So, What Happened?

I watched election night all night long live with Greg Hunter's podcast and others.....after Trump won Florida is when the 'steal' went into full operation. Starting in Virginia, and then Pa, Ga, Mich and the others we've all heard about.

While (R) watchdogs were routinely locked out of ballot counting areas, thousands of blank and mail ins went to Biden overnight, Dominion counting algorithms were manipiulated - testified to by military cyber-experts. ….the media, consistently a part of the whole operation.
Agree. It was unreal how five (5!) states simultaneously screamed “halt!” when Trump was ahead, let hours go by while they waited for truckloads or ballots marked 100% for Biden (a statistical impossibility) to arrive, kept the Republican observers at a distance, started the count again, and voila! Biden is ahead in all those states.
Agree. It was unreal how five (5!) states simultaneously screamed “halt!” when Trump was ahead, let hours go by while they waited for truckloads or ballots marked 100% for Biden (a statistical impossibility) to arrive, kept the Republican observers at a distance, started the count again, and voila! Biden is ahead in all those states.
Never actually happened
But makes a good fairy tale

What really happened was the election went just as Trump planned

Have his voters vote in person while Republican legislatures block early counting of absentee ballots.

That way, when he appears to have an early lead, he can claim victory in that state. When the cities and absentee votes start to swing the other way…..Trump can claim he was cheated
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Yeah,.. but dead people shouldn't count.
Tell that to the Trump voters….
Really? Internet threats? Truly sad.

60+ lawsuits claiming fraud

LOST or THROWN OUT due to ZERO evidence.

& the icing on the cake was the ninja turtles' fraudit coming back with the results showing BIDEN WON by even MORE votes than originally tallied.

ha ha. neener neener.... &

too fucking bad.





2021 Joseph R. Biden Jr. Executive Orders​

view all Presidential Documents

In 2021, Joseph R. Biden Jr. published 66 executive orders (from EO 13985 through EO 14050).

all the ones that state the words: 'supersedes or revokes ' means president tinkles' EOs are now NULL & VOID.

Never actually happened
But makes a good fairy tale

What really happened was the election went just as Trump planned

Have his voters vote in person while Republican legislatures block early counting of absentee ballots.

That way, when he appears to have an early lead, he can claim victory in that state. When the cities and absentee votes start to swing the other way…..Trump can claim he was cheated
Yeah, that’s the fairy tale the libs keep saying.

Doesn't explain how truckloads of ballots arrived, after the halt was called, where 3 went for Trump and 9,997 went for Biden. Statistically impossible.

Doesn‘t explain how the ex-con hired by the Dems to count the votes in Georgia called a halt, sent all Republicans home, and then she, her daughter, and another liberal pulled suitcases of ballots that were hidden under the table, and ran them through the counter - and sometimes more than once,
Yeah, that’s the fairy tale the libs keep saying.

Doesn't explain how truckloads of ballots arrived, after the halt was called, where 3 went for Trump and 9,997 went for Biden. Statistically impossible.

Doesn‘t explain how the ex-con hired by the Dems to count the votes in Georgia called a halt, sent all Republicans home, and then she, her daughter, and another liberal pulled suitcases of ballots that were hidden under the table, and ran them through the counter - and sometimes more than once,

The "suitcases" under the table were the sealed, approved containers for the absentee ballots. Which, according to Georgia law, cannot be counted until after all the ballots cast during the regular election day are counted.

I have seen a lot of people claim something is "statistically impossible". That is bullshit. It might be unusual, but that is it. Statistics are based on previous elections. Given the circumstances of the 2020 election, that is largely meaningless. And statistics do not cover the fact that each vote is cast by an individual with complete autonomy.

Also, given President Trump's response to the epidemic, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of absentee ballots would go against him.
The "suitcases" under the table were the sealed, approved containers for the absentee ballots. Which, according to Georgia law, cannot be counted until after all the ballots cast during the regular election day are counter.

I have seen a lot of people claim something is "statistically impossible". That is bullshit. It might be unusual, but that is it. Statistics are based on previous elections. Given the circumstances of the 2020 election, that is largely meaningless. And statistics do not cover the fact that each vote is cast by an individual with complete autonomy.

Also, given President Trump's response to the epidemic, it is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of absentee ballots would go against him.
So explain why they didn’t take the suitcases out from under the tables until they claimed they had to halt the count and send people home because of a water pipe break. It was then and only then that the ex-con took the hidden suitcases out in the middle of the night and ran them through the countEd.

And of course there is validity to something being statistically impossible. I live in a very liberal area of a Democrat-controlled East Coast City, and there is no way you could randomly collect 10,000 ballots and have everyone go for one candidate and not the other.

And finally, Trump responded better to the pandemic than Demented Joe would have. You are just ignorant of the many ways Trump did well on this because the liberal media hid them from you.
So explain why they didn’t take the suitcases out from under the tables until they claimed they had to halt the count and send people home because of a water pipe break. It was then and only then that the ex-con took the hidden suitcases out in the middle of the night and ran them through the countEd.

And of course there is validity to something being statistically impossible. I live in a very liberal area of a Democrat-controlled East Coast City, and there is no way you could randomly collect 10,000 ballots and have everyone go for one candidate and not the other.

And finally, Trump responded better to the pandemic than Demented Joe would have. You are just ignorant of the many ways Trump did well on this because the liberal media hid them from you.

No way? If everyone voted for one candidate it is very possible.

I did not say anything about how Biden has responded to the pandemic. And since the discussion is about what happened in the 2020 election (2 months before Biden was sworn in) it is irrelevant. The fact is that the dems were clamoring for absentee ballots to avoid going in person to vote during the pandemic. And the repubs were pushing their party to vote in person.

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