So where did Obama come up with 6 million new jobs???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama in State of union said: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

OBAMA where did you get 6 million new jobs when your own labor statistics still show 2+ million LESS employed then were employed in 2007?

There have NEVER BEEN AND NEW jobs created since 2006 when 1.5 million more people were working then the year before!

So where did he get 6 million new jobs???

Read more: Transcript of Obama's State of the Union speech | Fox News
FACTS about total employment FROM the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

jobs at number of
year end new workers % increase
  • 2000...... 131,785 2,792 2.16%
  • 2001...... 131,826 41 0.03% bust, 9/11 occurred $5 trillion in real losses, 18,000 businesses
  • 2002...... 130,341 -1,485 -1.13% 9/11 residual losses
  • 2003...... 129,999 -342 -0.26% tax cuts began
  • 2004...... 131,435 1,436 1.10%
  • 2005...... 133,703 2,268 1.73%
  • 2006...... 136,086 2,383 1.78%
  • 2007...... 137,598 1,512 1.11%
  • 2008...... 136,790 -808 -0.59%
  • 2009...... 130,807 -5,983 -4.37% absolute worst losses in in 28 years!
  • 2010...... 129,818 -989 -0.76%
  • 2011...... 131,159 1,341 +1.03%
  • 2012...... 134,825 3,666 +2.7%

STILL 2,773,000 fewer people working in 2012 then in 2007 when 137,598,000 people were working!
So Obama is again shading or OVERREACHING OK lying!
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He cherry-picked his information.

Even has been calling him on it and they give him a lot of latitude with his claims.
He picked what he wanted his sheep to hear. Hell, they do not know any better.. There has been that many jobs created, but does not count how many were lost! Hell, you can make anyone look good, its jusy how you go about it
More imaginary numbers. The truth is that we are down 8.3 million jobs from when he got elected. He has created 300 govt jobs a day since he took office at $150k a year each, mostly useless, un-needed jobs, so that is millions more tax dollars that wont go to help anyone or do anything...if people on the left start looking up actual facts instead of reading propaganda on left wing sites they would stop supporting the left in DC. As it is the leftist American usually doesn't support most of what the leftist extremist in DC support, but they assume they do...
He cherry picks like nobody's business.. and this was shown when his SOTU was fact checked to show that in EVERY area of the speech, he manipulated, cherry picked, or flat out lied
Six million new jobs??

Same place as when he told us that you can keep your doctor and HC plan if you like it.

Must be The same place as when he told us that if couldn't fix the economy in his first term he didn't deserve a second.

Also must be The same place as when he told us no one making less $250K a year would see taxes go up.

Oh yeah and my all time fav one, He will have the most transparant administration in history. HOpe and change doncha know.

He's blowing smoke out his ass. As usual.
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Non farm payroll jobs were at their lowest in February 2010 at 129,320,000 total and 106,850,000 private sector. As of January 2013, there are 134,825,000 total non-farm payroll jobs and 112,961,000 private sector jobs for a net change of +5.5 million total and +6.1 million private sector.

Note that Obama has always used the private sector jobs number and the reference point of February 2010. So while it is cherry picking, the number is legit and he has been consistant.

What he doesn't mention, of course, is that from Jan 2009 to Feb 2010, we lost 4.2 million private sector jobs so net gain for his time is only 1.9 million. And since we lost 4.6 million private sector jobs under Bush, we're still 2.7 million private sector jobs less than when the recession started.

Timeline: Recession starts Jan 2008: 115,668,000 private sector jobs
Obama takes office Jan 2009: 111,048,000 private sector jobs (- 4.62 million)
Job losses bottom out Feb 2010: 106,850,000 private sector jobs (-4.198 million since Obama took office, -8.8 million since recession started)
Currently, Jan 2013: 112,961,000 private sector jobs (+6.1 million since bottom, +1.9 million since Obama took office, -2.7 million since recession started).

Those are the facts, any particular interpretation and choice of numbers is open to spin by both parties.
More imaginary numbers. The truth is that we are down 8.3 million jobs from when he got elected. He has created 300 govt jobs a day since he took office at $150k a year each,

You're right, you are giving us imaginary numbers. Did you really think anyone would believe your made up crap? Since Obama took office, total government jobs have dropped 731,000, Federal jobs have dropped 6,000, and Federal jobs excluding the Post Office went up 130,200. Hardly 300 a day. And $150K/year? Over 400,000 new senior executive jobs you're claiming. Love to see you back that up.

Things are bad enough, do people really have to make up shit to make him look worse?
After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

Context is everything

Key words.....AFTER the recession
He cherry picks like nobody's business.. and this was shown when his SOTU was fact checked to show that in EVERY area of the speech, he manipulated, cherry picked, or flat out lied

He pulled it out of his ass, like everything else.

Some throw runes. Some consult tarot cards. obama divines through the holy turds in his toilet every day.
where did Obama get his numbers from, plucked them out of his ass, the same with $9 hour minimum wage..

The worst liar ever, he beats Bill Clinton for lying hands down, but his base doesn't care
After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

Context is everything

Key words.....AFTER the recession

Kinda like someone saying "I was 50000 in the black last year" while neglecting to say 'after I borrowed 100K from my mom and spent all of my 25K salary on a car, beer, a vacation, a wishing well, and the casino'

It is cherry picking and misleading
After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

Context is everything

Key words.....AFTER the recession

That's still misleading....the recession officially ended June-July 2009. We continued to bleed jobs, around 1 million, until Feb 2010, which is Obama's reference point of job gains.
I don't know why it is so complicated to understand!

In 2007 the USA had the most employed people in history. 137,598,000.

In 2012 there were 134,825,000.

Subtracted from 137,598,000 leaves 2,773,000 less people working.

So where are the 6 million new jobs???
After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

Context is everything

Key words.....AFTER the recession

Kinda like someone saying "I was 50000 in the black last year" while neglecting to say 'after I borrowed 100K from my mom and spent all of my 25K salary on a car, beer, a vacation, a wishing well, and the casino'

It is cherry picking and misleading

Context is everything

Obama did not say I created 6 million new jobs, he said business created new jobs

Business is not tied to any election cycle

Obama is correct in saying that business has created 6 million new jobs. It should also be noted that government has shed jobs during this period
I saw a breakdown on this the other day, I'll see if I can find it..

but it said IF we had 1million new jobs under Obama it would a shocker
After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."

Context is everything

Key words.....AFTER the recession

Kinda like someone saying "I was 50000 in the black last year" while neglecting to say 'after I borrowed 100K from my mom and spent all of my 25K salary on a car, beer, a vacation, a wishing well, and the casino'

It is cherry picking and misleading

Context is everything

Obama did not say I created 6 million new jobs, he said business created new jobs

Business is not tied to any election cycle

Obama is correct in saying that business has created 6 million new jobs. It should also be noted that government has shed jobs during this period

And he is doing it in such a way and a stale in his SOTU speech to make it look to the mindless drones that it is because of him....

It must also be known that the federal government (outside of the post office which is sinking faster than the Lusitania) did not shed jobs.. and including the post office, it has only shed a very few jobs.. it is the state, county, city, and local governments (that Obama nor the fed has no control over) that has shed the jobs
Every time obama says "Let me be clear" the next thing out of his mouth is going to be a monumental lie.

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