So What Is Really Driving Inflation?


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The biggest culprit for rising prices that's not being talked about is the increasing economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few giant big corporations with the power to raise prices.

If markets were competitive, companies would seek to keep their prices down in order to maintain customer loyalty and demand. When the prices of their supplies rose, they'd cut their profits before they raised prices to their customers, for fear that otherwise a competitor would grab those customers away.

But strange enough, this isn't happening. In fact, even in the face of supply constraints, corporations are raking in record profits. More than 80 percent of big (S&P 500) companies that have reported results this season have topped analysts' earnings forecasts, according to Refinitiv.

Obviously, supply constraints have not eroded these profits. Corporations are simply passing the added costs on to their customers. Many are raising their prices even further, and pocketing even more.

How can this be? For a simple and obvious reason: Most don't have to worry about competitors grabbing their customers away. They have so much market power they can relax and continue to rake in big money.

The underlying structural problem isn't that government is over-stimulating the economy. It's that big corporations are under competitive.

The real globalists, Reagan Republicans of the 1980's, that cheered the deregulation, allowing companies to become globalist multinationals, to bust American unions. Are now crying because "Globalism" is costing them more at store. And if you're upset about the price of gas, just remember, the oil companies are sitting on 13.9 million acres of public land, that they are refusing to drill on, because the government won't give them even more.
The news says COVID.

People, mostly housewives, quit the workforce. A lot of jobs are unfilled.

Employers raise wages in the hopes of hiring someone.

So they have to raise the price of what they produce to pay those wages.

etc, etc.
The biggest culprit for rising prices that's not being talked about is the increasing economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few giant big corporations with the power to raise prices.

If markets were competitive, companies would seek to keep their prices down in order to maintain customer loyalty and demand. When the prices of their supplies rose, they'd cut their profits before they raised prices to their customers, for fear that otherwise a competitor would grab those customers away.

But strange enough, this isn't happening. In fact, even in the face of supply constraints, corporations are raking in record profits. More than 80 percent of big (S&P 500) companies that have reported results this season have topped analysts' earnings forecasts, according to Refinitiv.

Obviously, supply constraints have not eroded these profits. Corporations are simply passing the added costs on to their customers. Many are raising their prices even further, and pocketing even more.

How can this be? For a simple and obvious reason: Most don't have to worry about competitors grabbing their customers away. They have so much market power they can relax and continue to rake in big money.

The underlying structural problem isn't that government is over-stimulating the economy. It's that big corporations are under competitive.

The real globalists, Reagan Republicans of the 1980's, that cheered the deregulation, allowing companies to become globalist multinationals, to bust American unions. Are now crying because "Globalism" is costing them more at store. And if you're upset about the price of gas, just remember, the oil companies are sitting on 13.9 million acres of public land, that they are refusing to drill on, because the government won't give them even more.
It's not rocket science, Skews! At least it isn't to anyone who's taken basic Macro Economics. When you pump Trillions of dollars into an economy you have more money chasing the same amount of goods and the cost of those goods goes up. Then you throw in the supply chain fiasco caused by this Administration's total lack of a plan to address the bottlenecks and you've got even fewer goods to meet the demand generated by all of that money you've injected into the economy which makes prices go even higher!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining why any rational person would be calling for Trillions MORE in government spending? That makes sense to you?
The news says COVID.

People, mostly housewives, quit the workforce. A lot of jobs are unfilled.

Employers raise wages in the hopes of hiring someone.

So they have to raise the price of what they produce to pay those wages.

etc, etc.
It's not rocket science, Skews! At least it isn't to anyone who's taken basic Macro Economics. When you pump Trillions of dollars into an economy you have more money chasing the same amount of goods and the cost of those goods goes up. Then you throw in the supply chain fiasco caused by this Administration's total lack of a plan to address the bottlenecks and you've got even fewer goods to meet the demand generated by all of that money you've injected into the economy which makes prices go even higher!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining why any rational person would be calling for Trillions MORE in government spending? That makes sense to you?
But that simple answer doesn't give him and the hack-a-rama at Raw Sewage a chance to blame republicans.
It's not rocket science, Skews! At least it isn't to anyone who's taken basic Macro Economics. When you pump Trillions of dollars into an economy you have more money chasing the same amount of goods and the cost of those goods goes up. Then you throw in the supply chain fiasco caused by this Administration's total lack of a plan to address the bottlenecks and you've got even fewer goods to meet the demand generated by all of that money you've injected into the economy which makes prices go even higher!

So did you want to take a crack at explaining why any rational person would be calling for Trillions MORE in government spending? That makes sense to you?
This govt. is not the capitalist's which controls the means of production and distribution. If there is a shortage of a product it is not because the govt. has failed to product a product. If there is a supply issue it is not the govt's domain to make sure your rubber ducky from China arrives for your self indulgent pleasure.
The biggest culprit for rising prices that's not being talked about is the increasing economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few giant big corporations with the power to raise prices.

If markets were competitive, companies would seek to keep their prices down in order to maintain customer loyalty and demand. When the prices of their supplies rose, they'd cut their profits before they raised prices to their customers, for fear that otherwise a competitor would grab those customers away.

But strange enough, this isn't happening. In fact, even in the face of supply constraints, corporations are raking in record profits. More than 80 percent of big (S&P 500) companies that have reported results this season have topped analysts' earnings forecasts, according to Refinitiv.

Obviously, supply constraints have not eroded these profits. Corporations are simply passing the added costs on to their customers. Many are raising their prices even further, and pocketing even more.

How can this be? For a simple and obvious reason: Most don't have to worry about competitors grabbing their customers away. They have so much market power they can relax and continue to rake in big money.

The underlying structural problem isn't that government is over-stimulating the economy. It's that big corporations are under competitive.

The real globalists, Reagan Republicans of the 1980's, that cheered the deregulation, allowing companies to become globalist multinationals, to bust American unions. Are now crying because "Globalism" is costing them more at store. And if you're upset about the price of gas, just remember, the oil companies are sitting on 13.9 million acres of public land, that they are refusing to drill on, because the government won't give them even more.

The reason oil and gas producers sit on undeveloped leases is to pad the assets column on their books to make themselves more attractive to investors.
Even when he's (kind of) trying to be serious, the stoopit just oozes out of the yellow butthead! :laughing0301:

You inability to do anything but insult shows you have no idea wtf is going on. You and your kind can't even identify the governmental functions and what capitalism does or how it is established, you failed to show any type of organized critical thinking. Let us blame Biden or any president is a half assed margin of a worthlessness..
Trump's not the president.
Brandon's handlers are, how are they going to fix it?
The same way Trump did, do nothing but give empty platitudes when we went through the pandemic in which Trump stopped society and commerce for his National Health Emergency. You see what is happening today was caused by past actions not forward actions and I know you think that Biden is the man who should get the blame because he is president well Trump can live under the same auspice when he was president.

But, the biggest laugh is when you idiots think we actually are a socialist/fascist/communist nation because there is no way you could include capitalist into this mess all you short sighted dumbasses can do is say, Go Biden....
I think inflation is caused my the Middle Class having too much disposable income ... long past time to raise taxes on these uppity folk ... put them back into their place by driving them into poverty ...

Massive tax breaks for the Rich is why people want to be Rich ... duh ...
You're an idiot, but everyone one here has known that for years.
Spending and inflation doesn't care what you spent it on it's the mere fact it was spent. As long as you have a blind biased Mod you can say and do ass you like in any thread.
We have to pay for the last 20 years of war some way. Rather than blame it on ourselves, lets blame the gubmut.

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