So what happened to all the "Do You Trust The FBI or Mueller" Polls?

Do you trust Mueller to Investigate All Russian Collusion Including Her Own with Russian Spies?

  • Yes, Mueller will prove he is honest by Investigating The Dirty Russian Dossier.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, Mueller & The FBI will Ignore that Obama & Clinton colluded with Russia to get The Dossier

    Votes: 5 100.0%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I think it's strange when people opposed to Trump were trying to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel to investigate all the non Russian Collusion Crimes, that there was constant polling on this.

I haven't seen any polling on this for nearly a year.

That's because imp, trending was going South both for The FBI and Mueller, so no one wanted to see those dismal numbers.... No one on The Left....or on the Never Trump side.

Not sure I can change a poll title. Meant Clinton's Russian Collusion to obtain The DIrty Dossier prepared by Russian Intelligence to be used as a weapon against President Trump.
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83% of Republicans call Mueller a Scam.
63% of all respondents think DemNazis should drop Russian Collusion Scam and focus on Legislating instead of investigating TRUMP.

And this is from your source which is suspect itself because CBS conducted it, and only 1,000 people responded over three calls placed during normal work hours.

This was not even a poll about trusting Mueller or The FBI.


83% of Republicans call Mueller a Scam.
63% of all respondents think DemNazis should drop Russian Collusion Scam and focus on Legislating instead of investigating TRUMP.

And this is from your source which is suspect itself because CBS conducted it.
Didnt you claim that no polls were being done? :rolleyes:

"I haven't seen any polling on this for nearly a year."
Nope Derp de Derp.

I said No Polls about America Trusting Mueller or The FBI to be unbiased and fair (implied).

83% of Republicans call Mueller a Scam.
63% of all respondents think DemNazis should drop Russian Collusion Scam and focus on Legislating instead of investigating TRUMP.

And this is from your source which is suspect itself because CBS conducted it, and only 1,000 people responded over three calls placed during normal work hours.

This was not even a poll about trusting Mueller or The FBI.

Why ask for one then? Make one up.

83% of Republicans call Mueller a Scam.
63% of all respondents think DemNazis should drop Russian Collusion Scam and focus on Legislating instead of investigating TRUMP.

And this is from your source which is suspect itself because CBS conducted it.
Didnt you claim that no polls were being done? :rolleyes:

"I haven't seen any polling on this for nearly a year."
Nope Derp de Derp.

I said No Polls about America Trusting Mueller or The FBI to be unbiased and fair (implied).
So youre saying that more americans backing Muellers probe means they dont trust him? :rolleyes:
I would suggest that this type of polling is why they quit polling America for these kinds of opinions.

The math shows that about 60% of The Rest of America does not trust The FBI vs. Democrats when you add Republicans and Independents together..

America No Longer Trusts The FBI to be fair and unbiased, and believe that The FBI is politically compromised from The Obama Administration.

And this was a poll from over a year ago when people still kinda trusted The FBI and before we found out about The Soft COUP plotted by Obama and Clinton Lackeys in The FBI and DOJ. Try to find a similar poll now, and you can't. The numbers are worse, or they'd be polling this shit ever week.

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Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

A Rasmussen poll shows that a plurality of 49 percent of those polled want a special prosecutor to investigate the embattled FBI, while only 31 percent do not. Another 19 percent are on the fence.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
I would suggest that this type of polling is why they quit polling America for these kinds of opinions.

The math shows that about 60% of America when you add Republicans and Independents together..

No Longer Trust The FBI to be fair and unbiased, and believe that The FBI is politically compromised from The Obama Administration.

And this was a poll from over a year ago when people still kinda trusted The FBI and before we found out about The Soft COUP plotted by Obama and Clinton Lackeys in The FBI and DOJ. Try to find a similar poll now, and you can't. The numbers are worse, or they'd be polling this shit ever week.


So why do you make such a big deal of of things no one trusts? Why pay any heed at all to shit you know is manipulated?
Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
Yeah well, can't trust polls so ......
Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
The faith that has been lost is the faith in the political and economic system itself.
Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
Thats a fake poll from a fake source.
Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
Thats a fake poll from a fake source.

It's been shown to be one of the more accurate polls.
Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
Thats a fake poll from a fake source.

It's been shown to be one of the more accurate polls.
Breifbart polls are fake.
Ahh..... here is a more recent poll. They are hard to find, and never talked about on TV, and hard to search for. I had to use DuckDuckGo.

The issue of a special prosecutor looking into the FBI is not even as partisan as one might imagine.

While 62 percent of Republicans want the FBI investigated, a 49 percent plurality of unaffiliated voters agree. Democrats are almost equally divided on the issue, with 38 percent wanting an investigation, and only 40 percent saying no. A percentage of 22 percent of Democrats are on the fence.

As far as those missing text messages, only 31 percent believe the FBI’s explanation that it was an honest mistake. A solid majority of 58 percent believe the FBI is hiding something, that “it is likely that the FBI or the agent in question destroyed those messages to hide something from investigators.”

On the issue of Comey and his FBI cronies letting Clinton off scot-free, 64 percent of all voters believe “Clinton is likely to have broken the law by sending and receiving e-mails containing classified information through a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of State.”

That data point also points to the erosion of trust the public has for the FBI. Fourteen months ago, only 53 percent disagreed with the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Clinton.

NEW POLL: Overwhelming Number of Americans want Crooked FBI Investigated
Thats a fake poll from a fake source.

It's been shown to be one of the more accurate polls.
Breifbart polls are fake.

That poll was not conducted by Breitbart.

It was conducted by RASMUSSEN

The trending has being going Negative against The FBI for over a year.

That's what happens when you plot COUPS, manufacture evidence, and engage in witch hunts and charge people with petty process crimes, and do Pre Dawn Swat Style aids on 80 year old men in their PJs at gunpoint.
Mueller has spent more money on his investigation than Liberia spends on their entire country's National Defense

Here are the countries Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million

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