So when exactly


unbannable non-troll
May 29, 2009
theartching thapphireth
did it actually happen?

the shift from:

the TBag-fuelled midterm narcosis of a ham sandwich can beat obama in 2012


the wild-eyed, election fraud preemptive whining, dooms-day conjuring, the libruls sabotaged our messiahs, the media is against us, scattered pathetic, cut-off head running around of today?

was it when trump failed in nailing obama on his birf ferfiticate?

was it when obama killed osama?

was it when palin posted something irrelevant on facebook? lol

was it when messiah perry had to "debate"?

was it when herb cain was trying to asplain his journey to the white hoes?

was it when newt was the last newtered clown standing against the romney-bot?

did i mention that i enjoy this primary season.

and to think that michele bachmann was the frontrunner sometime. hahaha

i know it is hard to answer this riddle.

but i laughed my ass off when i saw the clown car arriving.

santorum, hahah. i read the savage truth in 2005.

i saw the santorum family pouting in 2006, hahhah. largest margin of defeat, hahahahahah.
did you know that the romneys took a vacation and strapped their dog BARNEY onto the roof of their car?

mittikowksi even stated that he found the story funny, finding all the angst-diarrhea spread on the roof and back of the family clown car.
i apologize about the smear on mittens.

the dog was not named BARNEY,

his name was SEAMUS; and he was an IRISH SETTLER.

at least that is what i heard.
i also noticed the following.

no rebuttal has been given.

that means

1. a) you
b) are
2. afraid.

3. you will never get into my

5. pants

6.your mom
did it actually happen?

the shift from:

the TBag-fuelled midterm narcosis of a ham sandwich can beat obama in 2012


the wild-eyed, election fraud preemptive whining, dooms-day conjuring, the libruls sabotaged our messiahs, the media is against us, scattered pathetic, cut-off head running around of today?

was it when trump failed in nailing obama on his birf ferfiticate?

was it when obama killed osama?

was it when palin posted something irrelevant on facebook? lol

was it when messiah perry had to "debate"?

was it when herb cain was trying to asplain his journey to the white hoes?

was it when newt was the last newtered clown standing against the romney-bot?

did i mention that i enjoy this primary season.

and to think that michele bachmann was the frontrunner sometime. hahaha


Hey! I still like Michelle. In the end it will still be Anyone but Obama. I like Primary Season too. We just need to get past the Chaos phase, which you all so much like to fuel?

So... what are you drinking??? White Russians? :)
i also noticed the following.

no rebuttal has been given.

that means

1. a) you
b) are
2. afraid.

3. you will never get into my

5. pants

6.your mom

Wow. You are in a good mood. Do we really want to know what is in your pants? Does HAZMAT? Homeland Security? :eusa_hand:
but we all keep forgetting ron paul.

surely he could deliver you from your misery.


I like People that can liven up debate and talk about hard issues. He is good in that. What I don't want is a Rhino, 3 degrees right of Barry or Chairman Mao running the Country. We are past our limit. Hey.... Watch out for Drones. :D

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