp is getting a huge number of suggestions on how to handle this subpoena, but here's mine (maybe he reads this site):

He should agree to testify, provided he is given a minimum of 20 minutes in the beginning to make a public statement, without interruption.

Then he goes in, makes his statement, stands up and walks out.

The statement is a concise, factual summary of the events leading up to, and including January 6th, 2021, including his directions to his minions, his expectations for the day, the precautions that he took and attempted to take, and so on.

It will cause a major kerfuffle when he walks out, but fie on any official who tries to stop him.

This will never happen, of course, he would be foolish to testify under oath in any forum controlled by Congressional Democrats.
I'm sure the Trump Camp is getting a huge number of suggestions on how to handle this subpoena, but here's mine (maybe he reads this site):

He should agree to testify, provided he is given a minimum of 20 minutes in the beginning to make a public statement, without interruption.

Then he goes in, makes his statement, stands up and walks out.

The statement is a concise, factual summary of the events leading up to, and including January 6th, 2021, including his directions to his minions, his expectations for the day, the precautions that he took and attempted to take, and so on.

It will cause a major kerfuffle when he walks out, but fie on any official who tries to stop him.

This will never happen, of course, he would be foolish to testify under oath in any forum controlled by Congressional Democrats.
Of course. Trump is an expert at lying. It's what he does best.
Trump knows he's not as smart as the people on the committee. If he actually answers a question, they will just get him so confused till he doesn't know what to say. Better for him to just keep his dumb mouth shut.
Could you air some clips of Trump being tongue tied and embarrased trying to answer a question, and making a fool of himself?

We have plenty of that from Karine Jean-Pierre and even Biden the rare times he is allowed to talk.
I'm sure the Trump Camp is getting a huge number of suggestions on how to handle this subpoena, but here's mine (maybe he reads this site):

He should agree to testify, provided he is given a minimum of 20 minutes in the beginning to make a public statement, without interruption.

Then he goes in, makes his statement, stands up and walks out.
He could refuse to answer any questions that involve and ongoing investigation or law-enforcement sensibilities. That's what the DNC/DOJ/FBI does when under oath in front of Congress.
The statement is a concise, factual summary of the events leading up to, and including January 6th, 2021, including his directions to his minions, his expectations for the day, the precautions that he took and attempted to take, and so on.

It will cause a major kerfuffle when he walks out, but fie on any official who tries to stop him.

This will never happen, of course, he would be foolish to testify under oath in any forum controlled by Congressional Democrats.
No matter what the Dems agree to, they will cheat. The media will say that they did not cheat, with some silly spin just be saying something.

Deja vu.

If he were allowed an opening statement, the media would delay it claiming that they have to check for disinformation, and then only air the committee questions, which will be long speeches that end with "isn't that true?" or some such. As soon as Trump starts to answer, Schiff or that other idiot will gavel him down and say that they questioner's time is up.
Could you air some clips of Trump being tongue tied and embarrased trying to answer a question, and making a fool of himself?

We have plenty of that from Karine Jean-Pierre and even Biden the rare times he is allowed to talk.
If either of those people are called to testify, it won't be at the same time as trump. Trump knows he just isn't smart enough to stand up to questioning. If he appears (I highly doubt it) he will keep his mouth shut and take the 5th.
He could refuse to answer any questions that involve and ongoing investigation or law-enforcement sensibilities. That's what the DNC/DOJ/FBI does when under oath in front of Congress.

No matter what the Dems agree to, they will cheat. The media will say that they did not cheat, with some silly spin just be saying something.

Deja vu.

If he were allowed an opening statement, the media would delay it claiming that they have to check for disinformation, and then only air the committee questions, which will be long speeches that end with "isn't that true?" or some such. As soon as Trump starts to answer, Schiff or that other idiot will gavel him down and say that they questioner's time is up.
Doesn't trump have rallys to tell all the stories he wants to tell?

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